Course Information
Course title
Analysis of Political Economy 
Designated for
Curriculum Number
Curriculum Identity Number
Tuesday 6,7(13:20~15:10) 
The upper limit of the number of students: 50.
The upper limit of the number of non-majors: 20. 
Course introduction video
Table of Core Capabilities and Curriculum Planning
Association has not been established
Course Syllabus
Please respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not copy any of the course information without permission
Course Description

The course surveys classical theories and analytical approaches of political economy. Emphasis is placed on understanding the processes by which agents' political (economic) incentives influence economic (political) outcomes in the public domain, and vice versa. The course consists of two parts. Part I of this course introduces core concepts and theories – collective action, public goods, preference, social structure and power, and institutions – in the study of political economy. Part II of this course applies the knowledge introduced in part I to analyze a range of issues in political economy: institutional change, development, the interplay between different types of resources and channels of influence, and international trade. Contrary to what have been indoctrinated in the fields of economics and political science, the aim of this course is to leverage "political economy"—as an analytical approach—to help understand the sources of sub-optimal socio-economic outcomes.
Each class meeting begins with a lecture, followed by a discussion of that week's readings. Each week's readings consist of assigned book chapter(s) and/or research articles covering related mate- rials of the same topic. Further readings are NOT mandatory, they serve to provide supplemental information or alternative perspectives to give each week’s materials. Recent global and country- specific examples are prioritized in readings to better connect course materials to current events, with the aim of enhancing student learning.
Quizzes are given periodically to track students' learning. Students will need to sign up for 2 oral presentations to demonstrate their ability to organize and interpret course materials in a methodical fashion. A movie event is scheduled in lieu of mid-term. 

Course Objective
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. apply various approaches to analyze key issues in political economy.
2. identify main actors, modes of interaction, and outcomes in each issue area.
3. relate and explain recent and historical political and economic phenomena with the theories learned from this course.
4. design and implement an original research paper. 
Course Requirement
There are NO prerequisites for this course. However, it is strongly recommended that students have a good grasp of common terminology and key concepts in political science and economics. The following courses are recommended:
Principles for Economics/w Recitation (ECON 1004 and 1005), Intro. to Politics (PS 1005) or equivalent.

A number of assigned readings involve technical analytical methods, primarily statistics. Simplified version of more sophisticated readings will be presented in class slides to help students comprehend the materials. Students will NOT be tested on technical materials.

Assessment methods:

Participation (weekly questions) 25%
Quizzes 20%
Oral presentation 25%
Short papers 30%

1. Participation

Active participation is essential, and you cannot participate if you have not done the readings; you cannot possibly take part in the discussion unless you attend class. You are therefore expected to have finished all the readings before each week's meeting, and come to class ready to participate in the discussion. When reading the assigned materials, it will be useful to consider the questions listed in each week's course content.

Students will need to answer the questions listed under each week's readings. The instructor will discuss course materials along with weekly questions with students during class.

2. Quizzes

A total of 4 quizzes may be given during classes to keep students in touch with course materials and help the instructor track students' learning. Quizzes will be closed-book/closed-note in format.

3. Oral Presentations & Feedback

Beginning the 4th week of and throughout this semester, students are required to make ONE oral presentations on reading(s) of their own choosing (articles or book chapters) in weeks when that specific readings are assigned; however, you are not allowed to present twice in any given week.

You can (1) pick one or more than one readings from a particular week, (2) summarize one reading and/or compare several of them, and most importantly, (3) articulate your point of view. The entire presentation should last no less than 2 minutes but no longer than 7 minutes. Students will receive 15 points as baseline for each presentation with remaining points determined by how well students organize their talk (5 points) and respond to peers' presentations (5 points), so that two oral presentations will count toward 25% of total grade 15 + 5 + 5 = 25.

While fluency and pronunciation are important facilitators in oral expression, more weight will be given (for the 3 points/per presentation evaluation) to originality of thoughts and clarity with which students convey these ideas. For each question a student asked following peers' presentation, that student will receive 1 point (2 points at most in any given week), if a student asked 4 questions for the course of the semester, he/she will earn 4 full points.

Students are allowed to bring note during presentation and coordinate with peers for Q \& A, but the key point is to encourage you to get more actively involved in class discussion.

4. Term Paper

At the end of the semester, students are required to submit 1 original research paper of approximately 8-10 pages but no more than 15 pages. There will be no assigned topics; instead, students will use their own discretion in selecting paper topics, so long as they respond to our main topics in some way. Students will need to submit their topics at the seventh class meeting and students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the instructor to discuss their topics. A good paper should address the followings:

4a. It may compare and contrast several of the readings/theories; provide an in-depth critique of just one of the readings/theories. It can also be an application of a theory (or theories) to a historical (preferably post-World War II) or ongoing event.
4b. It should not simply summarize the readings; your paper should make an argument and convey a point of view.
4c. It should give a good critique of the readings/theories. A critique is not necessarily negative. Whether or not you like an author's argument or a theory, you still must critique it: is the argument clearly stated? Is the evidence offered relevant to the argument and convincing, or is it biased in some way? Are alternative explanations ignored or addressed? Are the cases selected appropriate for the research question? Any way to strengthen the claim? etc. You may want to incorporate one or several of these points into your writing. Hence, additional outside reading may be expected.
4d. Graphical and numerical presentation of information are always welcome. You may want to reference the presentation styles in the assigned readings as your guide or consult the instructor.
4e. It should give credit where credit is due: always cite the sources for key information, and always provide page numbers for quotes!
4f. It must be double spaced, use 12 point font, and follow the APA citation format.
4g.Paper is due one week after last class meeting. 
Student Workload (expected study time outside of class per week)
Office Hours
Appointment required. Note: By appointment No strict office hours and location, email me in advance. 
Designated reading
Explanations for the conditions
Answer and submit weekly questions prior to that week's class meeting. 
A set of multiple choice questions. All questions come from readings. 
Oral presentation 
Students are required to make TWO oral presentations on reading(s) of their own choosing (articles or book chapters) in weeks when that specific readings are assigned; however, you are not allowed to present twice in any given week. 
Term paper 
At the end of the semester, students are required to submit 1 original research paper of approximately 8-10 pages but no more than 15 pages. There will be no assigned topics; instead, students will use their own discretion in selecting paper topics, so long as they respond to our main topics in some way.  
Week 1
9/28  Introduction 
Week 2
10/05  What is Political Economy? 
Week 3
10/12  Analytical Approach I 
Week 4
10/19  Analytical Approach II 
Week 5
10/26  Analytical Approach III 
Week 6
11/02  Analytical Approach IV 
Week 7
11/09  Collective Action and Long-Run Institutional Consequences 
Week 8
11/16  MOVIE
Default (2018)
A Korean film describing the behind-the-scenes story of the IMF negotiations that took place during the outbreak of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, through three parallel stories.

Director: Kook-Hee Choi
Cast: Kim Hye-su, Yoo Ah-in, Joon-ho Huh

Pizza & softdrink will be provided 
Week 9
11/23  Ideational Power 
Week 10
11/30  Economic Structure and Developmental Trajectory 
Week 11
12/07  The Persistence of Elites and Institutions 
Week 12
12/14  Institutions, Procedure, and Money-ed Influence 
Week 13
12/21  Political Economy of International Trade 
Week 14
12/28  Asset Mobility and Political Regimes 
Week 15
1/04  Industrial Relations and Collective Action Problem 
Week 16
1/11  Final (No Class) 
Week 17
1/18  TBD (or term paper advising) 
Week 18
1/25  TBD (or term paper advising)