Analytical Chemistry (Ⅲ) 
理學院  化學系  
203 21230 
限學士班三年級以上 且 限本系所學生(含輔系、雙修生)
Ceiba 課程網頁

This course extends the knowledge learned in sophomore analytical chemistry to include the fundamental principles and practical application of modern instrumental methods and of their instrumental transducers for quantitative determination of chemical compounds. The topics covered have applications to closely allied fields in natural sciences, life science and engineering.
This course is presented in a lecture/discussion format. The content of the course includes:
I. Instrumental Approach to Analytical Problems
a) Instrumental methods – general
b) Method selection
Numerical criteria
c) Calibration
II. Electronics
A. DC Circuit
a) Wheatstone bridge
b) Kirchhoff’s laws
B. AC Circuit
a) Signal comparison
b) Impedance
c) RC circuit
d) Voltage divider
e) High-pass and low-pass filter
f) Charging and discharging
C. Diodes
D. Transistors
a) Bipolar junction transistor
b) Common emitter transistor
E. Operational Amplifier
a) Feedback
b) Signal amplification
c) Instrument control
d) Transfer function
e) Voltage follower circuit
f) Inverting amplifier circuit
g) Non-inverting amplifier circuit
h) Difference amplifier circuit
i) Summing amplifier circuit
j) Voltage average circuit
k) Voltage integrator circuit
l) Voltage differentiator circuit
m) Current–to-voltage amplifier circuit
III. Spectroscopy/Spectrometry
A. Introduction to Spectroscopy
B. Spectroscope and Microscope
C. Characteristics of Electromagnetic radiation
a) Speed, Wavelength, Frequency, Amplitude
b) Phase
c) Polarization
i) s vs. p polarization
ii) Linear, circular, vs. elliptical polarization
D. Wave Property of Light and Optical Component
a) Transmission
i) Numerical aperture
ii) Optical fiber
b) Reflection
i) Reflectance
ii) Low-reflection coating
iii) Reflection vs. incident angle
iv) Internal relection
c) Refraction
i) Snell’s Law
ii) Brewster’s angle
iii) Dispersion
iv) Lens & prism
v) Birefringence & birefringent materials
1) Optic axis
2) Light behavior
3) Production of polarized light
d) Interference
i) Interference filter
ii) Fabry-Perot etalon
iii) Interference wedge
iv) Interferometry
1) Michelson interferometer
2) Fourier transform of interferograms
v) Surface plasmon resonance
1) Set-up
2) Surface plasmon
3) Surface Plasmon polariton
4) Dispersion relation
5) Skin effect
6) Evanescent-wave coupling
7) Resonance/Excitation
8) Measurement-traditional form
8.1) Qualitative and quantitative
8.2) Effect of imaginary permittivity
8.3) Use
8.4) Characteristics
9) Measurement-nano form
8.1) Localized surface plasmon
8.2) LSP resonance condition
8.3) Excitation, detection, & decay of LSP
8.4) Model of extinction properties
8.5) Effects and factors
8.6) LSPR nanobiosensor
• Polypeptide binding
• Biotin−avidin interaction
• Biotin−streptavidin interaction
• Effect of nonspecific binding
8.7) Characteristics of LSPR nanosensor
vi) Dual-polarization interferometry
1) Optical principle
2) Real-time probe
3) Instrument
4) Measurement
5) Case study
6) Characteristics
7) Application
vii) Polarized light microscopy
1) Contrast enhancement
2) Instrument
2.1) Illumination
2.2) Polarizing element
2.3) retardation plate
3) Optical principle
3.1) Polarization of light
3.2) Manifestation of polarized light
• Isogyres
• Michel-Levy chart
• Intensity and centration
4) Application
e) Scattering
i) Elastic and inelastic scatterings
ii) Rayleigh and Mie scatterings
iii) Differential interference contrast microscopy
1) Optical concept
2) Instrument
2.1) Wollaston prism
2.2) Nomarski prism
3) Operation
4) Case study
ii) Rayleigh and Mie scatterings
ii) Rayleigh and Mie scatterings
f) Diffraction
i) Single and Double Slits
ii) Bragg’s Law
iii) Echelle- and Echellette-type Gratings
iv) Monochromator
E. Particle Property of Light
a) Photoelectric effect
b) Absorption
i) X-ray absorption spectroscopy
• XAS spectrum
• Measurement
• Absorption edge
ii) Franck-Condon principle
c) Emission
i) Kasha's rule
ii) Blackbody radiation
iii) Wien's displacement law
iv) Stefan–Boltzmann law
v) X-ray emission
• Electron bombardment
- Characteristics lines
- Spectrum characteristics
• Other particle bombardment
• Monochromator
• Detector  

