課程概述 |
課號: 228M3910
授課教師: 周素卿
時間: 地點:
日期 內 容
2月17日 課程簡介
2月24日 都市地理學近期的發展
3月3日 芝加哥學派(一):都市作為一種生態社區
3月10日 芝加哥學派(二):都市作為一種文化形式
3月17日 政治經濟學取徑的都市理論簡介
3月24日 請假
3月31日 曼威·柯司特((Manuel Castells)的都市理論與相關都市議題晚近的轉變
4月7日 大衛·哈維(David Harvey) 的都市理論(一):“社會正義與城市” 與都市社會正義的理論發展
4月14日 大衛·哈維(David Harvey) 的都市理論(二):“資本的都市化”與政治經濟學研究取徑的變遷
4月21日 大衛·哈維(David Harvey) 的都市理論(三):“後現代性的境況”與後現代理論之異
4月28日 昂希列斐伏爾(Henri Lefebvre)及其影響
5月5日 後現代都市理論與後現代都市意識
5月15日 愛德華·索雅(Edward Soja)的都市理論:第三空間
5月19日 文化的轉向(cultural turn)與都市理論的發展
5月26日 文化(資本)的生產與都市空間的文化生產
6月2日 城市的書寫、再現與新文化地理學
6月9日 城市中的對抗與抵抗
Readings for the Seminar in Urban Geography:
第一週 課程簡介 (2/17)
第二週 都市地理學近期的發展 (2/24)
1. Lees, L. (2002) Rematerializing geography: The “new” urban Geography, Progress in Human Geography, 26 (1): 101-112.
2. Smith, S.J. (1994) Urban geography in a changing world. In: Gregory, D., R. Martin and G. Smith (eds.) Human Geography: Society, Space, and Social Science. : Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press, 232-251.
3. Leitner, H. (1992) Urban geography: responding to new changes, Progress in Human Geography, 16(1): 105-118.
4. Harris, C.D. (1997) “The nature of cities” and urban geography in the last half contrary, Urban Geography, 18 (1): 15-35.
5. Short, J.R. (2000) Three urban discourse, In: G. Bridge and S. Watson (eds.) A Companion to the City. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, pp. 18-25.
6. Basset, K. (1999) Is there progress in human geography? The problem of progress in the light of recent work in the philosophy and sociology of science, Progress in Human Geography, 23 (1): 27-47.
7. Saunders, P. (1985) “Space, the city and urban sociology,” In: D. Gregory and J. Urry (eds.) Social relations and Spatial Structures. New York: St. Martin’s Press, pp. 67-89.(王志弘譯)(導讀)
第三週 芝加哥學派(一):都市作為一種生態社區 (3/3)
1. Saunders, P. (1981) Social Theory and the Urban Question. London: Hutchinson. (Chapter 2) (HT111 S 26 1981)(導讀)
2. Park, R.E. and E.W.Ernest (1925) The City. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. (Chapters 1, 2) (HT 151 P219)
3. Park, R.E. and E.W.Ernest (1925) The City. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. (Chapters 3,8) (參考)
4. Mumford, L. (1937) “What is a City” (Architectural Record), In: R.T. LeGates and F. Stout (eds.) (1996) The City Reader, London: Routledge, pp. 92-96. (對照閱讀)
5. Munford, L. (1938) The culture of cities, In: P. Kasinitz (ed) Metropolis: Center and Symbol of Our Times. New York: New York University Press. (Chapter 2) (對照閱讀)
第四週 芝加哥學派(二):都市作為一種文化形式 (3/10)
1. Saunders, P. (1981) Social Theory and the Urban Question. London: Hutchinson. (Chapter 3) (HT111 S 26 1981) (導讀)
2. Smith, M.P. (1979) The City and Social Theory. New York: St. Martin’s Press. (Chapter 1,3) (GF 95 J137) (導讀)
3. Wirth, W. (1938) “Urbanism as a way of life” (American Journal of Sociology), In: R.T. LeGates and F. Stout (eds.) (1996) The City Reader, London: Routledge, pp. 97-106.
