Seminar in Theories of Cataloging and Classification 
文學院  圖書資訊學研究所  
126 D0800 
Ceiba 課程網頁


* 書目語言(bibliographical language)的意義與特性。
* 資訊/知識呈現(information/knowledge representation)與書目控制之原則與理論。
* 中外知識分類系統的發展。
* 認識其他學科領域(如:哲學、認知心理、語言、生物、人類學、社會學等)的分類觀點,研討分類的基本原則與多元性。
* 有關圖書分類編目理論的中英文基礎文獻。
* 圖書分類的理論與原則(以Ranganathan為主) 

* 對於資訊/知識呈現與書目控制之原則與理論有基本認識
* 對中外知識系統的歷史發展有基本認識
* 對哲學、認知心理學、生物學等領域的分類理論有初步了解,認識分類的多元性
* 對於中外有關圖書分類編目理論的基礎文獻能有所掌握
* 對於西方近代的圖書分類的理論與原則(以Ranganathan為主)能有所理解
* 能嘗試運用其他領域的理論分析解釋資訊組織領域的問題或現象
[應用實例可參見:Tuttle, J. (2012). The aphasia of modern subject access. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 50(4), 263-275. 及Bade, D. (2013). Jakobsonian library science? A response to Jonathan Tuttle's article “The Aphasia of Modern Subject Access”. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 51(4), 428-438. 這兩篇是關於語言學理論應用於解釋主題分類問題的討論,正反意見兩面併呈,提醒同學在套用理論時要謹慎] 
1. 課堂參與及出席情況(10%)

2. 期中報告(Class presentations)(10%)(11月16日)
The Application of Theories in the Organization of Information/Knowledge (題目發想)

3. Opinion paper(30%)(依指定的題目撰寫2篇短essay)
(1) 請就下列議題擇一撰寫二至三頁的短篇論述,每篇先釐清定義問題,其次比較兩個概念間的異同,最後討論兩個概念應用於分類上的取捨問題。(11/30繳交;15%)
a. Aboutness vs. subject
b. Topic vs. discipline
c. Literary warrant vs. user warrant
d. Categorization vs. classification
e. Standardization/globalization vs. localization

(2) 請就下列議題擇一撰寫一篇評述(critical analysis)(12/28繳交;15%)
a. a particular concept within resource description/classification theory
b. classification/categorization from a particular or theoretical perspective
c. classification/categorization of specific material/objects/ideas
d. classification/categorization for specific purposes/people/domain

