課程名稱 |
普通心理學 General Psychology |
開課學期 |
110-2 |
授課對象 |
授課教師 |
周珮雯 |
課號 |
Psy1007 |
課程識別碼 |
207E10100 |
班次 |
08 |
學分 |
3.0 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期五7,8,9(14:20~17:20) |
上課地點 |
普102 |
備註 |
本課程以英語授課。兼通識A58*。。A58*:公民意識與社會分析、生命科學領域。可充抵通識 總人數上限:150人 |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
This course is designed to introduce students to the various topics and issues in the scientific exploration of psychology. Along the way, students will acquire basic knowledge of the influential theories and relevant research involving important aspects of psychology. Students will discover what psychologists have learned that can enrich their studies, their relationships, their health, and other important aspects of their life. |
課程目標 |
1. To acquire a foundational knowledge of various psychological theories and evidenced research studies.
2. To think critically, so students can evaluate research and tell the difference between a scientific claim and a “pseudoscientific” claim.
3. To integrate information from various psychological perspectives and identify facets that that are consistent or not consistent across theories.
4. To connect knowledge about psychological literature to our own values and goals.
5. To get excited about psychology as subject matter and develop an increased appreciation for psychology.
6. To be able to learn and acquire sources of information in the social and behavioral sciences. |
課程要求 |
• Lectures: Lectures will cover the material from the book chapters and additional material. The lectures are designed to help students understand what they have read and put it in context. Lecture slides will be posted on NTU COOL.
• Exams: There will be two exams. Exams will consist of multiple choice questions worth a maximum of 100 points each. Exams will cover all materials in the course (lectures and textbook material). Exams are NOT cumulative.
• Assignments: Students will be required to submit several written assignments for the course. All assignments must be submitted to NTU COOL.
• Discussion/Participation: Students will be asked to participate in the discussion in class. These discussions are designed for students to think about and/or experience the course material. |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
指定閱讀 |
待補 |
參考書目 |
1. Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Fredrickson, B. L., Loftus, G. R., Lutz, C., Hilgard, E., & At-kinson, R. (2014). Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology. Cengage Learn-ing.
2. 心理學:身體、心靈與文化的整合 (2018),梁庚辰主編,台大出版中心。 |
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
Midterm Exam |
35% |
2. |
Final Exam |
35% |
3. |
Assignments |
20% |
4. |
Discussion/Participation |
10% |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
2/18 |
Introduction to the Course/Syllabus |
第2週 |
2/25 |
Introduction to Psychology |
第3週 |
3/04 |
Research in Psychology |
第4週 |
3/11 |
Biological Foundation |
第5週 |
3/18 |
Life Span Development |
第6週 |
3/25 |
Consciousness |
第7週 |
4/01 |
Stress and Health |
第8週 |
4/08 |
Midterm Exam |
第9週 |
4/15 |
Learning |
第10週 |
4/22 |
Memory |
第11週 |
4/29 |
Sensation and Perception |
第12週 |
5/06 |
Personality |
第13週 |
5/13 |
Motivation & Emotion |
第14週 |
5/20 |
Psychological Disorders |
第15週 |
5/27 |
Final Exam |
第16週 |
6/03 |
No Class |