4. Simmel, G. The metropolis and mental life (1903) In: P. Kasinitz (ed) Metropolis: Center and Symbol of Our Times. New York: New York University Press. (Chapter 3)
第五週 政治經濟學取徑的都市理論簡介(3/17)
1. Saunders, P. (1981) Social Theory and the Urban Question. London: Hutchinson. (Chapter 5, 6, 7) (HT111 S 26 1981) (導讀)
2. Harvey, D. (2001) Spaces of Capital. New York: Routledge. (Chapters 1, 4)
3. Fainstein, S. S. (1999) Can we make the city we want? In: R. A. Beauregard and S. Body-Gendrot (eds.) The Urban Moment: Cosmopolitan on the Late-20th-Century City. Thousand Oaks: Sage (Urban Affairs Annual Review). (Chapter 12)
4. Soja, Edward. 2000. Postmetropolis : Critical Studies of Cities and Regions Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers. (Chapter ?) (HT119 S65 2000)
1. 王志弘(1998) 空間與社會,出自於流動空間與社會:王志弘1991-1997論文選,台北:田園城市,頁1-16。
2. 郭恩慈編著(1998)香港空間製造,Hong Kong: Crabs Company Limited. (pp. 4-25)
5. Leitner, H. and E. Sheppard (1989) The city as locus of production. In: Peet, R. and N. Thrift (eds.) New Models in Geography, Volume Two. London: Unwin Hyman, 55-83 (GF 41 N48 1988)
3. Pratt, G. (1989) Reproduction, class, and the spatial structure pf the city. In: Peet, R. and N. Thrift (eds.) New Models in Geography, Volume Two. London: Unwin Hyman, 84-108.
第六週 請假(3/24)
第七週 曼威·柯司特( Manuel Castells)的都市理論(3/31)
1. 夏鑄九、王志弘編譯(1993) 空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本,台北:明文書局。(Chapters 8, 9, 13)
2. Castells, M. (1989) Social movement and the informational city, Histotsubahi Journal of Social Studies, 21: 197-206. (王志弘譯,(1995),〈社會運動與資訊城市〉,收於《空間與社會理論譯文選》,頁153-166)
3. Castells, M. (1989) The Informational mode of development the restructuring of capitalism, In Fainstein, S. and S. Campbell (eds.) (1996) Readings in Urban Theory, Oxford, UK: Blackwell. (Chapter 4)
4. Castells, Manuel. (1992b). `The space of flows: A theory of space in the informational society,` paper presented on conference of `The New Urbanism` organized by Princeton University in October 1992.(王志弘譯,(1997),〈流動空間:資訊化社會的空間理論〉,《城市與設計學報》,第一期,頁1-15。)
5. Mayer, M. (1999) Urban movement and urban theory, In: R. A. Beauregard and S. Body-Gendrot (eds.) The Urban Moment: Cosmopolitan on the Late-20th-Century City. Thousand Oaks: Sage (Urban Affairs Annual Review). (Chapter 10:Urban movement and urban theory in the late-20th-century city) (對照閱讀)
6. Castells, M. (1978) City, Class and Power. Translation supervised by Lebas, E. New York: St. Martin’s Press. (Chapter 2)(參考)
1. Castells, M. (1977) The Urban Question. Boston: MIT Press.
2. _____(1983) The City and the Grassroot: a cross-cultural theory of urban social movements. Berkeley: University of California Press.
3. _____(1989) The Informational City: Information, Technology, Economic Restructuring and the Urban-region Process. Oxford: Blackwell.
4. _____(1996) The Rise of Network Society, Volume 1. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. (HC79.I55 C373 1996) 曼威·柯司特( Manuel Castells)(1998) 網絡社會之崛起,夏鑄九等譯,台北:唐山。(541.49 4112)
第八週 大衛·哈維(David Harvey) 的都市理論(一):“社會正義與城市” 與都
市社會正義的理論發展 (4/7)
1. Harvey, D. (1973) Social Justice and the City. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press. (Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter7)
2. Harvey, D. (1992) “Social justice, postmodernism and the city,” In Fainstein, S. and S. Campbell (eds.) (1996) Readings in Urban Theory, Oxford, UK: Blackwell. (Chapter 16)
3. Harvey, D. (2001) Spaces of Capital. New York: Routledge. (Chapters 10)
4. Merrifield, A. and E. Swyngedouw (1997) The Urbanization of Injustice. Washington Square, NY: New York University Press. (Introduction)
第九週 大衛·哈維(David Harvey) 的都市理論(二):“資本的都市化”(4/17)
1. Harvey, D. (1989) The Urban Experience. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. (Chapters 1, 2, 6)
2. Harvey, D. (2001) Spaces of Capital. New York: Routledge. (Chapters 12)
3. 夏鑄九、王志弘編譯(1993) 空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本,台北:明文書局。(Chapter 4)
Harvey, D. (1982) The Limits to Capital. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
____ (1985) The Urbanization of Capital. Oxford: Blackwell.
第十週 大衛·哈維(David Harvey) 的都市理論(四):“後現代性的境況”(4/21)
1. Harvey, D. (1989) The Urban Experience. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. (Chapters 9) (HT321 H3732 1989)
2. _____(1989) The Condition of Postmodernity. Oxford: Blackwell. (Part I) (CB428 H38 1989)
3. _____(1989) The Condition of Postmodernity. Oxford: Blackwell. (Part IV) (CB428 H38 1989)
第十一週 昂希列斐伏爾(Henri Lefebvre)及其影響 (4/28)
1. Lefebvre, Henri (1974) The Production of Space, Translated by D.Nicholson-Smith (1991). Oxford: Blackwell. (Chapter 1 at least)
2. Soja, E.W. (1996) Thirdspace: Journey to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-imagined Places. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. (Chapters 1)
3. 夏鑄九、王志弘編譯,《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》,台北︰明文書局。(Chapters 2, 3)
4. 郭恩慈,(1998),〈空間、時間與節奏︰列斐伏爾的空間理論初析〉,《城市與設計》,第五六期,pp. 171-185.