4. Term paper(50%)(繳交日期:1月13日下午5點以前)
The Application of Theories in the Organization of Information/Knowledge (full paper)
請以12號字,1.5倍行距,單面印刷,至少20面。請參考APA或Chicago Manual of Style,並請注意一致性。請遵守學術規範之要求,報告抄襲者,成績以不及格論。 
Office Hours
每週三 12:30~13:30
每週二 12:30~13:30 
* 左玉河(2004)。從四部之學到七科之學:學術分科與近代中國知識系統之創建。上海:上海書
* 何光國(1990)。圖書資訊組織原理。臺北市:三民。
* 何光國(2001)。圖書館學理論基礎。臺北市:三民。
* 余慶蓉,王晉卿(1998)。中國目錄學思想史。長沙:湖南教育出版社。
* 周彥文(1995)。中國目錄學理論。臺北市:臺灣學生。
* 張慧銖(2003)。圖書館目錄發展研究。臺北市:文華圖書館管理。
* 高紅(2008)。編目思想史。北京:北京圖書館出版社。
* 陳洪瀾(2008)。知識分類與知識資源認識論。北京:人民出版社。
* 傅榮賢(1999)。中國古代圖書分類學研究。臺北市:臺灣學生。
* 戴建業(2019)。論中國古代知識分類與典籍分類。上海:上海文藝出版社。
* Abbas, J. (2004). Structures of organizing knowledge. New York: Neal-Schuman
* Al-Suqri, M., & Al-Aufi, A. (Eds.) (2015). Information seeking behavior and
technology adoption: Theories and trends. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
* Batley, S. (2005). Classification in theory and practice. Oxford: Chandos
* Bean, C. A., & Green, R. (2001). Relationships in the organization of
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* Beghtol, C. (1994). The classification of fiction: The development of a system
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* Berlin, B. (1992). Ethnobiological classification: Principles of
categorization of plants and animals in traditional societies. Princeton, NJ:
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* Blair, D. C. (1990). Language and representation in information retrieval. New
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* Bliss, H. E. (1929). The organization of knowledge and the system of the
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* Bliss, H. E. (1939). Organization of knowledge in libraries and the subject-
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* Borgman, C. L. (2000). From Gutenberg to the global information
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* Bowker, G., & Star, S. L. (1999). Sorting thing out: Classification and its
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* Briggs, A., & Burke, P. (2005). A social history of the media: From Gutenberg
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* Broadfield, A. (1946). The philosophy of classification. London: Grafton.
* Browne, G., & Jermey, J. (2007). Indexing companion. Melbourne: Cambridge
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* Broughton, V. (2004). Essential classification. London: Facet Publishing.
* Bryant, R. (2000). Discovery and decision: Exploring the metaphysics and
epistemology of scientific classification. Cranbury, NJ: Associated University
* Buchanan, B. (1979). Theory of library classification. London: Clive Bingley.
* Buckland, M. (2017). Information and society. Cambridge: MIT Press.
* Burke, P. (2000). A social history of knowledge: From Gutenberg to Diderot.
Cambridge, UK: Polity.
* Burke, P. (2012). A social history of knowledge II: From the Encyclopédie to
Wikipedia. Cambridge, UK: Polity.
* Carpenter, M., & Svenonius, E. (Eds.) (1985). Foundations of cataloging: A
sourcebook. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited.
* Carter, R. C. (2000). Managing cataloging and the organization of information:
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Binghamton, NY: Haworth Information Press.
* Chan, L. M., & Salaba, A. (2016). Cataloging and classification: An
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* Chan, L. M., Richmond, P. A., & Svenonius, E. (Eds.) (1985). Theory of subject
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* Chowdhury, G. G., & Chowdhury, S. (2007). Organizing information from the
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* Chu, H. (2010). Information representation and retrieval in the digital age
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* Day, R. E. (2001). The modern invention of information: Discourse, history,
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* Day, R. E. (2014). Indexing it all: The subject in the age of documentation,
information, and data. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
* Ellen, R. F. (1993). The cultural relations of classification: An analysis of
Nuaulu animal categories in Central Seram. Cambridge: Cambridge University
* Ellen, R. F. (2006). The categorical impulse: Essays in the anthropology of
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* Ellen, R. F., & Reason, D. (Eds). (1979). Classifications in their social
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* Ereshefsky, M. (2001). The poverty of the Linnaean hierarchy: A philosophical
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* Flint, R. (1904). Philosophy as scientia scientiarum, and, A history of
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* Foskett, A. C. (1996). The subject approach to information (5th ed.). London :
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* Frické, M. (2012). Logic and the organization of information. New York:
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* Golub, K. (2015). Subject access to information an interdisciplinary approach.
Santa Barbara, California: Libraries Unlimited.
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* Goody, J. (1977). The domestication of the savage mind. Cambridge: Cambridge
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* Hacking, I. (1999). The social construction of what? Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
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* Hjørland, B. (1997). Information seeking and subject representation: An
activity- theoretical approach to information science. Westport, Conn.:
Greenwood Press.
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* Iyer, H. (1995). Classificatory structures: Concepts, relations, and
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issue 5-7]
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University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
* Zerubavel, E. (1993). The fine line: Making distinctions in everyday life.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Web Resources
* Gnoli, G. (in progress). Integrative levels classification: A general,
interdisciplinary, phylogenetic, freely-faceted knowledge organization system. A
monograph published progressively in the ISKO Italy website. Available from:
* ISKO Knowledge Organization Literature http://www.isko.org/lit.html
-- Classification System for Knowledge Organization Literature
* ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization http://www.isko.org/cyclo/
* Knowledge Organization 電子版:https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/zeitschrift/0943-
* Lifeboat for Knowledge Organization compiled by Birger Hjørland
* Concepts in Library & Information Science and Knowledge Organization compiled
by Birger Hjørland http://www.dbstud.dk/k05pebr/knowledge//default.asp
* The Epistemological Lifeboat: Epistemology and Philosophy of Science for
Information Scientists compiled by Birger Hjørland and Jeppe Nicolaisen.
* The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy http://www.iep.utm.edu
* Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online http://www.rep.routledge.com/
* Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy http://plato.stanford.edu/
* Pickering, M. (2003). Auguste Comte. In G. Ritzer (ed.), The Blackwell
companion to major classical social theorists. Malden, MA : Blackwell
Publishing. Blackwell Reference Online. Retrieved from:
* S. R. Ranganthan’s 相關著作全文 (以Ranganathan進行檢索或瀏覽)
* Ranganthan Portal http://www.isibang.ac.in/~library/portal/

