課程概述 |
Molecular Marine Ecology and Phylogeny (M3100)
Course description
This course is designed for postgraduate level students who are interested in application of molecular tools in understanding marine ecology and evolution. Theories and cases studies of marine organisms will be the main targets in this course. Students who have taken undergraduate courses of systematic biology, molecular biology, or genetics are preferred. To those who do not have relevant backgrounds, I encourage you to take the parallel course, Genetic and Molecular Evolution (U3250), delivered by Prof. Alex Yu (于宏燦) in the Institute of Zoology, NTU. In the lectures, I will introduce modern-day molecular genetic tools which are currently used in the studies of marine ecology and evolution, and theories of phylogenetic inferences and population genetics used to interpret molecular data.
Texbook There is no fixed textbook for this lecture. However, I have listed some references which will be covered most of the lectures in this course. I will also prepare the lecture notes in the Powerpoint files before the course.
Computer practices There will be at least 12-hr computer practices in this lecture. I will try to organize a computer room in the room 415 Lecture room, IZAS. Computer practice will be A newly published `cook book`, Phylogenetic Trees Made Simple` by Barry Hall (Sinauer, US$ 27.95), will be used as the tutorial handbook for computer practices. Organization of bulk order of book is needed.
Instructors 陳昭倫(Allen Chen)
Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica
Ph: 2789-9549
E-mail: cac@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Each student will be asked to write a midterm report (50%) which is qualified to be published in the local journal, Chinese Bioscience (中國生物學會刊). Each student will also need to download a published dataset from the GenBank, reanalysis the dataset, and prepare a 30-min project presentation (50%) at the final of course.
*: Those who are interested in taking this lecture, please contact Dr. Allen Chen before you regist |