第十二週 後現代都市理論與後現代都市意識 ( 5/5)
1. Flusty, S. and M. Dear (1999) Invitation to a postmodern urbanism. In: R. A. Beauregard and S. Body-Gendrot (eds.) The Urban Moment: Cosmopolitan on the Late-20th-Century City. Thousand Oaks: Sage (Urban Affairs Annual Review). (Chapter 2)
2. Davis, M. (1990) Fortess Los Angeles: The militarization of urban space, In: The culture of cities, In: P. Kasinitz (ed) Metropolis: Center and Symbol of Our Times. New York: New York University Press. (Chapter 7) (參考)
3. Marcuse, P. (1995) No chaos, but walls: postmodernism and the partition city, In: Watson, S. and K. Gibson (eds.) Postmodern Cities and Spaces. Oxford: Blackwell. (Chapter 16) (參考)
4. Curry, J. and M. Kenney (1999) The paradigmatic city: postindustrial illusion and the Los Angeles school, Progress in Human Geography, 31 (1): 1-28.
5. Scott, A. J. (1999) Los Angeles and the LA school: A response to Curry and Kenney, Progress in Human Geography, 31 (1): 29-36.
6. Soja, E.W. (1995) Postmodern urbanization: the six restructurings of Los Angeles. In: Watson, S. and K. Gibson, K. (eds) Postmodern Cities and Spaces. Oxford: Blackwell, 125-137. (參考)
7. Smith, M.P. (2001) Transnational Urbanism. Oxford: Blackwell. (Chapters 5,6,7,8)
1. Dear, M. (2000) The Postmodern Condition. Oxford: Blackwell.
2. Amin, A. and N. Thrift (2002) Cities: Reimaging the Urban. Cambridge: Polity.
第十三週 愛德華·索雅(Edward Soja)的都市理論 (5/15)
1. 王志弘(1998) 後現代的空間思考:愛德華·索雅思想評介,出自於流動空間與社會:王志弘1991-1997論文選,台北:田園城市,頁17-33。
2. Soja, E.W. (1996) Thirdspace: Journey to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-imagined Places. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. (Introduction, Chapters 2, 3,4,5) (王志弘譯)
3. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 89 (2): 340-353. (Book Review Forum)
4. Brenner, N (2000) The urban question as a scale question: reflections on Henri Lefebvre, urban theory and the politics of scale, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24(2): 361-378.
第十四週 文化的轉向(cultural turn)與都市理論的發展 (5/22)
1. Ley, D. (1996) Urban geography and cultural studies, Urban Geography, 17 (6): 475-477.
2. Mitchell, D. (2000) Cultural Geography: A Critical Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell. (Chapter 2, 12)
3. Barnett, C. (1998) The cultural turn: fashion or progress in human geography?. Antipode, 30 (4): 379-394.
4. Price, M. and M. Lewis (1993) The reinvention of cultural geography. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 83 (1): 1-17.
1. Crang, M. (1998) Cultural Geography. London: Routledge.
2. Jackson, P. (1989) Maps of Meaning. London: Routledge.
第十五週 文化(資本)的生產與都市空間的文化生產
1. Zukin, S.(1995) The Cultures of Cities. London: Blackwell. (Chapters 1, 7) (HT109 Z85 1995)
2. Zukin, S. (1988) Loft Living: and Capital in Urban Change. London: Century Hutchinson, 2nd edition. (Chapters 3, 4, 8) (HD7304 N5 Z84 1998)
3. Podmore, J. (1998) (Re)Reading the “loft living” habitus in Montreal’s inner city, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 22 (2): 283-302.
4. Scott, A. (2000) The cultural economy of Paris, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24 (3): 567-582.
5. Scott, Allen J. 2000. The Cultural Economy of Cities London: Sage.
6. Hannigan, J. (1997) Fantasy City: Pleasure and Profit in the Postmodern Metropolis. London: Routledge.
7. Kearns, Gerry and Chris Philo (eds.). (1997) Selling Places: The City as Cultural Capital. Oxford: Pergamon.
8. Zukin, Sharon. 1993. Landscape of Power: From Detroit to Disney World Berkeley: University of California Press.
9. Findley, J.M. (1992) Magic Lands: Western Cityscape and American Culture after 1940. Berkeley: University of California Press. (Chapter 6: Western cityscape and American culture)
第十六週 城市的書寫、再現與新文化地理學 (6/5)
1. Shield, R. (1996) A guide to urban representation and what to do about it: alternative traditions of urban theory. In: King, A.D. (ed.) Re-presenting the City: Ethnicity, capital and Culture in the 21st-Century Metropolis. Washington Square, New York: New York University Press, 227-252.