Key Concepts
* Barité, M. (2017). Literary warrant. ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge
Organization, Retrieved from https://www.isko.org/cyclo/literary_warrant
* Dousa, T. M. (2018). Library classification. ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge
Organization, Retrieved from https://www.isko.org/cyclo/library_classification
* Frické, M. (2016). Logical division. ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge
Organization, Retrieved from https://www.isko.org/cyclo/logical_division
* Frické, M. (2018). Knowledge pyramid: The DIKW hierarchy. ISKO Encyclopedia of
Knowledge Organization, Retrieved from https://www.isko.org/cyclo/dikw [另參見
Weinberger (2011), Too big to know之第一章]
* Hammarfelt, B. (2019). Discipline. ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge
Organization, Retrieved from https://www.isko.org/cyclo/discipline
* Hjørland, B. (2016). Subject (of document). ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge
Organization, Retrieved from https://www.isko.org/cyclo/subject
* Hjørland, B. (2017). Domain analysis. ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge
Organization, Retrieved from https://www.isko.org/cyclo/domain_analysis
* Hjørland, B. (2018). Facet analysis. ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge
Organization, Retrieved from https://www.isko.org/cyclo/facet_analysis
* Hjørland, B. (2019). Classification. ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge
Organization, Retrieved from https://www.isko.org/cyclo/classification
-- 參考:楊雅婷、阮明淑(2006)。分類相關概念之術語學研究。國家圖書館館刊,95(2),頁
-- Bailey, K. D. (1994). Typologies and taxonomies: An introduction to
classification techniques. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Chap. 1.
-- Marradi, A. (1990). Classification, typology, taxonomy. Quality & Quantity
24, 129-157.
* Mazzocchi, F. (2019). Knowledge organization system (KOS). ISKO Encyclopedia
of Knowledge Organization, Retrieved from http://www.isko.org/cyclo/kos
* Rafferty, P. M. (2018). Tagging. ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization,
Retrieved from https://www.isko.org/cyclo/tagging
* Zeng, M. L. (2019). Interoperability. ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge
Organization, Retrieved from http://www.isko.org/cyclo/interoperability 
期中報告(Class presentations) 
11月16日繳交 The Application of Theories in the Organization of Information/Knowledge (題目發想) 
Opinion paper-1 
請就下列議題擇一撰寫二至三頁的短篇論述,每篇先釐清定義問題,其次比較兩個概念間的異同,最後討論兩個概念應用於分類上的取捨問題。(11/30繳交;15%) a. Aboutness vs. subject b. Topic vs. discipline c. Literary warrant vs. user warrant d. Categorization vs. classification e. Standardization/globalization vs. localization 
Opinion paper-2 
請就下列議題擇一撰寫一篇評述(critical analysis)(12/28繳交;15%) a. a particular concept within resource description/classification theory b. classification/categorization from a particular or theoretical perspective c. classification/categorization of specific material/objects/ideas d. classification/categorization for specific purposes/people/domain 
Term paper 
繳交日期:1月20日下午5點以前 The Application of Theories in the Organization of Information/Knowledge (full paper) 請以12號字,1.5倍行距,單面印刷,至少20面。請參考APA或Chicago Manual of Style,並請注意一致性。請遵守學術規範之要求,報告抄襲者,成績以不及格論。 
9/28  Introduction / Case discussion

Cases for discussion:
1. 描述性後設資料之無力論
2. Theoretical Framework of Descriptive Metadata]


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* 吳筱玫(2009)。俗民分類與知識型:Tag的資訊秩序。中華傳播學刊,No.15,頁3-31。
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* 史坦能(Steiner, C.) (2015)。演算法統治世界(陳正芬譯)。臺北市:行人文化。第七章:分類人類。(原著出版年:2012)
* 李銳(2017)。同文與族本——新出簡帛與古書形成研究。上海市:中西書局。11,從出土文獻談古書形成過程中的族本。
* Foucault, M. (2003). The birth of the clinic: An archaeology of medical perception (A. M. Sheridan, Trans.). London: Routledge. (Originally published in 1963). Chap. 1, Spaces and Classes. [大陸有中譯本:劉北成譯(2001)。臨床醫學的誕生。南京市:譯林。]
* Jones, S. (1997). The archaeology of ethnicity: Constructing identities in the past and present. London: Routledge. Chapter 3: Taxonomies of difference: the classification of peoples in the human sciences. [大陸有中譯本:陳淳、沈辛成譯(2017)。族屬的考古。上海市:上海古籍出版社。] 
10/05  Theories in the Field of Knowledge Organization

* Hjørland, B. (2013). Theories of knowledge organization — theories of knowledge. Knowledge Organization, 40(3), 169-181. Available from: https://www.ergon-verlag.de/isko_ko/downloads/ko_40_2013_3.pdf#page=17
* Smiraglia, R. P. (2012). Introduction: theory, knowledge organization, epistemology, culture. In R. P. Smiraglia, & H.-L. Lee (Eds.), Cultural frames of knowledge (Chapter 1, pp.1-17). Würzburg: Ergon.
* Glushko, R. J. (Ed.). (2016). The discipline of organizing (4th ed. Professional version). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Chap. 1 Foundations for Organizing Systems https://ischools.org/resources/Documents/Discipline%20of%20organizing/Professional/TDO4-Prof-CC-Chapter1.pdf

