International Security 
社會科學院  政治學系  
302 41700 
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第一週: 課程說明:
第二週: 國際安全的研究途徑:「安全」概念之探討: 戰略研究、安全研究或和平研究 Snyder, Craig A. ed. : op. cit. Cha. 1, Alan Collins ed. ,Cha.1 “Introduction: What is Security Studies?”
第三週: 傳統戰略思想的演變: Baylis, John et al. (2002) op. cit. Cha. 1 ; Snyder, Craig A. ed. : op. cit. Cha.2.
第四週: 科技與戰略: Baylis, John et al. (2002) op. cit. Cha. 10
第五週: 觀看有助於認識核子與飛彈時代之戰爭性質的電影 ex.: Thirteen Days (驚爆十三天)
第六.週: 核武戰略(一):冷戰時期核武嚇阻戰略的演變: Baylis, John et al. (1987), op. cit. Cha.5
第七週: 核武戰略(二):冷戰結束後對核武角色的討論,與對嚇阻戰略的挑戰:有關戰略防禦(NMD)的辯論 Baylis, John et al. (2002) op. cit. Cha. 7. Snyder, Craig A. ed. : Cha. 7
第八週: 裁武與軍備管制: Baylis, John et al. (2002) op. cit. Cha.8
第九週: 危機處理: Baylis, John et al. (1987) op. cit. Cha.9
第十週:低強度衝突 (ex:恐怖主義, 革命戰爭): Baylis, John et al. (2002) op. cit. Cha.9.
第十一週: 聯盟與集體安全,地緣政治學: Baylis, John et al. (1987)op. cit. Cha.10
第十二週: 非攻勢防禦 (Non-offensive Defence) 與共同安全 (Common Security) Snyder, Craig A. ed. : ch.4, 5
第十三週: 國家安全政策: Baylis, John et al. (1987) op. cit. V:2 Cha.1
第十四週: 軍事超強主要國家的國防政策(美、俄、法、英、中共...) Baylis, John et al.: op. cit. V:2 Cha.2-6. Murray, Douglas J. & Viotti, Paul R. eds.: op. cit. cha. 2 , 8, 9, 10, 14
第十五週: 大規模摧毀武器(核、生、化與飛彈)的擴散問題------冷戰結束後裁武機制之運作問題: 核武不擴散條約機制, 核武全面禁試條約, 飛彈科技管制體制 (MTCR) , 非核區(尢其東南亞?東北亞)Baylis, John et al. (2002) op. cit. Cha.11. Snyder, Craig A. ed. : ch.8
第十六週: 冷戰結束後亞太地區的軍備競賽: 如何遏制之?
第十七週: 區域安全與我國國家安全
TMD 與東亞安全: TMD 是否真能增進東亞的安全與穩定?
核子與飛彈時代,我國國家安全的兩難---嚇阻或防禦? 「守勢國防」有效否?
第十八週: 期末考 

1. 上課出席與參與討論 10%
2. 學期報告 (6/15前繳交) 45% 自行找一專題,撰寫6千字左右的學術論文,須依循學術格式。
3. 期末考 45%
Office Hours
每週三 13:00~15:00 
Craig A. Snyder, ed. Contemporary Security and Strategy (London: Macmillan, 2012).
Baylis, John.et al., Strategy in the contemporary world : an introduction to strategic studies, (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010)
Paul D. Williams, Security studies : an introduction ( London ; New York : Routledge, 2013)
Isaiah Wilson III and James J.F. Forest eds. Handbook of defence politics : international and comparative perspectives ( London ; New York : Routledge 2008)
Alan Collins ed. , Contemporary security studies, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2013
Sean Kay, Global security in the twenty-first century : the quest for power and the search for peace (Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2012)
Baylis, John; Booth, John; Garnett,John; Williams, Phil. (1987), Contemporary Strategy: (I)(II) London, Sydney: Croom Helm.
Hough, Peter , Understanding global security, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2013.
Swain, Ashok , Understanding emerging security challenges : threats and opportunities , New York, NY : Routledge, 2013.
Barry Buzan and Lene Hansen eds. , International security, Vol. 1-4 Los Angeles ; London : SAGE, 2007
Mahnken, Thomas G. and Joseph A. Maiolo, Strategic studies : a reader, London ; New York : Routledge, 2008.
