Exploring Taiwan: Theatre, Community and Art 
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This course is co-taught by three professors: Prof. Fan-Ting Cheng 鄭芳婷 (Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature), Prof. Chiaomei Liu 劉巧楣 (Department of History),
Prof. Su-mei Lo 羅素玫 (Department of Anthropology).

I. Exploring Drama and Theater in Taiwan: Prof. Fan-Ting Cheng , Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature
In the history of Taiwan drama and theater, a variety of genres appear, including realistic drama, musical, cross-cultural xiqu, and all sorts of avant-garde performance. The first part of this course aims to prepare students for subsequent study in the field of Taiwan performance and related critical theories. The materials include selected drama, theater and theories that work on the social issues with Taiwanese contexts. By examining selected Taiwan performance and critical discourses with Taiwanese contexts, the course helps students to rethink the cultural, artistic, and social issues embedded in the selected materials. Students are expected to improve their critical skills and aesthetical connoisseurship while learning the beauty of the island.

II. Exploring Art Collections in Taiwan: Prof. Chiaomei Liu, Professor, Department of History
Art collecting in Taiwan exemplifies this country’s pluralist perspective in world art and culture, its fashioning of looking at self and other, and in particular its building up forums of displaying art investigations. In this part, we will visit three major art museums showcasing the academic division of art studies in this country: Chinese art in the National Palace Museum, Taiwanese art in the Taipei Fine Art Museum, and Western art in the Chimei Museum of Tainan. Students are encouraged to select beforehand, through online resources, a list of specific art works for discussion on site. Part II aims to train students to establish a productive framework of knowledge in visual arts, as well as to carry on eventually independent visits of art museums in the world.

III. Exploring social history of ethnic groups in Taiwan: Prof. Su-mei Lo, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology
In Taiwan, ethnic groups and their cultural phenomenon are highly diversified with different layers of historical development and social-political origins. In the third part of our course, we are going to explore this complexity with the introduction of the social history and cultural representation of ethnic groups in Eastern and Northern Taiwan. We are going to learn ways of seeing through some Anthropological readings and participating in a short field visit in an important northern migrant area, for getting closer to the community’s rhythm of everyday life. The subjects of discussion and group work will be writing short narratives of our visit, with a deeper concern of how Taiwan has become a civic society with such a diversified origin of migrants at different time.

Part I aims to prepare students for subsequent study in the field of Taiwan performance and related critical theories. Students are expected to improve their critical skills and aesthetical connoisseurship while learning the beauty of the island.

Part II aims to train students to establish a productive framework of knowledge in visual arts, as well as to carry on eventually independent visits of art museums in the world.

Part III explores this complexity with the introduction of the social history and cultural representation of ethnic groups in Eastern and Northern Taiwan., with a deeper concern of how Taiwan is a civic society with such a diversified origin of migrants at different time.
All enrolled students are required to show up on the first week or won’t be able to take the course.

Attendance and Participation: 25%
Each of the three sections: 25% each

Part I: Prof. Cheng
Presentation on 3/31: each group (3 pl per group) will orally introduce a performance related to the critical issue at stake of choice for 12 mins and submit a printed paper (1 page, font 12, Time New Rome, 1 spacing, 2.54cm margin)

Part II: Prof. Liu
Term paper: Make a comparative study of two art works that impress you best. These art works should be selected from the museum collections that we will talk about on scheduled visits. (3-5 pages, standard word format, 1.15 spacing)

Part III: Prof. Lo
1. Week 12-13 Choose one subject (Politics, Economics, Environment, or Social Change) to write a proposal and literature review about Keelung’s Migrant History and the city history. (citation noted, 2 pages, front 12, Time New Rome, 1.5 spacing, 2.54 cm margin) Just keep it for your citation in your writing ethnography.

2. Week 15: Personal Assignment. Complete the personal ethnographic writing of the same thematic assignment above of two more pages, find a key word to be the main theme of your writing, or to say your auto-ethnography. ( 1 -2 pages, front 12, Time New Rome, 1.5 spacing, 2.54 cm margin). upload to Ceiba before the class 2 June.

Group Assignment : Presented in 12-15 minutes. 4-5 pages. In class oral report:4-5 persons in one working group. Please exchange and discuss about what you observe in the interview video on Keelung and present a collective report on the subject on the Multicultural City and local or indigenous Community.
Please introduce some of the similar or different history from your own country and compare it with the observation that you have had in the interview and in our Part III course.

Please marque your discussion group number in your assignment. And cite the sentences presented by your discussant if there is any.

The term papers and presentations will be collected and edited into a 60-page class e-album (each part 20 pages).
Office Hours
2/24  Introduction
3/03  Contemporary Landscape of Drama and Theater in Taiwan
Fan-Ting, “Dreamers’ Nightmare: The Melancholia of Taiwanese Centennial Celebration” (download from Ceiba)
Workshop: stretching warm up + energy pass + mirror
3/10  Queer Performance in Taiwan
Fan-Ting Cheng, "Towards A Contemporary Queer Pop Theater: the feminine fascinations of Dress in Code" (download from Ceiba)
Workshop: stretching warm up + sound machine + potato killer
3/17  No Class
Read at home: Kin-Yen Szeto, Calligraphic kinesthesia in the dancescape: Lin Hwai-Min's cosmopolitical consciousness in the cursive trilogy (download from Ceiba)
3/24  Field trip: Visiting Cloud Gate Theatre
meet at Cloud Gate Theatre entrance at 2:00
Uta Hagen, Respect for Acting (full book in library and via Google Books)
3/31  Group Presentation
4/07  Readings 1) Michael Sullivan,The Three Perfections. New York, 1974. 2) LIU Chiao-Mei, “Les oeuvres d’art occidentales de la collection du Musée Chimei à Taiwan,” in Marie Laureillard, Cléa Patin, ed., A la croisée des collections d’art entre Asie et Occident (Paris, 2019), pp. 351-360, VIII-XII, illustrations. with English version. 
4/14  Field trip: National Palace Museum - 1) Painted Enamels of the Qianlong Emperor 2) Permanent collection, selective pieces. 
4/21  Reading 
4/28  Tainan Art Museum & Chimei Museum, Tainan, April 29 
5/05  Introduction of Part III

Ethnic Groups and Cultures in Eastern and Northern Taiwan
Case Study : The 'Amis people, the majority of Indigenous people in Taiwan

*** How to prepare your personal Field trip's Assignment III

***How to prepare your group discussion presentation (4-5 persons in one working group) 
5/12  From Territorial Claim to Land-use Plan: The Experience of Dialoging Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and State Management Regime in Taiwan

Guest Speaker: Dr. Daya Dakasi Da-Wei Kuan
Department of Anthropology, National Cheng-chi University

Suggested Reading:
Daya Dakasi Da-Wei Kuan
2016 Multiculturalism and Indigenous Peoples: A Critical Review of the Experience in Taiwan. In Multiculturalism in East Asia: A Transnational Exploration of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. Eds. By Koichi Iwabuchi, Hyun Mee Kim, and Hsiao-Chuan Hsia. Pp. 203-220.  
5/19  On line Course that you can listen to it any time before May 26
(in Shared File, Google Drive upload)

5/26  On line Course in the class time 14:20-17:10

Please check that you can use Google Meet on your computer.  
6/02  First Part : Our Indigenous histories in Keelung

Discussion and Oral Presentation of Field trip's Assignment

Second Part : Discussion and presentation of Group Assignment
Recommended documentary film:
Our Islands: The Spanish Memory on the Heping Island
我們的島:和平島的西班牙記憶 (影片)
6/09  Briefing and Discussion for term paper on art collections in Taiwan