* Bates, M. J. (2005). An Introduction to metatheories, theories, and models. In K. E. Fisher, S. Erdelez, & L. McKechnie (Eds.), Theories of information behavior (pp. 1-29). Medford, NJ: Information Today.
* Budd, J. M. (2001). Knowledge and knowing in library and information science: A philosophical framework. Lanham: Scarecrow Press. Chap. 4-5.
* Frické, M. (2012). Logic and the organization of information. Chap. 2 Some Useful Ideas and Background Theories.
* Furner, J.(2009). Interrogating "Identity": A philosophical approach to an enduring issue in knowledge organization. Knowledge Organization, 36 (1), 3-16.
* Gnoli, C. (2008). Ten long-term research questions in knowledge organization. Knowledge Organization, 35 (2/3), 137-149.
* López-Huertas, M. J. (2008). Some current research questions in the field of knowledge organization. Knowledge Organization, 35 (2/3), 113-136.
* Pettigrew, K. E., & McDechnie L. (2001). The use of theory in information science research. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 52(1), 62-73.
* Tennis, J. T. (2008). Epistemology, theory, and methodology in knowledge organization: Toward a classification, metatheory, and research framework. Knowledge Organization, 35 (2/3), 102-112.

[Theory building]
* Dubin, R. (1978). Theory building. Rev. ed. New York: The Free Press. Chap. 2: Theory (pp. 15-32).
* Gibbs. J. P. (1972). Sociological theory construction. Hinsdale, Ill.: Dryden Press. Chap. 5.
* Sonnenwald, D. H. (Ed.) (2016). Theory development in the information sciences. Austin, TX: University of Texas. 
10/12  Document Theory / Bibliographic Units

* Buckland, M. (2018). Document theory. Knowledge Organization, 45(5), 425-436. Also available in ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization, http://http://www.isko.org/cyclo/document
* Svenonius, E. (2018). Bibliographic entities and their uses. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 56(8), 711-724.
* Holden, C. (2020). The bibliographic work: History, theory, and practice. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 59(2/3), 77-96.

* Day, R. E. (2019). Documentarity: Evidence, ontology, and inscription. Cambridge: MIT Press.
* Lund, N. W. (2009). Document theory. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 43, 1-55.
* Lund, N. W. (2010). Document, text and medium: Concepts, theories and disciplines. Journal of Documentation, 66(5), 734-749.
* Smiragliz, R. P. (2001), The nature of a work. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press
* Svenonius, E. (2000). The intellectual foundation of information organization. Chap. 3, Bibliographic entities.
* Verona, E. (1959). Literary unit versus bibliographical unit. Libri, 9(2): 79-104. Also in E. Svenonius (Ed.), The conceptual foundations of descriptive cataloging (pp. 79-104).
* Wilson, P. (1968), Two kinds of power. Chap. 1, The Bibliographic Universe. 
10/19  中國古代有關分類編目理論的重要文獻

* 阮孝緒,《七錄‧序》。收入釋道宣編,廣弘明集(第三卷)。
* 毋煚,《古今書錄‧序》(附於舊唐書經籍志中)
* 智昇,《開元釋教錄‧序》
* 鄭樵,《通志校讎略》
* 胡應麟,《經籍會通》、《九流緒論》
* 祁承熯 ,〈庚申整書略例〉 [此處以「熯」字暫代,正確應是左半為「火」,右半為「業」]
* 章學誠,《校讎通義》,〈原道〉、〈宗劉〉、〈互著〉、〈別裁〉等篇
[以上閱讀素材,部分已收入昌彼得編,中國目錄學資料選輯。(台北市 : 文史哲, 民73)]

* 錢亞新(民63)。鄭樵校讎略硏究。台中市:文宗。
* 鄭奮鵬(民72)。鄭樵的校讎目錄學。臺北市:學海出版社。
* 周余姣(2015)。鄭樵與章學誠的校讎學研究。濟南:齊魯書社。
* 王嘉川(2005)。布衣與學術:胡應麟與中國學術史硏究。北京:商務印書館。
* 呂斌(2006)。胡應麟文獻學研究。北京:中國社會科學,2006。
* 章學誠撰,葉瑛校注(2002)。文史通義校注、校讎通義校注。土城市:頂淵文化。
* 章學誠著,王重民通解,田映曦補注(2009)。校讎通義通解。上海:上海古籍。
* 劉兆祐註譯(2012)。校讎通義今註今譯。臺北市:台灣學生書局。
* 楊家駱主編(民66)。校讎學系編。台北市:鼎文書局。 
10/26  中國古代分類思維(以荀子、墨辯、公孫龍分類思維為主)


