課程名稱 |
開課學期 |
96-2 |
授課對象 |
理學院 一般心理學組 |
授課教師 |
曾加蕙 |
課號 |
Psy5064 |
課程識別碼 |
227 U1680 |
班次 |
學分 |
3 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期四2,3,4(9:10~12:10) |
上課地點 |
北館N221 |
備註 |
先修科目:心理及教育統計學上與心理及教育統計學下與心理實驗法上與心理實驗法下與知覺心理學(適用本系學生,含研究生)。 總人數上限:10人 |
Ceiba 課程網頁 |
http://ceiba.ntu.edu.tw/962Psychophysics |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
本課程尚未建立核心能力關連 |
課程概述 |
課程目標 |
課程要求 |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
指定閱讀 |
參考書目 |
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
20080304 |
meeting schedule |
第2週 |
2008/03/06 |
Blaser, E., Sperling, G. & Lu, Z-L (1999). Measuring the amplification of attention. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, 96, 15374-15379. (by 芳竹)
Lu, Z-L & Sperling, G. (1995). Attention-generated apparent motion. Nature, 377, 237-239. (by 姉寧)
第3週 |
2008/03/13, 09:10 |
seng, C.-h., Gobell, J. L., Lu, Z.-L., & Sperling, G. (2006). When motion appears stopped: Stereo motion standstill. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 103. 14953-14958. (by CT)
Lu, Z.-L., Lesmes, L. A., & Sperling, G. (1999). Perceptual motion standstill in rapidly moving chromatic displays. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 96, 15374-15379. (by 信安)
Motion aftereffects specific to surface depth order: Beyond binocular disparity
Journal of Vision (2006) 6, 119–131 (by 詩文) |
第4週 |
2008/03/20, 09:10 |
Dosher, B. A., & Lu, Z.-L., Level and mechanisms of perceptual learning: Learning in luminance and texture objects. Vision Research, 46, 1996-2007 (by 詠亙)
Lu, Z.-L., Chu, W., Dosher, B. & Lee, S., Independent Perceptual Learning in Monocular and Binocular Motion Systems, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, 102, 5624-5629. (by 芳竹)
第5週 |
2008/03/27, 09:10 |
Saffell T, Matthews N (2003). Task-specific perceptual learning on speed and direction discrimination. Vision Research, 43 (12), 1365-74 (by 雅廷)
Liu, Z Weinshall, D (2003) Mechanisms of generalization in perceptual learning. Vision research. 2000; 40(1): 97-109. (by 詩文)
第6週 |
2008/03/31, 12:30 |
TBA (by 信宏)
Johnston, DH Arnold, S Nishida, (2006). Spatially Localized
Distortions of Event Time. Current Biology.
IS Penton-Voak, H Edwards, A Percival, JH Wearden, (1996).Speeding up
an internal clock in humans? Effects of click trains on subjective
duration. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior.
第7週 |
2008/04/17, 09:10 |
Suzuki, S., & Grabowecky, M (2003). Attention during adaptation weakens negative afterimages. Journal of Experimental Psychology, human perception and performance, 29 (4) 793-807 (by 雅惠)
Gobell, J. & Carrasco, M. (2005). Attention alters the appearance of spatial frequency and gap size. Psychological Science, 16, 644-651. (by 殷瑞)
第8週 |
2008/04/24, 09:10 |
Tsuchiya & Koch (2005) Continuous flash suppression reduces negative
afterimages. Nature Neuroscience, 8, 1096-1101(by 姉寧)
Lou, L (2001). Effects of voluntary attention on structured afterimages. Perception, 30, 1439- 1448. (by 詠亙)
第8週 |
2008/04/23, 14:10 |
Wed Dept Seminar |
第9週 |
2008/05/01, 09:10 |
PTC/PROP Tasting: Anatomy, Psychophysics, and Sex Effects.(1994) Physiology & Behavior.
Taste & Cross Modality
TBA (by 秋麗) |
第10週 |
2008/05/22, 09:10 |
TBA (by 雅廷)
TBA (by 詩文)
第11週 |
2008/05/29, 09:10 |
TBA (by雅惠)
TBA (by殷瑞)
TBA (by 秋麗)
第12週 |
2008/06/05, 09:10 |
Final presentation |
第13週 |
2008/06/12, 09:10 |
Final presentation |