課程概述 |
課程名稱:有機金屬化學特論(Advanced Topics in Organometallic Chemistry)(3學分)
課程編號: 223 U1240
SYLLABUS Advanced Topics in Organometallic Chemistry
Instructor: Dr. Kung K. Wang
Office Hours: The instructor is available by appointment for help with the course materials.
The best way to make an appointment is to see the instructor after class.
Required Materials:There is no text for this course. All relevant materials will be provided by the instructor.
Determination of the Final Grade:
The final grade will be based on the scores of the three monthly examinations (22% each) and the final examination (34%). The final examination is comprehensive and will cover all the materials discussed during the entire semester.
Course Outlines:
This is a three-credit-hour graduate level course, which will cover structure, syntheses, chemical properties of organometallic compounds, and the applications of organometallic compounds in organic syntheses and in catalysis. Approximately 40 lectures and three in-class monthly examinations will be given. The contents of the course will be divided into four major areas outlined as follows.
Topic 1: Compounds of Boron, Silicon, and Tin (12 lectures)
1. syntheses of organoboranes, organosilanes, and organostannanes
2. synthetic applications of organoboranes, organosilanes, and organostannanes
3. palladium-catatyzed cross-coupling reactions of organoboranes, organosilanes, and organostannanes
Topic 2: Transition Metal Complexes (12 lectures)
1. electron counting and bonding
2. organometallic reaction mechanisms
3. synthetic applications of transition metal complexes
Topic 3: Organometallic Compounds in Asymmetric Catalysis (6 lectures)
Topic 4: Current Literature of Using Transition Metal Complexes in the Synthesis of Complex Organic Molecules (10 lectures)