課程名稱 |
開課學期 |
99-1 |
授課對象 |
管理學院 |
授課教師 |
廖彥棻 |
課號 |
FL1007 |
課程識別碼 |
102E83310 |
班次 |
46 |
學分 |
3 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
必修 |
上課時間 |
星期三2,3,4(9:10~12:10) |
上課地點 |
視聽館204 |
備註 |
初選不開放。本課程以英語授課。初選不開放。本課程以英語授課。須繳交聽講實習費。大二以上於開學後加選。第4節在視103。 限管理學院學生(含輔系、雙修生) 且 限學士班一年級 總人數上限:40人 |
Ceiba 課程網頁 |
http://ceiba.ntu.edu.tw/991FE46 |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
This course is designed to help students develop their English listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills through the exploration of different topics of interest to them. A variety of task-based activities and communicative activities and exercises, such as class discussions, dialogues, role plays, group presentations, and speeches, are designed to motivate students to speak confidently and help them acquire greater fluency in spoken English. The course will also focus on the development of listening comprehension, critical thinking and analyzing skills, as well as the ability to use language accurately and effectively. Weekly vocabulary working sheets, writing assignments and conversation practices will also enable the students to establish writing and speaking concepts and advance their lexico-grammatical knowledge. |
課程目標 |
Specific course objectives include: (1) developing an aural and oral language ability to understand conversations, lectures, news reports, TV/radio programs, and to carry on conversations in social settings, (2) enhancing comprehension in written information, newspapers, magazines, and general documents, (3) enhancing oral fluency and accuracy, (4) developing students’ critical thinking and analyzing skills to help them develop and organize their ideas while writing, and (5) equipping students to take on both personal and professional writing tasks they may face in social occasions. |
課程要求 |
1. You have to come to class on time and actively participate in all class activities.
* If you are late for class, you’ll be marked “late” on the attendance sheet.
(845f) 0.5 point off from your final course grade
* If you are 30 (or longer) minutes late for the first period or if you do not show up in the first hour, you’ll be marked “absent 1” on the attendance sheet.
(845f) 1 points off from your final course grade
(上課遲到三十分鐘以上或未出席第一節課, 計缺席一節課, 一次扣學期總平均1分)
* If you do not show up in the first two hours, you’ll be marked “absent 2” on the attendance sheet.
(845f) 2 points off from your final course grade
(未出席前兩節課, 計缺席二節課, 一次扣學期總平均2分)
* If you do not show up in the class meeting, you’ll be marked “absent” on the attendance sheet.
(845f) 3 points off from your final course grade
(上課當天未出席者, 計缺席一次, 一次缺席扣學期總平均3分)
* If you are marked “absent” six (or more) times, you will not pass this course.
(本學期缺課達六次以上者, 本課程學期成績, 將以不及格計分)
* If you cannot come to the class meeting for a good reason, please obey the following rules:
1) 公假與產假: 最慢請於三日前, email告知任課老師, 並備學校公文或醫師看診證明. 所缺考的部分, 可於請假完畢的一星期內找TA補考. 未能補考者, 一律以零分計算. 另外須於上課當日繳交的作業, 須先請同學代為繳交. 或於請假完畢的一星期內補繳, 若未能於一星期內補交者, 一律以零分計算. (註: 有事先請公假或產假, 且任課老師有准假者, 不予扣分)
2) 病假: 最慢請於當日上課前, email告知任課老師. 並於請假完畢一星期內, 備醫師或看診證明向老師請假. 所缺考的部分, 可於請假完畢的一星期內找老師補考. 未能補考者, 一律以零分計算. 另外須於上課當日繳交的作業, 須先請同學代為繳交, 或於請假完畢的一星期內補繳. 若未能於一星期內補交者, 一律以零分計算. (註: 有附證明請病假, 且任課老師有准假者, 不予扣分. 但除非特殊狀況並附醫師證明, 且已獲任課老師准假者, 本學期病假不得請超過三次(含)以上, 超過三次(含)以上又無正當理由者, 仍以曠課論)
3) 事假: 最慢請於三日前, email告知任課老師. 並於請假完畢一星期內, 備家長證明向老師請假. 所缺考的部分, 可於請假完畢的一星期內找老師補考. 未能補考者, 一律以零分計算. 另外須於上課當日繳交的作業, 須先請同學代為繳交. 或於請假完畢的一星期內補繳, 若未能於一星期內補交者, 一律以零分計算. (註: 有附證明請事假, 且任課老師有准假者, 不予扣分. 但除非特殊狀況並附家長證明, 且已獲任課老師准假者, 本學期事假不得請超過二次(含)以上, 超過二次(含)以上又無正當理由者, 仍以曠課論)
請注意! 未按規定請假者, 一律以曠課論, 並不得補考或補交作業. 無論是否曠課或有事先請假, 按學校規定, 缺課不得超過學期上課的三分之一, 否則本課程學期成績, 仍將以不及格計分. 另本學期全勤者, 學期總平均將加2~4分(視有無遲到記錄), 以茲獎勵.
2. You should finish weekly homework and preview the assigned readings before class. Late papers/assignments are unacceptable. No credit will be awarded to papers/assignments coming in one (or longer) week late.
