課程名稱 |
史地翻譯 Translation for Historico-geographic Writings |
開課學期 |
108-2 |
授課對象 |
文學院 翻譯碩士學位學程 |
授課教師 |
陳榮彬 |
課號 |
GPTI7315 |
課程識別碼 |
147 M3150 |
班次 |
學分 |
3.0 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期四1,2,3(8:10~11:10) |
上課地點 |
博雅308 |
備註 |
筆譯組優先,可充抵必修專業翻譯。中英文授課、不開放旁聽。 限本系所學生(含輔系、雙修生) 且 限碩士班以上 總人數上限:7人 |
Ceiba 課程網頁 |
http://ceiba.ntu.edu.tw/1082GPTI7315_HisGeo |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
Course Description
本課程將會劃分成幾個主題來進行。在導論的部分,課程會先聚焦在史地翻譯譯者常常會遭遇的問題,例如如何翻譯人名與地名,還有如何翻譯引述自古代史地典籍的文字?翻譯過程中必須要注意的政治、意識形態要素為何?接著每週分別介紹一本不同主題的史地類書籍(或文章)與其中文譯本。本課程選擇進行討論的書,有些是由專業史家所撰寫,例如魏斐德(Frederic Wakeman Jr.,《大清帝國的衰亡》)、史景遷(Jonathan Spence,《追尋現代中國》)與卜正民(Timothy Brook,《掙扎的帝國:氣候、經濟、社會與探源南海的元明史》與《明代的社會與國家》);其餘書籍則都是以世界史地或中國/臺灣史地為主題。此外,幾名專業譯者將會受邀前來班上進行演講,討論他們的翻譯作品,每週同學們也都必須進行翻譯練習並討論譯文。
This course will be conducted on the basis of several topics. In the introductory classes, the instructor will focus on explaining some of the technical problems regularly encountered in the process of translating historico-geographic texts: for example, how to translate the names of people and places? How to translate texts quoted from ancient and pre-modern historico-geographic classics or documents? What are the political and ideological factors at work in the process of translation? Next, every week we will discuss one book or article (both the original and translated texts), which contains different issues about history and geography. Some of the books have been written by professional historians, such as Frederic Wakeman Jr. (Fall of Imperial China), Jonathan Spence (The Search for Modern China), and Timothy Brook (The Chinese State in Ming Society and The Troubled Empire), while others are either about world history and geography, or historico-geographic books focusing on China or Taiwan. Professional translators will be invited to deliver talks about their works, and each week the students will be given a certain passage in one book to practice translation and discussion their translated texts. |
課程目標 |
This is a practice-based course designed to train historico-geographic translators, aiming at familiarize students with basic historico-geographic terms and translation skills. Students are required to grasp different translation strategies and develop the ability to work alone, in the process of solving possible translation problems. historico-geographic translation is a highly professional translation area, so the proper attitude of study and research is a must for student translators. The course will adopt the teaching method of peer-review, in order to make students see their own mistakes and learn from their translation partners. |
課程要求 |
1. 選課學生必須把每週指定的翻譯作業完成。
2. 學期報告是針對翻譯文本所進行的分析報告,選課學生必學會分析自己與他人的翻譯作品。
3. 選課學生必須於指定期限之前繳交報告,如有特殊情況應事先知會老師。
4. 聆聽譯者演講必須繳交心得報告。
5. 修習本課程之學生必須進行口頭報告,次數由修課人數決定。 |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
指定閱讀 |
Andrade, Tonio. The Gunpowder Age: China, Military Innovation, and the Rise of the West in World History. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2017.
Bingham, J. Eliot. Narrative of the Expedition to China. London: Henry Colburn, 1843.
Brook, Timothy. The Chinese State in Ming Society. London: Routledge Curzon, 2005.
--. The Troubled Empire: China in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2010.
Chang, Iris. The Chinese in America. New York: Penguin, 2003.
French, Paul. Midnight in Peking. London: Penguin, 2013.
Haywood, John. “Vikings in America.” BBC History Magazine, December 2015, 40-44.
Kuhn, Philip. Chinese among Others: Emigration in the Modern Times. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2008.
LeGendre, Charles W. Foreign Adventurers and the Aborigines of Southern Taiwan, 1867-1874. Taipei: Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, 2005.
Slocum, Joshua. Sailing Alone around the World. New York: Sheridan House, 2008.
Snow, Edgar. Red Star over China. London: V. Gollancz, 1937.
Spence, Jonathan. The Search for Modern China. Third Edition. New York: Norton, 2012.
Stourton, Edward. “The Legend of the Long March.” BBC History Magazine. March 2014, 56-59.
Swinhoe, Robert. “A trip to Hongsan, on the Formosan coast.” Supplement to the Overland China Mail (Hong Kong) No. 130 (13 September 1856): [no page number given].
Tucker, Holly. City of Light, City of Poison: Murder, Magic, and the First Police Chief of Paris. New York: Norton, 2017.
