週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
9/7 |
(HW: Self introduction due in 2 weeks)
(加選) |
第2週 |
9/14 |
Self Reading
Prologue: Form and Substance 序幕: 組成與物質
Ch.1 The Poetry of Logical Idea 如詩般的邏輯概念
The Moth Video: The Singing Janitor - Leon Lederman
第3週 |
9/21 |
Self Reading
Ch.2 Not a Sufficient Excuse 不是個好理由
Video: CERN Atom Smasher - How it works |
第4週 |
9/28 |
(No Class)
Self Reading
Ch.6 Alternating Neutral Current 捉摸不定的中性流
2020 Nobel Physics Prize!
Self Intro due!!!! |
第5週 |
10/5 |
Ch.3 People will be Very Stupid about it
Ch.6 Alternating Neutral Current 捉摸不定的中性流
video: Particle Hunter - the CMS experiment
Video: CMS Barrel Steel manufacture
Discuss HW#1 report due 10/26
Watch DrPhysicsA's 3 lectures then write 2-3 pages report! |
第6週 |
10/12 |
Self Reading
Ch.3 People will be Very Stupid about it
Video: CERNs supercollider (Brian Cox)
Video: New boson spotted at LHC: Is it Higgs?
Video: From Atom to Quark 從原子到夸克
Video: The significance of the Higgs Boson discovery - Dr. John Ellis - BOLDtalks 2013
Video: What is the Higgs boson? (John Ellis) YouTube - CERN
第7週 |
10/19 |
Self Reading
Ch.7 They must be W's 非W粒子莫屬
Book: The God Particle (Leon Lederman)
Particle Accelerators
Video: How particle accelerators work
Video: Linear Particle Accelerator -Youtube
Video: 5 things you should never do with accelerator (Suzie Sheehy)
第8週 |
10/26 |
Self Reading
Ch.4 Applying the right Idea to the Wrong Problem
對的想法, 卻應用錯了問題
Video: Particle Accelerators Reimagined - Suzie Sheehy
Video: 量子的場論:堆砌宇宙真正的磚頭 - David Tong演講
The discovery of Charm Quarks
HW#1 report due |
第9週 |
11/2 |
mid-term 期中考 |
第10週 |
11/9 |
Self Reading
Ch.5 I can do that 我辦得到
Video: 量子的場論:堆砌宇宙真正的磚頭 - David Tong演講
Video: The Matter Of Antimatter: Answering The Cosmic Riddle Of Existence (Brian Greene)
第11週 |
11/16 |
Self Reading
Ch.8 Throw Deep 放手一搏
How to observe particles in the experiments?
Slides for Particle Detection Methods: Calorimeter
Information for HW#2 topics selection:
第12週 |
11/23 |
Self Reading
Ch.9 Fantastic Moment 美妙時刻
Slides for Particle Detection Methods: Tracking
Select topics for HW#2 |
第13週 |
11/30 |
Self Reading
Ch.10 The Shakespeare Question 莎士比亞的問題
Epilogue: The construction of Mass 質量從何而來 Afterward
Video: The future of Higgs boson
第14週 |
12/7 |
Neutrino Oscillation and experiments
HW#2 due (12/24)
第15週 |
12/14 |
Neutrino Oscillation and experiments
Video: Neutrino Astronomy: Can You See What I See?
(TEDx talks) Jim Madsen TedxUW on Ice Cube
HW#3 (No report) - 看完 粒子狂熱(Particle Fever)與上帝的粒子 的感想
期末考題之ㄧ |
第16週 |
12/21 |
Final Exam 期末考 (one hour exam, openbook)
Video: Cracking the Nucleus (衝破原子核) |
第17週 |
No more class for this semester!
Extra (If needed)
Search for new physics, beyond Standard Model, etc.
videos: Hidden Dimensions: Exploring Hyperspace (Brian Greene)
What is Supersymmetry, Big Mysteries The Higgs Mass, Big Questions Dark Matter, etc.
第18週 |