Prerequisite Course Information

Curriculum Number: CIE1016
Curriculum Identity Number: 501 12020
Course title: Engineering Mathematics 2
Students who should take the prerequisite: undergraduates in all other departments
The prerequisite will be processedaccording to the course number.
Conditions Prerequisite course title and numberMinimal qualifying gradeCan the prerequisite be
concurrently taken in the same semester?
Conditions1MATH4006 (201 49810)CALCULUS (1)60No
MATH4007 (201 49820)CALCULUS (2)60No
Conditions2MATH1201 (201 101A1)Calculus (general Mathematics) (a)(1)60No
Explanations for the conditions:
1、There are two ways the prerequisite will be processed:
 1. According to the course number: The course number of the prerequisite should be identical.
 2. According to the course title: The course title of the prerequisite should be identical.
2、You should fulfill EITHER condition. For each condition, you should take ALL the prerequisites.
3、The minimal qualifying grade is used to determine the minimal passing grade qualified for taking the course requiring the prerequisite. For example, if 「0」 is shown in the box, it means that you are qualified as long as you have taken the prerequisite (except for withdrawal). If 「60」 is
 shown, it means you at least need to obtain a semester grade of 60 or above for the prerequisite.
4、If the prerequisite can be concurrently taken in the same semester (i.e. 'yes' in the box), that means that the prerequisite, if not taken prior to the upcoming semester,
 can be taken in the same semester together with the course requiring the prerequisite.
Remarks:Should you have any questions about the prerequisite, please contact(DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING )