Introduction to Knowledge management 
文學院  圖書資訊學系  
126 U1450 

This class is designed to provide an introduction to the theories and applications regarding the creation, identification, representation and transfer of knowledge in organizational context. We will explore the intellectual, structural, social aspects of intetagible capitals within organizations. Specical emphasis will be on the dynamic process of knowledge sharing and generating in a group/team setting. 

During the course of the semester, the students will
1. Acquire a basic understanding of the lifecycle of knowledge in organizaiton, namely, its identification, collection, dissemination and creation.
2. Acquire a basic understanding of the social-techno environment within which knowledge is created and disseminated.
3. Cultivate a sensitivity to the structure of task environments that sets the parameters for successful KM activities.
4. Explore factors that promote or hinder collaboration, knowledge sharing and creation in group settting.
5. Gain hand-on experiences with KM techniques such as knowledge audit, social network analysis (with UCINET and Gephi), knowledge elicitation interview, and creation of community portal using content management software. 
Assignments and Grading

A. Group projects
Students will be assigned into groups of 3 to 5 to conduct two team projects (see below for details). For each team project, besides the group report, each member should prepare a personal report (no more than a page) explaining your contributions and what you have learned from the assignments.

1. Data analytics exercise (20%)
The assignment is aim to give you a hand-on experince on how to derive knowledge/insights from aggregate data. In the demo, we will cover three very basic and widely used data analytical techniques: K-means clustering, Regression, and Navie Bayesian (optional). Use the class demo of data analytics as examplars, your are to collect, clear, analyze, interpret, and present the data to help problem solving or decision making. Use one or two datasets to demonstrate how insights can be gleaned from data. Note that uou are not limited to these methods if you believe other statistical methods are more useful to solving your problems.

2. Knowledge audit project (40%)
For this project, each group will conduct a knowledge audit for an organization (loosely defined here, it can be a unit or a team created to perform a certain set of functions or tackle specific problems). To complete the project, follow the following steps:

2.1. Analysis the unit's task and information environments
Decide your unit of analysis, namely the task or knowledge of the domain: is it task based, team/group based, or institution based.
Provide the institutional context within which the organization/unit operates.
Determine the objectives of the organization and report the nature of its tasks and information environment? (e.g. in terms of complexity, change of pace uncertainty, mutual dependence...etc. See Ch. 13 in 林東清)
2.2. What kinds of knowledge are needed to achieve its objectives?
Identify the locations where the knowledge resides in the unit (See, for example, Wasko & Faraj, 2000).
Apply the spiral of knowledge theory by Takeuchi & Nonaka (1995), see if you could elicit one or two stories or anecdotes that demonstrate the dynamics between implicit and explicit knowledge within the unit. You might also want to present this part of your finding with concept map.

2.3 Through what channels are the knowledge acquired and shared?
The sharing of knowledge can take place through the use of ICT, face-to-face communication, social network etc.
Conduct a social network analysis of the informal network within the organization.

2.4. Gauge the innovative capacity of the organization by conducting a "hot spots" survey.
You are to use s survey questionnaire to evaluate the climate for collaboration and innovation in the group you study. Use the instrument handled out
in the class to survey the member of the unit and assess the probability of it to become a "hot spot."

2.5. Make recommendation to KM activities.
1. Identify the specific KM strategies that are currently in use, comment on their strengths and weaknesses. Specifically, report the role of IT plays in KM. Based on your analysis, recommend management tools or strategies that you believe will help achieve its objectives more effectively.

2.6. Design a corporate portal using Content Management Systems (CMS) such as Joomla or WordPress tailored to the needs of its user communities.
The portal should include at least two components:
1. A content management component to store records and documents. The content management component should include a classification scheme you believe to best organize the knowledge stored in the form of records or documents. Include at least one exemplar document in each class in your classification scheme.
2. An online forum component that allows sharing of knowledge in among members of the community. Besides having the necessary technological tool, think about what policies or practices that need to be implemented to make the portal an effective knowledge exchange platform. The policy tools should include at least two components: 1. how to motivate member participation and 2. how to curate and update the knowledge accumulated in the forum.

2.7. Write a (8 to 14 pages) reports and prepare for an oral presentation (30 minutes) for your project. The team report should also include each individual's personal report, commenting on what s/he has contribute to and learned from this term project.