* 藍文欽(2018)。《墨辯》中的分類思維初探。圖書資訊學刊,16(1),頁77-108。檢索自:https://jlis.lis.ntu.edu.tw/article/v16-1-4.pdf
* 藍文欽(2016)。圖書分類理論與圖書分類原則。在張慧銖主編,主題分析(頁45-84),台北市:華藝。[讀頁48-51]
* 鄭惠珍、陳雪華(2015)。從範疇理論的角度探索中西圖書分類思維。圖書資訊學研究,10(1),頁83-121。 http://lac3.glis.ntnu.edu.tw/vj-attachment/2016/01/attach191.pdf
* 左玉河(2004),從四部之學到七科之學:學術分科與近代中國知識系統之創建。
* 傅榮賢(民88),中國古代圖書分類學研究。
* 荀況原著,北京大學哲學系注(1983)。荀子新注。臺北市:里仁。
* 熊公哲(註譯)(2010)。荀子今註今譯(二版)。臺北市:臺灣商務。
* 王冬珍(民69)。墨學新探。臺北市:世界書局。
* 王讚源主編(2011)。墨經正讀。上海市:上海科學技術文獻出版社。
* 李漁叔(1968)。墨辯新注。臺北市:臺灣商務印書館。
* 陳孟麟(1996)。墨辯邏輯學新探。臺北市:五南。
* 譚戒甫(1963)。公孫龍子形名發微。北京:中華書局。
* 蕭登福(1984)。公孫龍子與名家。臺北市:文津出版社。 
11/02  Principles of Description / KO

* IFLA Cataloguing Section, & IFLA Meetings of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code (2017). Statement of International Cataloguing Principles (ICP) (2016 ed.). Available online: https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/cataloguing/icp/icp_2016-en.pdf [只讀sections 2-4]
* Svenonius, (2000), The intellectual foundation of information organization. Chap. 5, Principles of Description.
* Bates, M. J. (2003). Improving user access to library catalog and portal information: final report (version 3). Available online: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/bibcontrol/2.3BatesReport6-03.doc.pdf [只讀2A, 3B, 3C]
Bates文中提到的「30:1原則」的原文見:Resnikoff, H.L., & Dolby, J.L. (1972). Access: A study of information storage and retrieval with emphasis on library information systems. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, Bureau of Research. Retrieved from http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED060921.pdf
* Hjørland, B. (1994). Nine principles of knowledge organization. In Knowledge organization and quality management : proceedings of the Third International ISKO conference 20-24 June 1994 Copenhagen, Denmark Frankfurt/Main: Indeks Verlag. Available from: https://www.ergon-verlag.de/isko_ko/downloads/aikovol04199413.pdf

* Barry, C. L. (1998). Document representations and clues to document relevance. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(14), 1293-1303.
* Buckland, M. (2017). Information and society. Chap. 4, Organizing: Arrangement and Description.
* De Rijk, E. (1991). Thomas Hyde, Julia Pettee and the development of cataloging principles; with a translation of Hyde’s 1674 preface to the reader. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 14(2): 31-62.
* Glushko, R. J. (2016). The discipline of organizing, Professional edition (4th ed.). Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media Inc. Chap. 5, Resource Description and Metadata. Retrieved from https://ischools.org/resources/Documents/Discipline%20of%20organizing/Professional/TDO4-Prof-CC-Chapter5.pdf
* Lubezky, S. (1969). Principles of cataloging. Final report. Phase I: Descriptive cataloging. Los Angeles: University of California, Institute of Library Research. 
11/09  Theoretical Foundations of Knowledge Representation/Description

* Shera, J. H. (1965). Foundations of a theory of bibliography. In D. J. Foskett (Ed.), Libraries and the organization of knowledge (pp. 18-33). London: Crosby Lockwood & Son Ltd.
* Wilson, P. (1968), Two kinds of power. Chap. 2, Describing and Exploiting.
* Svenonius, E. (2004). The epistemological foundations of knowledge representations. Library Trends, 52(3), 571-587. Retrieved from https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/1691/Svenonius571587.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y

* Jacob, E. K., & Shaw, D. (1998). Sociocognitive perspectives on representation. In M. E. Williams (Ed.), Annual Review of Information Science & Technology, vol. 33 (pp. 131-185). Medford, NJ: Information Today.
* Swanson, D. R. (1988). Historical note: Information retrieval and the future of an illusion. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 39(2): 92-98. 
11/16  期中報告(Class presentations)

The application of theories in the organization of information (題目發想)

Barry, C. L. (1998). Document representations and clues to document relevance. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(14), 1293-1303. 
11/23  Language and Knowledge Organization

* Svenonius, E. (2000). The intellectual foundation of information organization. Chap. 4, Bibliographic Language.
* Friedman, A., & Thellefsen, M. (2011). Concept theory and semiotics in knowledge organization. Journal of Documentation, 67(4), 644-674.
* Blair, D. (2003). Information retrieval and the philosophy of language. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 37, 3–50.

