課程名稱 |
翻譯福爾摩沙:臺灣史英文文本翻譯專題 Formosa in Translation: English Historical Texts of Taiwan History |
開課學期 |
112-1 |
授課對象 |
文學院 翻譯碩士學位學程 |
授課教師 |
陳榮彬 |
課號 |
GPTI7319 |
課程識別碼 |
147 M3190 |
班次 |
學分 |
3.0 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期五7,8,9(14:20~17:20) |
上課地點 |
博雅312 |
備註 |
可充抵必修專業翻譯。中英文授課、不開放旁聽。 限本系所學生(含輔系、雙修生) 且 限碩士班以上 總人數上限:5人 |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
Course Description
英美人士於十九世紀中葉以降頻繁到訪臺灣(西方普遍舊稱為福爾摩沙),他們的行業包括傳教士、商人(如John Dodd)、外交官(如Charles Le Gendre、Robert Swinhoe)、燈塔看守人(如George Taylor)、海關職員、記者(如Edward House、James W. Davidson)、博物學家(如Cuthbert Collingwood、Joseph Steere),甚至探險家(如William Pickering)等。這些英美人物留下大量關於臺灣地質、地理、人種、風俗、動植物等相關文獻,呈現出非常不同的臺灣風貌。自臺灣史研究在臺灣逐漸興盛以來,許多學者與譯者投注大量心力在這些文本上。不過,這些豐富無比、鉅細靡遺的文字因為充滿上述各種細節,牽涉許多不同學科背景,也對譯者形成巨大挑戰。為了培養譯者的臺灣史翻譯專長,本課程以三週時間來討論具有博物學(natural history,或稱自然史)背景的文本,緊接著兩週時間聚焦兩位探險家寫的文本(回憶錄與筆記),最後在下半學期所探討的文本,作者身分眾多,有燈塔管理員、攝影師、記者、旅行作家、商人與人類學家等等,為臺灣史呈現出多元化的風貌。
After the mid-19th century, people from Britain and the US came regularly to Taiwan (formerly better known as Formosa in the West), and their occupational backgrounds were as diverse as priests (such as William Campbell), merchants (such as John Dodd), diplomats (such as Robert Swinhoe and Charles Le Gendre), lighthouse watchers (such as George Taylor), customs staff, journalists (such as Edward House and James W. Davidson), naturalists (such as Cuthbert Collingwood and Joseph Steere), and even adventurers (such as William Pickering). One of the things left behind by these people were many texts written about Taiwan’s geology, geography, ethnology, customs, botany, and zoology, presenting a diversified landscape of Formosa. After the booming age of Taiwan history study, many scholars and translators have spent much time exploring these texts filled with all kinds of details (such as the names of people, places, animals, and plants), but they undoubtedly present great challenges for translators. To cultivate students’ specialty in translating Taiwan history, this course will spend three weeks to discuss texts related to natural history, ending the first half of the semester with two explorers’ texts (one memoir and one travel notes). In the second half of the semester, authors of the texts are lighthouse watcher, photographer, journalist, travel writer, merchant, and anthropologist, allowing students to see Taiwan history from different perspectives. |
課程目標 |
Course Objectives
這是一門以練習為基礎的翻譯訓練課程,目標在訓練修課學生處理英文臺灣史文本的翻譯問題,除熟悉基本議題以外,也累積必要的史地專有名詞知識與翻譯技巧,為未來進行實際的翻譯工作奠立基礎。同學們應該要學會掌握各種不同翻譯策略,進而成為能夠獨立作業的譯者。誠所謂「譯者亦學者」,因此在訓練的過程中,同學們也必須反思自己身為譯者與學者的雙重身分,同時並須深入探究過去諸多譯者,如陳政三、費德廉(Douglas Fix)、劉克襄、陳逸君等所留下來的翻譯成就。臺灣史翻譯是一種需要高度專業知識的翻譯領域,同學們常常必須透過資料研究來解決翻譯問題。最後,這個課程讓同學們有機會閱讀與分析其他課程參與者的翻譯作品,藉此汲取他人的長處,改正自己在翻譯上的缺點與盲點。透過這門課程,同學們可望得以參與以下相關翻譯研究議題的討論:譯者的能動性(agency)、翻譯史、歷史文本的翻譯,以及翻譯中的「側文本」(paratexts,尤其是譯序與譯註)。