2. Duncan, J.S. (1996) Me(trope)oils: or Hayden White among the urbanists. In: King, A.D. (ed.) Re-presenting the City: Ethnicity, capital and Culture in the 21st-Century Metropolis. Washington Square, New York: New York University Press, pp. 253-268. (參考)
3. M. Miles, T. Hall and I. Borden (eds.) (2000) The City Culture Reader. London: Routledge. (Chapter 35, 36, 37, 38, 39)
4. Mitchell, D. (2000) Cultural Geography: A Critical Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell. (Chpaters 4,5)
5. Ellin, N. (1996) Postmodern Urbanism. Oxford: Blackwell. (Chapters 4, 5 8)(參考)
6. King, R. (1996) Emancipating Space: Geographies, Architecture, and Urban Design. New York: The Guilford Press. (參考)
7. Pinder, D. (2000) “Old Paris no more”: geography of spectacle and anti-spectacle, Antipode, 32 (4): 357-386. (參考)
1. Lefebrve, H. (1996) Writings on Cities: selected, translated and introduced by Kofman, E. and E. Lebas. Oxford: Blackwell.
2. Barthes, R. The Eiffel Towel and Other Mythologies. Translated by Howard, R. New York: The Noonday Pres.
3. Cosgrove, D. and Daniels, S. (eds.) The Iconography of Landscape: Essays on the Symbolic representation, Design and Use of Past Environments. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press.
4. Duncan, J. (1990) The City as Text: The Politics of Landscape Interpretation in the United Kingdom. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press.
8. Hayden, Dolores. 1997. The Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public History. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (F869.L857 H39 1997)
5. 夏鑄九、王志弘編譯(1993) 空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本,台北:明文書局。(Chapters 22,23,24)
6. 王志弘(1998) 城市,文學與歷史—閱讀「看不見的城市」,出自於流動空間與社會:王志弘1991-1997論文選,台北:田園城市,頁293-303。
7. 羅蘭巴特(Roland Barthes) 符號學美學,董學文王葵譯,台北:商鼎文化。Barthes, Roland. (1957). Mythologies. Paris: Editions du Seuil.(許薔薔、許綺玲譯,(1998),《神話學》,台北:桂冠。
8. Barthes, Roland. (1979). The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies. New York: The Noonday Press.(部份有中譯:李幼蒸譯,(1991),〈艾菲爾鐵塔〉,收於李幼蒸編譯,《寫作的零度:結構主義文學理論文選》(頁156-168),台北︰時報。)
9. Barthes, Roland. (1982). Empire of Signs. New York: Hill and Wang. (Original work published 1970.)(孫乃修譯,(1993),《符號禪意東洋風》,台北:台灣商務。)
10. Barthes, Roland. (1986). `Semiology and the urban,` in M. Gottdiener and Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos (eds.), The City and the Sign: An Introduction to Urban Semiotics (pp. 87-98). New York: Columbia University Press.(王志弘譯,(1994),〈符號學與都市〉,收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯,《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁527-538),台北︰明文書局。)
11. Duncan, James S. and Nancy G. Duncan (1992). ` Ideology and bliss: Roland Barthes and the secret histories of landscape,` in Trevor J. Barnes and James S. Duncan (eds.), Writing Worlds: Discourses, Text and Metaphor in the Representation of Landscape (pp. 18-37). London: Routledge.
第十七週 城市中的對抗與抵抗 (6/9)
1. Mitchell, D. (2000) Cultural Geography: A Critical Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell. (Chapter 6)
2. Smith, N. (1999) Which new urbanism? New York city and the revanchist 1990s. In: R. A. Beauregard and S. Body-Gendrot (eds.) The Urban Moment: Cosmopolitan on the Late-20th-Century City. Thousand Oaks: Sage (Urban Affairs Annual Review). (Chapter 9)
3. M. Miles, T. Hall and I. Borden (eds.) (2000) The City Culture Reader. London: Routledge (Chapter 49-52)
4. Sharp, J.P. et al. (2000) Entanglements of Power: Geographies of Dominance/Resistance, Oxford: Routledge. (Chapters 1, 10, 13, 14)
5. Fincher, R. and J. Jacobs (1998) Cities of Differences. New York: The Guilford Press. (Chpaters 1, 7, 8, 11)