* 李歐塔(Jean-François Lyotard)著,車槿山譯。後現代狀態:關於知識的報告。臺北市:五南,2012。[此書有第二版,2015年出版,但本校未採購]
* Blair, D. (1990). Language and representation in information retrieval. Chap. 4, Language and Representation: The Central Problem in Information Retrieval.
* Blair, D. C. (1992). Information retrieval and the philosophy of language. Computer Journal 35(3), 200-207.
* Chandler, D. (2007). Semiotics: The basics (2nd ed.). London: Routledge. Available from: http://www.wayanswardhani.lecture.ub.ac.id/files/2013/09/Semiotics-the-Basics.pdf
* Foucault, M. (1994). The order of things: An archaeology of the human sciences. New York: Vintage Books. Chapter 3: Representing; Chapter 5: Classifying; Chapter 7: The Limits of Representation.
* Friedman, A., & Smiraglia, R. P. (2013). Nodes and arcs: Concepts map, semiotics and knowledge organization. Journal of Documentation, 69(1), 27-48.
* Hjørland, B. (2007). Semantics and knowledge organization. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 41, 367-405.
* Kaplan, A. (1964). The age of the symbol: A philosophy of library education. Library Quarterly, 34, 295-304.
* Khoo, C. S. G., & Na, J.-C. (2006). Semantic relations in information science. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 40, 157-228.
* Olson, H. A. (2002). The power to name: Locating the limits of subject representation in libraries. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
* Smiraglia, R. P., & Lee, H.-L. (Eds.) (2012). Cultural Frames of Knowledge. Chap. 7, Semiotics and Knowledge Organization.
* Svenonius, E.(2000), The intellectual foundation of information organization. Chap. 6, Work Languages: Chap. 7, Document Languages.
* Wright, H. C. (1986). The symbol and its referent: An issue for library education. Library Trends, 34(4), 729-776. 
11/30  Philosophy of Classification

* Parrochia, D. (no date). Classification. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Retrieved from https://iep.utm.edu/classifi/
* Ereshefsky, M. (2001). The poverty of the Linnaean hierarchy: A philosophical study of biological taxonomy. Chap. 1, The Philosophy of Classification. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511498459.003
* Szostak, R. (2015). A pluralistic approach to the philosophy of classification. Library Trends, 63(3), 591-614.

* 陳洪瀾(2007)。論知識分類的論知識分類的十大方式。科學學研究,25(1), 26-31。檢索自http://search.cnki.net/down/default.aspx?filename=KXYJ200701005&dbcode=CJFD&year=2007&dflag=pdfdown
* Beghtol, C. (1995a). “Facets” as interdisciplinary undiscovered public knowledge. Journal of Documentation, 51(3): 194-224.
* Beghtol, C. (1995b). Domain analysis, literary warrant, and consensus: The case of fiction studies. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 46(1), 30-44.
* Beghtol, C. (1998). Knowledge domains: Multidisciplinary and bibliographic classification systems. Knowledge Organization, 25(1/2): 1-12.
* Foucault, M. (1973). The order of things: An archaeology of the human sciences. New York: Vintage Books. Chap. 5: Classifying; Chap. 10: The Human Sciences.
* Frické, M. (2012). Logic and the organization of information. Chap. 5, Classification.
* Hjørland, B. (2017). Classification. Knowledge Organization, 44(2): 97-128. Available from: http://www.isko.org/cyclo/classification
* Hjørland, B., & Pedersen, K. N. (2005). A substantive theory of classification for information retrieval. Journal of Documentation, 61(5), 582-597.
* Iyer, H. (1995). Classificatory structures: Concepts, relations, and representation, Chap. 1: Interdisciplinarity (pp.12-29).
* Kwasnik, B. H. (1999). The role of classification in knowledge representation and discovery. Library Trends, 48(1): 22-47.
* La Barre, K. (2010). Facet analysis. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 44, 243-284.
* Mai, J.-E. (2003). The future of general classification. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 37(1/2), 3-12.
* Mai, J.-E. (2011). The modernity of classification. Journal of Documentation, 67(4), 710-730.
* Marradi, A. (2012). Forum: The philosophy of classification. Knowledge Organization, 39(1), 29-54.
* Olson, H. A. (2001). Sameness and difference: A cultural foundation of classification. Library Resources & Technical Services, 45(3), 115–122.
* Parsons, J., & Wand, Y. (2008, Oct. 23). A question of class. Nature, 455, 1040-1041.
* Roth, W.-M. (2005). Making classification (at) work: Ordering practices in science. Social Studies of Science August, 35(4), 581-621.
* Szostak, R., Gnoli, C., & López-Huertas, M. (2016). Interdisciplinary knowledge organization. Chap. 1, The Importance of Interdisciplinary Research and Teaching.
* Tennis, J. T. (2018) Four orders of classification theory and their implications. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 56(8), 702-710.