Patrick M. Morgan, International security : problems and solutions, Washington, D.C. : CQ Press, 2006
Jeffrey A. Larsen ed. , Arms control : cooperative security in a changing environment, Boulder, Colo. : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2002
Edward Newman, A crisis of global institutions? : multilateralism and international security, London ; New York : Routledge, 2007
Michael Sheehan, International security : an analytical survey, Boulder, Colo. : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2005.
Sean Kay, Global security in the twenty-first century : the quest for power and the search for peace, Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, 2006
Kolodziej, Edward A, Security and international relations, Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005
Booth, Ken ed. , Critical security studies and world politics , Boulder, Colo. : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2005.
Krahmann, Elke ed. , New threats and new actors in international security, New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Murray, Douglas J. & Viotti, Paul R. eds.: The Defense Policies of Nations: A Comparative Study 3th Edition London : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994 中譯本: 高一中,吳惠民譯 : 世界各國國防政策比較研究 臺北市 : 國防部史政編譯局, 民88
Brown, Michael E. ed. , Theories of war and peace : an international security reader, Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1998.
Buzan, Barry , Ole Waever , Jaap de Wilde , Security : a new framework for analysis , Boulder, Colo. : Rienner, 1998.
Buzan, Barry and Ole Waver, Regions and powers : the structure of international security, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Barry Buzan and Lene Hansen eds. , The evolution of international security studies, Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Eriksson, Johan ed. , Threat politics : new perspectives on security, risk and crisis management, Aldershot ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2001.
Terriff, Terry et al.: Security studies today, Cambridge, UK : Polity Press ; Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers, 1999.
Freedmam, Lawrence: The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy New York: St. Martin`s Press, 2nd. 1989.
------ ed.: War London: Oxford, 1994
Cimbala, Stephen J , Nuclear weapons and strategy : U.S. nuclear policy for the twenty-first century London ; New York : Routledge, 2005.
Cimbala, Stephen J and James Scouras, A new nuclear century : strategic stability and arms control , Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2002
Klein, Bradley S. : Strategic studies and world order Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994
Buzan, Barry: People, states, and fear : an agenda for international security studies in the post-cold war era New York : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991
------: An introduction to strategic studies : military technology and international relations Basingstoke, Hampshire : Macmillan Press : in association with the International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1987
Nacos, Brigitte Lebens , Terrorism and counterterrorism : understanding threats and responses in the post-9/11 world , New York : Pearson/Longman, 2006
Greenberg, Karen J. ed., Al Qaeda now : understanding todays terrorists, New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Sheehan, Michael, National and international security, Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2000.
Guzzini, Stefano and Dietrich Jung eds. , Contemporary security analysis and Copenhagen peace research, London ; New York : Routledge, 2004.
Krause, Keith R. , Culture and security : multilateralism, arms control and security building , London ; Portland, OR : F. Cass, 1999.
Sagan, Scott D.and Kenneth N. Waltz, The spread of nuclear weapons : a debate renewed : with new sections on India and Pakistan, terrorism, and missile defense, New York : W.W. Norton & Co., 2003.
Freedman, Lawrence, Deterrence, Cambridge, Malden : Polity Press, 2004.
Morgan, Patrick M., Deterrence now, Cambridge, New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Zagare, Frank C and D. Marc Kilgour, Perfect deterrence , Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Military Balance (London)(台大圖書館有電子書)
Strategic Survey (London) (台大圖書館有電子書)
Report of the Conference on Disarmament to the General Assembly of the United Nations (Geneva)
SIPRI Yearbook : Armaments, Disarmament and International Security (Stockholm)
Jane's Weapon Systems (London)
East Asian Strategic Review (Tokyo)
Department of Defense, Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China , Annual Report to Congress (Arlington, VA: Office of the Secretary of Defense).


International Security
Journal of strategic studies
Comparative Strategy
Security Studies
Arms Control
Arms Control Today
Disarmament Diplomacy
Security Dialogue
Strategic Review
The Korean Journal of Defense analysis
Journal of Defense and Diplomacy
Nonproliferation Review
Contemporary Security Policy
Conflict Quarterly
Journal of Peace Research
Journal of Conflict Resolution