This is a practice-based course designed to train translators to deal with translation problems of texts related to Taiwan history, aiming at familiarizing students with some basic issues, terms, and translation skills. Students are required to grasp different translation strategies and develop the ability to work alone, in the process of solving possible translation problems. Translators are also scholars, so in the process of training, the students will be urged to reconsider and re-evaluate their position as translator-cum-scholar, and, in the meantime, try to appreciate past achievements left behind by translators like Jackson Tan (陳政三), Douglas Fix (費德廉), Liu Ka-shiang (劉克襄), and I-chun Chen (陳逸君). Taiwan history is a highly professional translation area, so the proper attitude of fact-checking and research is a must for student translators. This course will adopt the teaching method of peer-review, to make students see their own mistakes and learn from their translation partners. Toward the end of this course, students are expected to engage themselves in the discussion of related issues of translators’ agency, translation history, translation of historical texts, and paratexts of translation (translator’s prefaces and annotations in particular). |
課程要求 |
一、 每週完成指定翻譯作業。
二、 參與課堂討論。
三、 期中考週繳交期末報告大綱,主題可與授課教師討論。
四、 完成翻譯作業與報告時必須善盡詳實查證工作,以增進對臺灣史知識之理解。 |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
9小時 |
Office Hours |
指定閱讀 |
第二週:My Last Cruise, by Alexander Wylly Habersham(海伯山《我的最後巡航》,1853年)
第三週:“A Trip to Hongsan, on the Formosan Coast” by Robert Swinhoe(斯文豪[郇和]〈略論福爾摩沙的民族學〉,1863年)
第五週:Journal of a Blockaded Resident in North Formosa, by John Dodd (陶德《北臺灣封鎖記》,1884年)
第六週:Pioneer in Formosa-Recollections of Adventures among Mandarins, Wreckers, and Head-hunting Savages (London: Hurst & Blackett, 1898), by W. A. Pickering(必麒麟《歷險福爾摩沙:回憶在滿大人、海賊與「獵頭番」間的激盪歲月》,1898年)
第七週:“Rambles among the Formosan Savages,” by Charles Carroll (賈祿〈漫遊於福爾摩沙的原住民之間〉,1871年)
第九週:“Visit to the Village of Sau-o Bay, North-East Coast of Formosa. Including a Vocabulary of the Dialect,” by Cuthbert Collingwood(柯靈烏〈造訪福爾摩沙東北海岸的蘇澳村〉,1868年)
第十週:Notes of Travel in Formosa (Tainan: National Museum of Taiwan History, 2012), by Charles Le Gendre(李仙得《李仙得臺灣紀行》,2012年)
第十一週:The Japanese Expedition to Formosa (Tokyo, 1875), by Edward House(愛德華.豪士《征臺記事牡丹社事件始末》,1875年)
第十三週:Among the Head-Hunters of Formosa, by Janet B. Montgomery McGovern(珍妮.蒙哥馬利.麥高文《與福爾摩沙獵頭原住民同在》,1922年)
第十四週:“Formosa the Beautiful,” by Alice Josephine Ballantine Kirjassoff(愛麗絲.約瑟芬.包蘭亭.柯潔索夫〈福爾摩沙.美麗之島〉,1920年)
第十五週:Through Formosa: An Account of Japan’s Island Colony, by Owen Rutter(歐文.魯特《1921穿越福爾摩沙》,1923年) |
參考書目 |
Anthony Pym, Method in Translation History (London: Routledge, 2014).
Burton Watson, “Historical Writing: Chinese History,” in An Encyclopaedia of Translation: Chinese-English, English-Chinese, ed. David Pollard and Chan Sin-wai (Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 1995), pp. 347-360.
Carmen Toledano Buendía, “Listening to the Voice of the Translator: A Description of Translator’s Notes as Paratextual Elements,” Translation & Interpreting 5.2 (2013), pp. 149-162.
Charles Le Gendre, Notes of Travel in Formosa (Tainan: National Museum of Taiwan History, 2012).
Harold M. Otness, One Thousand Westerners in Taiwan, to 1945: A Biographical and Bibliographical Dictionary (Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of Taiwan History, Preparatory Office, Academia Sinica 1999).