This course is an advanced-level undergraduate course that covers the fundamental concepts and background principles about chemical instrumentation of analytical methods. Instrumental theories and concepts are introduced to provide a framework for discussions of the advantages and disadvantages offered by various transducer systems used for chemical analysis. The specific objectives of the course are that the student be able to:
-gain working knowledge of analytical instrumentation typically employed in chemical laboratories;
-comprehend the basic scientific concepts and operational principles involved in analytical instrumentation;
-describe the layout and components of prototypical instruments;
-understand instrument design and construction;
-integrate a fundamental understanding of the underlying theories upon which the principles of optical and particle spectroscopic and spectrometric procedures are based;
-relate optical and electronic properties to quantitation of analytes in different sample matrices;
-understand the limitations and strengths of different instrument components and methods;
-apply and assess concepts of availability and evaluation of analytical standards/references;
-recognize interferences and assess sources of error in instrumental analysis;
-select appropriate instrumental methods for addressing analytical problems.

a) This course presumes some prior exposure to classical chemical analyses and general instrumental analyses, as well as knowledge of general physics and basic electronics.
b) Make-up exams will not be permitted to those who miss the midterms or the final. Do not take this course if you have a class/activity schedule that is in some way in conflict with our class and exam schedules. Students should present records of clinic visits for missing the exam due to illness.
c) Good, participatory attendance is essential to successful mastery of course material. Although the attendance will not be monitored daily, it is suggested that you do not take this course if you cannot come to the class.
d) Handouts are given only in the current class session.
e) Students should thus keep class notes.
f) Photography and videotaping of any form are not allowed in the classroom. Cell phone use is also forbidden. 
Office Hours
每週五 15:10~16:10 備註: The session starts right after the lecture and ends when the last student leaves. 
Holler, Skoog, and Crouch, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 6th Ed., Thomson Brooks/Cole, ISBN: 0-495-01201-7 
James W. Robinson, Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis, Marcel Dekker
Francis Rouessac, Annick Rouessac, Chemical Analysis-Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques, Wiley, ISBN: 978-0-470-85902-5
K. A. Rubinson, J. F. Rubinson, Contemporary Instrumental Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Daniel C. Harris, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 7th Ed., W.H. Freeman and Company
Skoog, West, Holler, Crouch, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Cengage Learning, ISBN: 978-986-5840-60-0

Two Midterms 
The better mid-term performance weights 34% and the other weights 24%. The exams are primarily problems and short essays. They will emphasize the course objectives of understanding the background theory, operation principles, design, applications, strengths, and limitations of chemical instrumentation and analysis methods introduced. The content of the tests includes the materials discussed in your textbook as well as those taught in the class. Calculators used in the exam cannot contain any dictionary function. Cell phones and any other communication devices should be kept away from the exam. Anyone who only sits in the class is not allowed to take the midterm or the final. 
Final Exam 
The exams are primarily problems and short essays. They will emphasize the course objectives of understanding the background theory, operation principles, design, applications, strengths, and limitations of chemical instrumentation and analysis methods introduced. The content of the tests includes the materials discussed in your textbook as well as those taught in the class. The final test is a comprehensive exam and will require you to integrate the class material in a meaningful way. Calculators used in the exam cannot contain any dictionary function. Cell phones and any other communication devices should be kept away from the exam. Anyone who only sits in the class is not allowed to take the midterm or the final. 
Bonus grades will be given based on the student’s performance in the pop quiz, which will be held on an irregular basis. Additional bonus grades will be given on class notes for students with semester grades on the pass-fail border. 