Wakeman Jr., Frederic. Fall of Imperial China. New York: Free Press, 1975. |
參考書目 |
1. Chan, T.-h. L. (2007). History, Thought, and Translation (I): Against a Tradition of Sinological Translations. Translation Quarterly, 43, 63-86.
2. Chan, T.-h. L. (2007). History, Though, and Translation (II): The Deep Sediments of Past translations. Translation Quarterly, 45, 53-75.
3. William Purdie Dickson. “Preface by the Translator” in The History of Rome by Theodor Mommsen.
4. Steven Lattimore. “Translator’s Note” in The Peloponnesian War by Thucydides.
5. Rex Warner. “Translator's Note” in The Peloponnesian War by Thucydides.
6. George Rawlingson. “A Note on the Translation” in The Histories by Herodotus.
7. Paul Cartledge. “Translator’s Preface” and “Translator’s Note on the Texts” in The Histories by Herodotus.
8. G. C. Macaulay “Preface” in The History of Herodotus by Herodotus. (https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_History_of_Herodotus_(Macaulay)/Preface)
9. Kevin Carroll’s review of Steven Lattimore’s translation, Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War. (http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/1999/1999-06-18.html)
10. 蔡雨辰。〈走過兩德統一到蘇聯解體,一個用生命經歷來面對翻譯的男人──專訪譯者周全〉。收錄於Okapi閱讀生活誌網站。2017年9月。(https://okapi.books.com.tw/article/10159)
11. 蔡雨辰。〈讀國際關係的書,你很難錯過他的譯作──專訪譯者林添貴〉。收錄於Okapi閱讀生活誌網站。2018年5月。(https://okapi.books.com.tw/article/10863) |
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
03/05 |
Course Introduction:史地翻譯基本問題探討 |
第2週 |
03/12 |
譯者徐麗松演講(保羅.索魯《騎乘鐵公雞》[Riding the Iron Rooster]/ 尼可拉‧布維耶《世界之用》[The Way of the World])
【翻譯文本】Riding the Iron Rooster: By Train through China by Paul Theroux/The Way of the World by Nicolas Bouvier |
第3週 |
03/19 |
【翻譯文本】The Chinese State in Ming Society by Timothy Brook(卜正民《社群.王朝:明代國家與社會》)
[講師:歷史專業譯者廖彥博] |
第4週 |
03/26 |
【翻譯文本】The Troubled Empire: China in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties by Timothy Brook(卜正民《掙扎的帝國》)
[講師:歷史專業譯者廖彥博] |
第5週 |
04/02 |
春假 |
第6週 |
04/09 |
【翻譯文本】The Search for Modern China by Jonathan Spence(史景遷《追尋現代中國》) |
第7週 |
04/16 |
【翻譯文本】“A trip to Hongsan, on the Formosan coast” by Robert Swinhoe(郇和〈造訪福爾摩沙海岸的香山〉)
***高子璽學長演講 |
第8週 |
04/23 |
期中考週(繳交期末報告大綱,字數約一千字左右,請條列式地簡述期末報告時想要探討的主要問題,且問題必須觸及史地翻譯的特色。大致上報告可以有三種方式:一,譯本比較;二,自己翻譯,並進行譯註與解說;三,前兩者之綜合。) |
第9週 |
04/30 |
【翻譯文本】Through Formosa: An Account of Japan's Island Colony by Owen Rutter(歐文.魯特《1921穿越福爾摩沙》)
【翻譯文本】Foreign Adventurers and the Aborigines of Southern Taiwan, 1867-1874 by Charles LeGendre(李仙德《南台灣踏查手記:李仙得台灣紀行》) |
第10週 |
05/07 |
【翻譯文本】“Legend of the Long March” by Edward Stourton(〈兩萬五千里長征的傳奇〉)
【翻譯文本】Red Star over China by Edgar Snow(《紅星照耀中國》) |
第11週 |
5/14 |
【翻譯文本】“Vikings in America” by John Haywood(〈維京人的美洲大冒險〉) |
第12週 |
05/21 |
【翻譯文本】 “Sin City: Thievery, Prostitution and Murder in Medieval London” by Bruce Holsinger(〈罪惡之城〉)
[講師:歷史專業譯者馮奕達] |
第13週 |
05/28 |
【翻譯文本】The Silent Traveller in London by Chiang Yee(蔣彝《倫敦畫記》)
【翻譯文本】A Moveable Feast by Hemingway(海明威《流動的饗宴》) |
第14週 |
06/04 |
【主題】Lonely Planet
【翻譯文本】“Follow in the Wake of Pirates and Adventurers” by Oliver Smith(〈追尋海盜與探險家的足跡〉)
【翻譯文本】“History Unfolds in the Andes” by Peter Grunert(〈安地斯山的歷史之旅〉)
[講師:本學程碩三吳侑達學長] |
第15週 |
06/11 |
修課同學進行口頭報告 |
第16週 |
06/18 |
期末考週[繳交期末報告] |