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Courses Conducted in English
Course title: Instructor:  
Class schedule: Not limited Limited: Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat.  
Course Unit: Not limited  
      Limited: 0 7:10~8:00 1 8:10~9:00 2 9:10~10:00 3 10:20~11:10 4 11:20~12:10 5 12:20~13:10 6 13:20~14:10
            7 14:20~15:10 8 15:30~16:20 9 16:30~17:20 10 17:30~18:20 A 18:25~19:15 B 19:20~20:10 C 20:15~21:05 D 21:10~22:00
Each page shows the number of courses
2841 courses found in total: <<PREV PAGE  NEXT PAGE>>
serial numberDesignated forCurriculum NumberClassCourse title
Please click 'Course title' to get the Course Syllabus.
Specialization ProgramCreditsCurriculum Identity NumberFull/Half
InstructorSelection methodSchedule
The upper limit of the number of studentsLimits on Course-adding/droppingRemarksCourse
Courses I Plan to Take This Semester
97003 PE2003D8 Fitness (1) 1.0002E50020HalfRequiredTSE-CHING LIANG2 Tue6,7DANCING ROOM IN GYMNASIUM(綜館舞蹈室)44Restriction: Gym level 2,The upper limit of the number of NTU students: 44.The course is conducted in English。description of the course conducted in English  Cool
◎How to Add this Course (The number in the column indicates how you can add the course during the course add/drop period):
'1' -- There is no upper limit of the number of students in the course. You are free to add the course online.
'2' - The Instructor's authorization is required in order to add the course.
'3' - The waiting list will be taken until further notice.
**Conditions and Limitations and those listed in ***Notes are only applicable in Pre-registration. They are not applicable in the course add/drop period after courses begin. (Exceptions: Teacher's Education Program, EMBA and Professional and Continuing Education Program).
◎Liberal education courses marked in yellow are subsidized with teaching assistants (TAs) and discussion or recitation session.
◎ The icon indicates the classroom is accessible facility which can be reached by elevator.
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