* Bruza, P. D., & Huibers, T. (1996). A study of aboutness in information retrieval. Artificial Intelligence Review, 10(5), 381-407.
* Bruza, P. D., Song, D. W., & Wong, K. F. (2000). Aboutness from a Commonsense Perspective. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(12), 1090-1105.
* Hjorland, B. (2016). Subject (of document). Knowledge Organization, 44(1), 55-64. Also published in ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization. Retrieved from http://www.isko.org/cyclo/subject
* Joudrey, D. N. (2005). Building puzzles and growing pearls: A qualitative exploration of determining aboutness. Unpublished dissertation, School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh. Chap. 2.2, The nature of aboutness (pp.53-69).
* Kumar, K. (1988). Theory of classification (4th ed.). Chap. 6, Formation Structure and Development of Subject.
* Mertes, K. (2017). On aboutness. The Indexer, 35(2), 77-78.
* Olson, H. A. (2007). How we construct subjects: A feminist analysis. Library Trends. 56 (2), 509–541.
* Priss, U. (2006). Formal concept analysis in information science. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 40, 521-543.
* Rondeau, S. (2014). The life and times of aboutness: A review of the library and information science literature. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 9(1), pp.14-35. DOI: 10.1080/00048402.2017.1388826
* Wilson, P. (1968). Two kinds of power: An essay on bibliographic control. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Chap. 5, Subjects and the Sense of Position.
* Yablo, S. (2014). Aboutness. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
* Žumer, M., Zeng, M. L., & Salaba, A. (2012). FRSAD: Conceptual modeling of aboutness. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries Unlimited. Chap. 2-3, Appendix A. 
12/07  Classification of Knowledge

* Abbas, J. (2010). Structures for organizing knowledge: Exploring taxonomies, ontologies, and other schemas. Chapter 2, Historical perspectives and development of structures for organizing knowledge.
* Hlava, M. M. K. (2015). The taxobook: History, theories and concepts of knowledge organization. Part 1 of a 3-part series. [本校有電子版]
* Szostak, R. (2004). Classifying science: Phenomena, data, theory, method, practice, Chap. 1: Classifying science (pp. 1-22). Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/springer_10.1007-978-1-4020-3095-6

* Andrew, A. (1995). Things of boundaries. Social Research, 62(4), 857-882.
* Bates, M. J. (1998). Indexing and access for digital libraries and the Internet: Human, database, and domain factors. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(13), 1185-1205.
* Black, A. (2006). Information history. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 40, 441-473.
* Bryant, R. (2000). Discovery and decision: Exploring the metaphysics and epistemology of scientific classification. Cranbury, NJ: Associated University Presses. Chap. 1, 7 (pp.15-19, 73-87)
* Budd, J. M. (2001). Knowledge and knowing in library and information science, Chap. 1-3.
* Burke, C. (2007). History of information science. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 41, 3-53.
* Burke, P. (2000). A social history of knowledge: From Gutenberg to Diderot, Chap. 5 : Classifying Knowledge.
* Burke, P. (2012). A social history of knowledge II: From the Encyclopédie to Wikipedia, Chap. 6, Dividing Knowledge.
* Dupré, J. (2006). Scientific classification. Theory, Culture & Society May, 23(2-3), 30-32.
* Flint, R. (1904). Philosophy as scientia scientiarum, and, A history of classifications of the sciences. [後半部即科學知識分類史]
* Ghiselin, M. T., & Breidbach, O. (2007). The search for the basis of natural classification. The Monist, 90(4), 483-498.
* Giere, R. N. (2006). Scientific perspectives. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Ch1: Scientific knowledge. Available online: http://www.tc.umn.edu/~giere/sp_ch1.pdf
* Hacking, I. (1999). The social construction of what?. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Chap. 3: What about the natural sciences? (pp.63-99).
* Kuhn, T. (1970). The structure of scientific revolutions (2nd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Chap. 2: The Route to Normal Science.
* Kusukawa, S. (1996). Bacon's classification of knowledge. In M. Peltonen (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to Bacon (pp 47-74). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [本校有電子版]
* Machlup, F. (1982). Knowledge: Its creation, distribution, and economic significance. V. 2. The branches of learning. Chap. 3-5.
* Ocran, E. B. (1973). Outline history of classification: An essay. Retrieved from ERIC fulltext archives, https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED088409.pdf
* Simmons, M. H. (2005). Librarians as disciplinary discourse mediators: using genre theory to move toward critical information literacy. Libraries and Academy 5(3), 297-311.
* Small, H. (2003). Paradigms, citations, and maps of science: A personal history. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(5), 394 - 399.
* Snow, C. P.著 (2000);林志成、劉藍玉譯。兩種文化。台北市:貓頭鷹出版。
* Szostak, R. (2003). Classifying natural and social scientific theories. Current Sociology, 51(1), 27-49.
* Vickery, B. C. (1959). Classification and indexing in science, Appendix A: Historical aspects of the classification of science (pp. 147-180).
* Vidal, F. (2014). Psychology and classifications of the sciences. Republics of Letters, 3(3), 1-22. Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ba79/e2cf5c9498d421eddb57cdbd28c5172d868f.pdf?_ga=2.62940655.1345637313.1569212620-54949096.1568017285
* Wallerstein, I. (1996). Open the social sciences, report of the Gulbenkian Commission on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
* Whitley, Richard (2000). The intellectual and social organization of the sciences (2nd ed.). Oxford [England] : Oxford University Press, 2000. Chap. 3 &4. 
12/14  Classification – From the Perspectives of Some Disciplines