(請務必課前預習當日課程, 並按時繳交作業, 作業統一於上課當日課程開始前收取. 該節課結束後才繳交者, 該份作業成績扣十分. 作業於該日課後才補交至任課老師信箱者, 該份作業成績扣二十分. 作業應繳當日過後, 一律不得補繳, 該份作業以零分計算. 另外, 除非老師特別規定或要求, 作業一律不能用電子檔email寄給老師.)
3. You have to review what has been taught in class and do more listening and reading exercises.
4. You are required to work closely with your group members to do all group assignments.
5. Please keep your cell phone off during the class meeting.
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
指定閱讀 |
Frazier, L. & Leeming, S. (2007). Lecture Ready 3. Oxford, UK: Oxford UP.
Liu, J., Davis, T., & Rizzo, S. (2008). Communication strategies 3. Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte
* Required textbooks for this course are available in the NTU Press (臺灣大學出版中心: 總圖書館地下室一樓).
Extended learning package
* Available in 晶創數位文件有限公司: 辛亥路二段225號 8732-1185~6 (位於臺大側門, 法學院旁大門, 過馬路對面, 緊臨華新影印)
Timely, authentic articles and handouts will be provided.
The High-Intermediate GEPT mock tests.
On-line learning resources:
(1) http://efreeway.avcenter.ntu.edu.tw/
(2) http://elearning.lib.ntu.edu.tw/
* Required textbooks for this course are available in the NTU Press (臺灣大學出版中心: 總圖書館地下室一樓).
參考書目 |
We will use a variety of authentic English texts both written and aural. Online newspapers such as http://www.independent.co.uk/, http://www.csmonitor.com/, http://nytimes.com/, http://english.aljazeera.net/, and http://en.epochtimes.com/index0.html provide interesting and varied viewpoints on what is happening in the world. http://esl.about.com/ has many articles on improving one’s English. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/ is a good site for writing in academic English. http://www.merriam-webster.com/ is a collegiate dictionary of American English and
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/ has a wonderful collection of listening material using British English.
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
9/15 |
Introduction to course
* In-class GEPT
第2週 |
9/22 |
No class |
第3週 |
9/29 |
1. Com. St. 3: U1
2. Lecture Ready 3: U1Ch1
3. Handouts: 字源分析1~20
5. 商用英語
6. GEPT listening: Sec. 1
第4週 |
10/06 |
1. Com. St. 3: U1
2. Lecture Ready 3: U1Ch1
3. Handouts:
a. 字源分析21~30
b. Discuss: World Expo (p. 40)
d. Song presentation
4. Academic headwords
5. Writing research paper
第5週 |
10/13 |
1. Com. St. 3: U2
2. Lecture Ready 3: U1Ch1
3. Handouts:
a. 字源分析31~40
b. Friends
c. Song presentation
4. 商用英語
5. GEPT listening: Sec. 2
第6週 |
10/20 |
1. Com. St. 3: U2
2. Lecture Ready 3: U1Ch2
3. Handouts:
a. 字源分析41~50
b. Friends
c. Song presentation
4. Academic headwords
5. Writing research paper
6. GEPT listening: Sec. 3
第7週 |
10/27 |
1. Com. St. 3: U3
2. Lecture Ready 3: U1Ch2
3. Discuss: Volcano (p. 43)
4. Halloween party
5. Role play
第8週 |
11/03 |
1. Catch-up session
2. Handouts:
a. 字源分析51~60
b. Video: Aztec Dancer
c. Role play
3. 商用英語
4. GEPT reading: Sec. 1
第9週 |
11/10 |
Midterm exam
* Friends
第10週 |
11/17 |
1. Com. St. 3: U4
2. Lecture Ready 3: U2Ch3
3. Handouts:
a. 字源分析51~60
b. Song presentation
4. Academic headwords
5. Writing research paper
6. GEPT reading: Sec. 2
第11週 |
11/24 |
1. Com. St. 3: U4
2. Lecture Ready 3: U2Ch3
3. Handouts:
a. 字源分析61~70
b. Song presentation
4. 商用英語
5. GEPT reading: Sec. 3
第12週 |
12/01 |
1. Com. St. 3: U4
2. Lecture Ready 3: U2Ch3
3. Handouts:
a. 字源分析71~80
b. Discuss: Minor damage (p.47)
c. Role play
4. Academic headwords
5. Writing research paper
第13週 |
12/08 |
1. Com. St. 3: U5
2. Lecture Ready 3: U2Ch4
3. Handouts:
a. 字源分析81~90
b. Role play
4. 商用英語
5. GEPT speaking: Sec1 & 2
第14週 |
12/15 |
1. Com. St. 3: U5
2. Lecture Ready 3: U2Ch4
3. Handouts:
a. 字源分析91~100
b. Song presentation
4. Academic headwords
5. Writing research paper
6. GEPT speaking: Sec3
第15週 |
12/22 |
1. Com. St. 3: U6
2. In-class GEPT
3. Handouts: 字源分析101~110
第16週 |
12/29 |
1. Com. St. 3: U6
2. Lecture Ready 3: U2Ch4
3. Handouts:
a. 字源分析111~120
b. Discuss: Link (p.51)
4. 商用英語
5. GEPT writing: Sec1
第17週 |
1/05 |
Catch-up session
2. Handouts:
a. 字源分析121~130
b. Video: The Smelliest Fruit
3. Academic headwords
4. Writing research paper
5. GEPT writing: Sec2
第18週 |
1/12 |
Final exam |