課程概述 |
Naturalism and Anti-naturalism in Modern Japanese Literature
This course has two foci. One is studying the thought of naturalism and anti-naturalism in modern Japanese literature, from the period of after-the-Sino-Japanese-War to the period of before-the-Great-Kanto-Earthquake (1895-1923), through literary works of major authors and critical essays both by critics at that time and by our contemporaries. The other is deepening understanding about what is called ‘private(“I”) novels’ (watakushi-shosetsu and shinkyo-shosetsu) and ‘Japanized naturalism’ (Nihon-teki Shizenshugi).
Students are requested to read all the materials given by the teacher before attending the class, and to express, in Japanese, their own views on the topics and the issues.
Students’ grade will be based on class participation and performance, and two papers-- a mid-term research paper and a term paper.