課程名稱 |
財經新聞翻譯 Economic and Financial News Translation |
開課學期 |
103-2 |
授課對象 |
文學院 翻譯碩士學位學程 |
授課教師 |
石岱崙 |
課號 |
GPTI7309 |
課程識別碼 |
147 M3090 |
班次 |
學分 |
3 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期一@,5,6(~14:10) |
上課地點 |
舊圖會議室 |
備註 |
筆譯組優先,可充抵必修專業翻譯。中英文授課、不開放旁聽。 限本系所學生(含輔系、雙修生) 且 限碩士班以上 總人數上限:22人 |
Ceiba 課程網頁 |
http://ceiba.ntu.edu.tw/1032GPTI7309_ |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
This course is an introduction to finance and economics news translation, co-taught by English native speaker and pro translator Darryl Sterk and Mr. Philip Wang, a professional finance and economics news translator with over two decades of experience. |
課程目標 |
1. Eliminate English errors in CE translation.
2. Acquire a basic and grounding in finance and economics.
3. Prepare students for finance and economics news translation work.
課程要求 |
1. Weekly CE and EC homework
2. 1 week: lead the discussion for a translation
3. Individual project of several thousand words |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
指定閱讀 |
See references |
參考書目 |
Bielsa, E. &; Bassnett, S. (2009). Translation in global news. NY: Routledge
Cappon, R. J. (2000). Guide to news writing. NJ: The Associated Press.
Ho, W. (2001). Media translating. In S. Chan &; D. E. Pollard (Eds.), An encyclopedia of translation (pp. 650- 657). Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
In B. Mona (Ed.), Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies (pp.45-49). NY: Routledge.
McIntyre, B. T. (1996). English news writing. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.
Piotrowska, M. (1995). Towards a model of strategies and techniques for teaching translation. In A. Beylard-Ozeof , J. Kralova &; B. Moser-Mercer ( Eds.), Translators’ strategies and creativity (pp. 207-211). Prague: John Benjamins Publishing Co.
Venuti, L. (1998). Strategies of translation. In Baker M. (Ed.), Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies (pp.240-244). NY: Routledge.
張裕敏 (2011)。影視翻譯教學:課程設計與教案範例。翻譯學研究集刊,14,247-270。
廖柏森 (2014) 。《新聞英文閱讀與翻譯技巧》[增訂版]。台北市:眾文圖書股份有限公司。
李德鳳 (2007) 。《財經金融翻譯闡釋與實踐》。香港:香港大學出版社。
朱耀龍 (1980) 。《新聞英文寫作》。台北:三民書局
徐錫華和伍鋒 (主編)(2007)。《高級商務口筆譯:筆譯篇》。杭州:浙江大學出版社。 |
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
Participation |
30% |
Includes attendance, class leadership |
2. |
Weekly homework |
50% |
Including Error Analysis Table (EAT) and portfolio of all homework and EATs |
3. |
Individual project |
20% |
To be negotiated with professor and TA |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第2週 |
3/02 |
Introduction (Headlines & Leads) |
第3週 |
3/09 |
Equities |
第4週 |
3/16 |
Currencies |
第5週 |
3/23 |
Bonds |
第6週 |
3/30 |
Commodities |
第7週 |
4/06 |
Earnings |
第8週 |
4/13 |
IPOs |
第9週 |
4/20 |
Midterm; first half of the project is due at Friday midnight |
第10週 |
4/27 |
M&As |
第11週 |
5/04 |
第12週 |
5/11 |
Inflation |
第13週 |
5/18 |
Unemployment |
第14週 |
5/25 |
Central Banks |
第15週 |
6/01 |
Interest Rates |
第16週 |
6/08 |
Cross-Strait Issues |
第17週 |
6/15 |
Final; the rest of the project is due Friday midnight |