課程名稱 |
亞里斯多德 Aristotle |
開課學期 |
112-1 |
授課對象 |
文學院 哲學系 |
授課教師 |
鄭義愷 |
課號 |
Phl2506 |
課程識別碼 |
104 56400 |
班次 |
學分 |
3.0 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期四6,7,8(13:20~16:20) |
上課地點 |
綜201 |
備註 |
本課程中文授課,使用英文教科書。(B)西方哲學史群組,群組課程請參閱本系網頁修業課程規定。 限學士班二年級以上 總人數上限:40人 |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
Aristotle got almost everything wrong. The universe is finite. Stars are eternal. They think and move in perfect circles. The earth is at the center of the universe. Evolution is wrong. Nature has purpose and does nothing in vain. Living beings have souls. We can trust our senses. There is an objective answer to what human happiness is. It is possible to achieve that happiness if we try hard enough. Theory is good even if it has no practical benefits. Men are by nature superior to women. Slavery can be justified. Charging interest for lending money is unnatural. The best society is not one that values freedom, but one that values virtue, which justifies restrictions on freedom.
It seems, therefore, that Aristotle is not worth our time (if "we" are those who love truth above all else) anymore. If we already know he's wrong, why bother studying him? Three reasons, however, suggest that we reopen the debate between Aristotle and the moderns. (a) Many thinkers believe that modern thought (and modern societies created by it) is in a crisis. This crisis encourages us to carefully reflect on the past: how did we get here? (b) Even if one does not accept that modern thought is in a crisis, revisiting Aristotle will help us defend modern thought better because Aristotle remains hitherto the most formidable opponent of the principles and values of that thought. (c) It is possible that, despite all what he got wrong, Aristotle is still right about some other important things--things that can still be critically accepted by us as compatible with what we now know about the world. What are those things? And is it possible to accept them without also accepting what Aristotle got wrong? For these reasons we shall engage in a survey of Aristotle's philosophy. |
課程目標 |
1. Content: to understand the basics and motivating impulse of Aristotle’s philosophizing.
2. Tools: to cultivate the basic ability to communicate philosophical ideas in both speaking and writing (helps with other kinds of writing as well!)
3. Method: to learn how to read closely.
課程要求 |
Prepare before class, concentrate in class, review after class, review again before test |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
每週一 13:00~15:00 備註: 或以 email 另約時間 |
指定閱讀 |
二、Tom Stoppard, Arcadia. 此書可於書林購得,特價 85 折。
三、Roochnik, David, 2013, Retrieving Aristotle in an Age of Crisis, SUNY
一、三都會上傳至 NTU COOL 上供同學下載。 |
參考書目 |
Lear, Jonathan, 1988, Aristotle: The Desire to Understand, Cambridge University Press.
Lear 一書,去年出了大陸的劉瑋老師的中譯:
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
隨堂小考 |
60% |
共四次,一次 15 % |
2. |
期末考 |
30% |
3. |
出席討論 |
10% |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
導論。如何閱讀亞里斯多德? |
第2週 |
現代世界的危機? - Tom Stoppard - Arcadia;Roochnik - 序、導論(參考 Lear pp.6-14) |
第3週 |
語言是可靠的:《論詮釋》選讀、《形上學》卷二章一;Roochnik IV.2-3(讀到頁 126即可), IV.6-7(Lear pp. 209-231)
隨堂小考一 |
第4週 |
辯證法:真「河蟹」還是和稀泥?《後分析》篇、《論題篇》、與《尼各馬科倫理學》選讀;Roochnik IV.4, I.8 |
第5週 |
世界是有道理的:亞里斯多德的自然概念。《自然事物講課》II.1-3, 8-9;Roochnik II.3-4(參考 Lear pp. 19-24, 36-40) |
第6週 |
世界是有道理的(續);Roochnik II.1-2
隨堂小考二 |
第7週 |
有限比無限好:《形上學》IV.3;《後分析篇》I.2;《自然事物講學》III.6;《尼各馬科倫理學》I.2;《政治學》I.8;Roochnik II.8, III.3(參考 Lear pp.161, 263-265) |
第8週 |
實踐哲學導論:《尼各馬科倫理學》I.1-5, VI.3-4, X.9;《政治學》I.2, II.8(參考 Lear pp. 152-157) |
第9週 |
期中小結:亞里斯多德與西方近現代思想;Roochnik II.7 |
第10週 |
實踐哲學的困難:社會性與自然。《尼各馬科倫理學》I.7, 13; II.1, 6;《政治學》I.2(同第九週);Roochnik V.3(參考 Lear pp.186-191)
隨堂小考三 |
第11週 |
政治科學的意義及亞里斯多德的「中庸」之道:《政治學》卷二章一(選讀);卷四章一。《政治學》卷三章十一、卷四章八、九、十一;Roochnik V.6, VI.4 |
第12週 |
理論/沈思生活與第一哲學:《政治學》卷七(選讀);《倫理學》卷十章七;《形上學》卷一章一、章二;Roochnik V.7 (建議也讀 V.8) |
第13週 |
什麼是實體?《形上學》卷四章一與部份章二;卷九章六與八;《論靈魂》卷二章一與五;Roochnik III.2(如果你想挑戰自己,可試讀 Lear 6.5-6.6 兩節~!)
隨堂小考四 |
第14週 |
神:《形上學》卷十二章六、七、十(選讀);Roochnik III.4(Lear pp.293-309) |
第15週 |
回顧:亞里斯多德還有救嗎?Roochnik II.9, III.5, pp.189-190, VI.5-6 |
第16週 |
期末考 |