課程名稱 |
英文(附一小時英聽)一 Freshman English (with 1-hour Aural Training)(Ⅰ) |
開課學期 |
105-1 |
授課對象 |
生物資源暨農學院 |
授課教師 |
何泰鈞 |
課號 |
FL1007 |
課程識別碼 |
102E83310 |
班次 |
43 |
學分 |
3 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
必修 |
上課時間 |
星期二8,9,10(15:30~18:20) |
上課地點 |
外教205 |
備註 |
初選不開放。本課程以英語授課。須繳交語言實習費。不接受加選。第10節在外教201。 限生農學院學生(含輔系、雙修生) 且 限學士班一年級 總人數上限:34人 |
Ceiba 課程網頁 |
http://ceiba.ntu.edu.tw/1051FL1007_43 |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
With a wide range of classroom activities and exercises, this one-year course is designed to enhance the English skills and proficiency of first-year NTU undergraduates. The lecturer will guide participants through a wealth of English learning resources and authentic materials dealing with the following topics: 1) language learning, 2) technology, 3) art and museum, 4) gender, and 5) heroism.
In order to facilitate learning and classroom discussion, students are required to complete listening and reading assignments before coming to class. Every week, they will have to take quizzes, speak English both in small groups and in front of the class, and engage in a series of writing tasks.
A communicative approach which emphasizes teacher-student interaction is adopted, though attention is also paid to familiarize students with the complex sentence structure and grammar of the English language as well as common English expressions used in a variety of topics and daily-life situations. |
課程目標 |
With a wide range of classroom activities and exercises, this one-year course is designed to enhance the English skills and proficiency of first-year NTU undergraduates. The lecturer will guide participants through a wealth of English learning resources and authentic materials dealing with the following topics: 1) language learning, 2) technology, 3) art and museum, 4) gender, and 5) heroism.
In order to facilitate learning and classroom discussion, students are required to complete listening and reading assignments before coming to class. Every week, they will have to take quizzes, speak English both in small groups and in front of the class, and engage in a series of writing tasks.
A communicative approach which emphasizes teacher-student interaction is adopted, though attention is also paid to familiarize students with the complex sentence structure and grammar of the English language as well as common English expressions used in a variety of topics and daily-life situations. |
課程要求 |
1) Sickness:
If you can’t come to class because you’re sick, please show me your doctor’s notes in the next class. You will need to show me absent notes approved by the university on the day of a quiz or test; otherwise, your absence will be unexcused. Each class absence will drop 1 point off your final grade.
2) Tardiness:
You should come to class on time. If you arrive late after I take attendance, you will be marked absent. |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
另約時間 備註: Appointment upon request |
指定閱讀 |
1. Sarah Johnson’s ‘Learning a Language in Later life: are you ever too old?’ in The Guardian
2. Eliana Dockerman’s ‘The Digital Parent Trap’ in The Times;Simon Parkin’s ‘How Pokémon Takes Us Back to the Real World’ in The Guardian
3. Andrew Solomon’s ‘Don’t Mess with our cultural patrimony’ and ' ‘A Choice of Political Colours’,
4. Obama's article on Feminism; Emma Watson’s Speech on Feminism
5. Cindy Sui’s ‘Taiwan, the place to be woman in politics’
6. The Iliad Book 1, 9 and The Odyssey Book 9 |
參考書目 |
Speakout 2ND Edition Intermediate level (published by Pearson)
Homer’s The Iliad and the Odyssey (translated by Robert Fagles) |
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
In-Class |
40% |
3 minute-talk 5%; group presentations 15%;
class participation 15%; writing tasks 5%
1) 3 minute-talk: You will have to give an individual 3 minute-prepared speech on any topic of your choice. For each week, 2-3 students will take turns presenting.
2)Group presentation: 4 group presentations on the film ‘Pygmalion’ and
selected readings.
3)Class participation: I will give points for every time you speak out without being prompted. These points will be used to calculate class participation grade.
4) Writing Tasks: 3 writing tasks. You should type and submit your assignments on time. There is a 10 point penalty for each day late. Any homework that is copied from another source will receive a ‘0’.
2. |
attendance |
10% |
3. |
quizzes |
10% |
10 quizzes All quizzes are held at the start of the class. |
4. |
Mid-term, Final |
40% |
20 % each |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
9/13 |
Introduction |
第2週 |
9/20 |
Topic: Language Learning:
Quiz 1:
‘How Quickly Can you Learn English’
Selected Reading:
Sarah Johnson’s ‘Learning a Language in Later life: are you ever too old?’ in The Guardian
Speaking/Writing Tasks
Speak about your experience of learning languages
第3週 |
9/27 |
Topic: Language Learning:
Watching the 1938 film adaption ‘Pygmalion’ (available on YouTube with English subtitles); followed by group discussion |
第4週 |
10/04 |
Topic: Language Learning:
Quiz 2
‘Speak any language instantly’
Group Presentations on scenes, themes and issues of Pygmalion |
第5週 |
10/11 |
Topic: Technology
Quiz 3
‘Are computers making us dumb’?
Selected Readings:
Eliana Dockerman’s ‘The Digital Parent Trap’ in The Times;
Simon Parkin’s ‘How Pokémon Takes Us Back to the Real World’ in The Guardian
Speaking/Writing Tasks
Speak about the impact of technology in your daily life
Writing Lesson 1:
Learning about how to argue |
第6週 |
10/18 |
Topic: Gender
Quiz 6
‘100 Women’
Selected Readings:
Obama’s article on Feminism; Emma Watson’s Speech on Feminism at the UN
Writing Lesson 2
第7週 |
10/25 |
Topic: Gender
Quiz 7
‘Men are the Weaker Sex’
Selected Reading:
Cindy Sui’s ‘Taiwan, the place to be woman in politics’
Speaking/Writing Tasks
Speak about the gender equality/problems in Taiwan
第8週 |
11/01 |
To be announced |
第9週 |
11/08 |
Mid-term |
第10週 |
11/15 |
Watching King’s Speech, followed by group discussion |
第11週 |
11/22 |
Topic: Museum
Quiz 4
‘A Threat to London’s Art work
Group Presentations on
Andrew Solomon’s ‘Don’t Mess with our cultural patrimony’,pp.181-190
Speaking/Writing Tasks
Speak about the politics, cultural heritage and identity of Taiwan |
第12週 |
11/29 |
Topic: Museum
Quiz 5
‘A History of the World in 100 objects’
Group Presentations
Andrew Solomon’s ‘Don’t Mess with our cultural patrimony’ pp. 191-202
Speaking/Writing Tasks
Speak about the politics, cultural heritage and identity of Taiwan
第13週 |
12/06 |
Topic: Heroism
Quiz 8
‘What Makes A Super Hero’
Group Presentations on
The Iliad Book 1
Speaking/Writing Tasks
Speak about your heroes |
第14週 |
12/13 |
Topic: Heroism
Quiz 9
‘Literacy Hero’
Group Presentations on
The Iliad Book 9
Speaking/Writing Tasks
Speak about your regrets
Writing Lesson 3:
Compare and Contrast |
第15週 |
12/20 |
Topic: Heroism
‘Quiz 10
‘A Peruvian Hero’
Group Presentation on
The Odyssey Book 9
Speaking/Writing Tasks
Speak about a Taiwanese hero or heroine.
Writing Task 3
Which Hero do you prefer? Achilles or Odysseus
第16週 |
12/27 |
Practical English/Review
Think of a job you like and write a job application/cover letter |
第17週 |
1/03 |
Finals |