Kwame Anthony Appiah, “Thick Translation,” Callaloo 16.4 (1993): pp. 808-819.
Robert Eskildsen, Foreign Adventurers and the Aborigines of Southern Taiwan, 1867-1874: Western Sources Related to Japan's 1874 Expedition to Taiwan (Taipei: Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, 2005).
Theo Hermans, “Cross-Cultural Translation Studies as Thick Translation,” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 66.3 (2003): pp. 380-389.
Thomas H. C. Lee, “Historical Writing: Western History,” in An Encyclopaedia of Translation: Chinese-English, English-Chinese, ed. David Pollard and Chan Sin-wai (Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 1995), pp. 361-372.
W. A. Pickering, Pioneering in Formosa: Recollections of Adventures among Mandarins, Wreckers, and Head-hunting Savages (London: Hurst and Blackett, 1898).
William Campbell, Formosa Under the Dutch: Described from Contemporary Records with Explanatory Notes and a Bibliography of the Island (London: Kegan Paul, 1903).
史蒂瑞(Joseph Beal Steere),林弘宣譯,《福爾摩沙及其住民:19世紀美國博物學家的台灣調查筆記》(臺北:前衛出版社,2009.03)
保羅‧D‧巴克萊(Paul D. Barclay),堯嘉寧譯,《帝國棄民:日本在臺灣「蕃界」內的統治(1874-1945)》(臺北市:臺大出版中心,2020年)。
陶德(John Dodd),陳政三譯述,《北台封鎖記:茶商陶德筆下的清法戰爭》,(臺北:原民文化出版社,2002.07)。
愛德華.豪士(Edward House),陳政三譯述,《征臺紀事 : 武士刀下的牡丹花》,(臺北:原民文化出版社,2003.12)。
達飛聲(James W. Davidson)著,陳政三譯,《福爾摩沙島的過去與現在(上冊)》(臺南市:國立台灣史博物館,2014年)。
鄧津華(Emma Jinhua Teng),楊雅婷譯,《臺灣的想像地理:中國殖民旅遊書寫及圖像,1683-1895》(臺北市:臺大出版中心,2018年)。
簡于鈞,〈重訪接觸帶:從西方旅人視野再見 19 世紀台灣(1860-1885)〉(新竹市:交通大學社會與文化研究所碩士論文。2012年)。 |
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
平常作業 |
40% |
2. |
期末報告大綱 |
30% |
3. |
期末口頭報告 |
30% |
針對學生困難提供學生調整方式 |
上課形式 |
以錄影輔助 |
作業繳交方式 |
學生與授課老師協議改以其他形式呈現 |
考試形式 |
書面(口頭)報告取代考試 |
其他 |
由師生雙方議定 |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
9/8 |
Course Introduction |
第2週 |
9/15 |
My Last Cruise, by Alexander Wylly Habersham |
第3週 |
9/22 |
“A Trip to Hongsan, on the Formosan Coast,” by Robert Swinhoe |
第4週 |
9/29 |
中秋節假期,不用上課 |
第5週 |
10/6 |
Journal of a Blockaded Resident in North Formosa, by John Dodd |
第6週 |
10/13 |
Pioneering in Formosa, by William Pickering |
第7週 |
10/20 |
"Rambles among the Formosan Savages," by Charles Carroll |
第8週 |
10/27 |
期中考週,不用上課(繳交期末報告大綱) |
第9週 |
11/3 |
“Visit to the Village of Sau-o Bay, North-East Coast of Formosa. Including a Vocabulary of the Dialect,” by Cuthbert Collingwood |
第10週 |
11/10 |
Notes of Travel in Formosa, by Charles Le Gendre |
第11週 |
11/17 |
The Japanese Expedition to Formosa, by Edward House |
第12週 |
11/24 |
運動會,不用上課 |
第13週 |
12/1 |
Among the Head-Hunters of Formosa, by Janet B. Montgomery McGovern |
第14週 |
12/8 |
“Formosa the Beautiful,” by Alice Josephine Ballantine Kirjassoff |
第15週 |
12/15 |
Through Formosa: An Account of Japan's Island Colony, by Owen Rutter |
第16週 |
12/22 |
期末口頭報告 |