* Ereshefsky, M. (2001). The Poverty of the Linnaean Hierarchy: A Philosophical Study of Biological Taxonomy. Chap. 2. A primer of biological taxonomy.
* Hacking, I. (1999). The Social Construction of What? Chap. 5: Kind-making: the case of child abuse
* Bowker, G. C., & Star, S. L. (2000). Sorting things out: Classification and its consequences, Cahp. 7 What a difference a name makes—The classification of nursing work.

* Abbas, J. (2010). Structures for organizing knowledge: Exploring taxonomies, ontologies, and other schemas. Chap. 4, Disciplinary Uses and Applications of Knowledge Structures.
* Abeysinghe, S. (2013). When the spread of disease becomes a global event: The classification of pandemics. Social Studies of Science, 43(6), 905-926.
* Berrios, G. E. (1999). Classifications in psychiatry: A conceptual history. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 33(2), 145-160.
* Bowker, G. C., & Star, S. L. (2000). Sorting things out: Classification and its consequences, Cahp. 3, The ICD as Information Infrastructure.
* Chrisman, J. J., Hofer, C. W., & Boulton, W. R. (1988). Toward a system for classifying business strategies. The Academy of Management Review, 13(3), 413-428.
* Day, R. E. (2014). Indexing it all: The subject in the age of documentation, information, and data. Chap. 4: Social computing and the indexing the whole (p.59-87).
* Ereshefsky, M. (2001). The poverty of the Linnaean hierarchy: A philosophical study of biological taxonomy. Chap. 3, 7, & 8.
* Foucault, M. (1994). What is called “punishing”? In James D. Faubion (Ed.), Power: Essential works of Foucault, 1954-1984 (pp. 382-393). New York: The New Press.
* Fuller, S. (1993). Disciplinary boundaries and the rhetoric of the social sciences. In E. Messer-Davidow, D. R. Shumway, & D. J. Sylvan (Eds.), Knowledge: Historical and Critical Studies in Disciplinarity (pp. 125-149). Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
* Mayr, E. (1982). The growth of biological thought: Diversity, evolution, and inheritance. Chap. 4, Macrotaxonomy: The Science of Classfying. Chap. 5, Grouping according to common ancestry.
* Mayr, E. (1988). Toward a new philosophy of biology, Chap. 16: Toward a Synthesis in Biological Classification (pp. 268-288).
* Mayr, E. (2004). What makes biology unique?: Considerations on the autonomy of a scientific discipline. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chap. 1&2.
* Ørom, A. (2003). Knowledge Organization in the domain of Art Studies – History, Transition and Conceptual Changes. Knowledge Organization, 30(3/4), 128-143.
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1/18  Presentation and Discussion


[For your reference]
[Classification in daily life]
* Bernstein, J. H. (2009). Nonknowledge: The bibliographical organization of ignorance, stupidity, error, and unreason: Part One. Knowledge Organization, 36(1), 17-29.
* Bernstein, J. H. (2009). Nonknowledge: The bibliographical organization of ignorance, stupidity, error, and unreason: Part Two. Knowledge Organization, 36(4), 249-260.
* Zerubavel, E. (1993). The fine line: Making distinctions in everyday life. Introduction & chap. 1, 2 & 4
* Lee, D. (2011). Classifying musical performance: The application of classification theories to concert programmes. Knowledge Organization, 38(6), 530-540.
* Szostak, R. (2004). Classifying science: Phenomena, data, theory, method, practice. Chap. 2 Classifying Phenomena and Data
* Zerubavel, E. (1993). The fine line: Making distinctions in everyday life. Chap. 3, 5 & 6.