B. Participation
Portal participation (40%)
A Wordpress-based class portal is created for you to gain first-hand expereince in participating online "communities of practice".
You will be able to download lecture powerpoint files, post your comments on the reading materials and share knowledge about the KM tools required for your group assignments. Portal participation can be in the forms of both:
a. Reviews on the assigned readings (each student is required to write reports for a minimum of SIX assigned readings, each of which should be no shorter than half a page).
In your posting, try to comment on what you have learned, what you do not understand, and what interests you most. This part of your participation will account for 30% of your grade.
b. Comments or feedbacks to others participants' comments. You are also expected to participant in the form of commenting and "liking" others' postings through the portal. This part of your contribution will account for 10% of your final grade. 
Office Hours
Awad, E. M. Hassan M. Ghaziri (2004). Knowledge Management.
Gladwell, Malcolm (2002). The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. Back Bay Books: New York. (Chinese title:引爆趨勢 舉手之勞成大事/葛拉威爾著 ; 齊思賢譯. --初版. –台北市 : 時報文化 ; 2000(民89)
Bryan, L.L., C. L I. Joyce (2007). Mobilizing Minds: Creating Wealth From Talent in the 21st Century Organization
Ayres, Ian (2007). Super Crunchers: why thinking-by-numbers is the new way to be smart. Bantam.
Cross, R; R. J. Thomas (2009). Driving Results Through Social Networks: how top organizations leverage networks for perfromance and growth. Wiley.
Cross, R., Parker, A., & Sasson, L. (2003). Networks in the knowledge economy.
Davenport T. and Prusak (2000). Working Knowledge.
Surowiecki, J. (2004). The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations. New York: Doubleday. (Chinese title: 群眾的智慧 : 如何讓個人、團隊、企業與社會變得更聰明 / 索羅維基(James Surowiecki)著; 楊玉齡譯. 臺北市 : 遠流, 2005[民94] 版本項 初 版).
Wenger E. C., Richard McDermott, William M. Synder (2002). Cultivating communities of practice : a guide to managing knowledge. Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Press. (Chinese title: 實踐社群 : 推動學習型組織之輪/愛丁納.溫格(Wenger ,Etienne ), 理查.麥代謀(Richard McDermott), 威廉.施耐德 (Snyder ,William M. ) 合著 : 黃維譯.—第一版 行.—台北市 : 天下遠見, 2003 (民92)
Haythornthwaite, C. (1996). Social network analysis: approach and technique for the study of information exchange. Library and Information Science Research, 18, 323-342.
知識管理 Knowledge Management/林東清 著--初版. –台北市: 弘智文化;2003 (民92)
Blair, D. (2002). Knowledge management: hype, hope or help? Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 53 (12), 1019-1028.
Ferguson, G. S. Mathur, and B. Shah (2005). Evolving from information to insight. Sloan Management Review, 46 (2), 51-58.
Gupta A. K., V. Govindarajan (2000). Knowledge management’s social dimension: lessons from Nucor Steel. Sloan Management Review 42(1), 71-80.
Gratton, L., & Erickson, T. J. (2007). Eight ways to build collaborative teams. Harvard business review, 85(11), 100.
Gratton, L. (2007). Hot spots: Why some companies buzz with energy and innovation-and others don't. Pearson Education.
Ikujiro, Nonaka (1991). The knowledge-creating company. Harvard Business Review, Vol. 69 (6). pp. 96-105.
Ives, W., B. Torrey, C. Gordon (2002). Knowledge sharing is a human behavior. In D. Morey, M. Marbury, and B. Thuraisingham (eds.) 2002. Knowledge management: Classic and contemporary works. Boston: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. pp.99-129.
Liebowitz, J. (2007). Social networking: the essential of innovation. Scarecrow.
Liebowitz, J. et al. (2000). The knowledge Audit. Knowledge and Process Management, 7(1).pp. 3-10.
Leonard, Dorothy (2002). Tacit knowledge, unarticulated needs, and empathic design in new product development. In D. Morey, M. Marbury, and B. Thuraisingham (eds.) 2002. Knowledge management: Classic and contemporary works. Boston: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. pp.99-129.
Newll, S. et al. (2002). Managing Knowledge Work. Palgrave Macmillan.
Seemann, P., D. D. Long, S. Stucky, & E. Guthrie (2000). Building intangible assests: a strategic framework for investing in intellectual capital. In D. Morey, M. Marbury, and B. Thuraisingham (eds.) 2002. Knowledge management: Classic and contemporary works. Boston: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. pp.99-129.
Newll, S. et al. (2002). Managing Knowledge Work. Palgrave Macmillan.
Simon, H. A. (1991) Bounded Rationality and Organizational Learning. Organization Science, 2(1), 125-134.
Wenger, Etienne C., Snyder, William M. (2000). Communities of Practice: The Organizational Frontier, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 78 (1). pp. 139-145.
Nardi & O'Day (1999). Information ecology: using technology with heart.
Wasko & Faraj (2000). Why should I share? Examining social capital and knowledge contribution in electronic networks of practices. MIS quarterly.
Tavis, A. A. (2007). Hot Spots: Why Some Teams, Workplaces, and Organizations Buzz with Energy--And Others Don't. Human Resource Planning, 30(2), 57-59. 