課程概述 |
編碼學(Coding Theory)是一門很有趣, 很簡單的課程, 尤其在現代一切皆數位化的時代裡, 更是一門應用很廣的課程. 編碼學是線性代數, 甚至代數中最重要的應用. 凡修過線性代數的同學皆可選修.
1. Introduction to error-correcting codes
2. The main coding theory problem
3. Finite fields
4. Vector spaces over finite fields
5. Linear codes
6. Encoding and decoding with a linear code
7. Dual code, the parity-check matrix and syndrome decoding
8. Hamming codes
9. Perfect codes
10. Double-error correcting codes
11. Cyclic codes