Seminar on European Union 
社會科學院  政治學研究所  
322 M3510 
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Seminar Objectives:
The seminar aims to systematically improve students’ understanding of the developments and operations of the EU. Students are expected to learn and think about what lessons can be learned from the EU. Accordingly, three topics will be put forward.
1. Understand the historical background and driving forces of European integration.
2. Explore the institutional frameworks, policy areas, and decision-making process of the EU.
3. Clarify the global role of the EU.

Office Hours
授課教師:張亞中 教授
Seminar Objectives:
The seminar aims to systematically improve students’ understanding of the developments and operations of the EU. Students are expected to learn and think about what lessons can be learned from the EU. Accordingly, three topics will be put forward.
1. Understand the historical background and driving forces of European integration.
2. Explore the institutional frameworks, policy areas, and decision-making process of the EU.
3. Clarify the global role of the EU.

Seminar Schedule:
2/26 Seminar Introduction

3/5  Historical process of European integration
1. *張亞中,1998,《歐洲統合─政府間與超國家主義的互動》,臺北,揚智。
2. *蘇宏達主編,2011,《歐洲聯盟的歷史發展與理論辯論》,臺北,國立台灣大學出版中心。
3. *Gabel, Matthew. & Palmer, Harvey D. (1995). Understanding Variation in Public Support for European Integration. European Journal of Political Research, 27(1), pp. 3-19.
4. *Pollack, Mark A. (2002). International Relations Theory and European Integration. Journal of Common Market Studies, 39(2), pp. 221-244.

3/12 Theories of European Integration (1): Pre-theories
1. *Spinelli, A. & Rossi, E. (2006). For a Free United Europe: A Draft Manifesto. In. M. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (Ed.). Debates on European Integration: A Reader. Plagrave: 2006, pp. 37-42.
2. *Mitrany, D. (2006). A Working Peace System: An Argument for the Functional Development of International Organization. In M. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (Ed.). Debates on European Integration: A Reader. Plagrave: 2006, pp. 43-67.
3. *Deutsch, K. et al (2006). Political Community and the North Atlantic Area: International Organization in the Light of Historical Experience. In M. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (Ed.). Debates on European Integration: A Reader. Plagrave: 2006, pp. 68-88.
4. 藍玉春,1999,〈有關歐洲統合的論戰及其實踐:聯邦派vs.主權派〉,《政治科學論叢》,第11期,頁181-228。
5. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, M. (2006). Introduction: Pre-Theories of International Integration. In. M. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (Ed.). Debates on European Integration: A Reader. Plagrave: 2006, pp. 17-36.
6. Rosamond, B. (2000). Federalism, Functionalism and Transactionalism. In B. Rosamond, Theories of European Union. Hamsshire: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 20-49.

3/19  Theories of European Integration (2): Debates between Supranationalism and Intergovernmentalism
1. *Haas, E. (2006). The Uniting of Europe: Political, Social and Economic Forces, 1950-1957. In M. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (Ed.). Debates on European Integration: A Reader. Plagrave: 2006, pp. 105-116.
2. *Lindberg, L. (2006). The Political Dynamics of European Economic Integration. In M. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (Ed.). Debates on European Integration: A Reader. Plagrave: 2006, pp. 134-159.
3. *Hoffman, S. (2006). Obstinate or Obsolete? In M. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (Ed.). Debates on European Integration: A Reader. Plagrave: 2006, pp. 160-180.
4. *Moravcsik, A. & Schimmelfennig, F. (2009). Liberal Intergovernmentalism. In T. Diez & A. Wiener (Eds.). European Integration Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 67-87.
5. 鍾志明,2011,「歐洲共同體創始階段之歷史制度分析(1950-1958)」,蘇宏達主編,《歐洲聯盟的歷史發展與理論辯論》,臺北:國立台灣大學出版中心,頁3-42。
6. 蘇宏達,2011,「檢視古典現實主義對待高樂時期歐洲統合運動發展的解釋(1958-1969)」,蘇宏達主編,《歐洲聯盟的歷史發展與理論辯論》,臺北:國立台灣大學出版中心,頁43-102。
7. 陳欣之,2011,「從歐洲共同體到歐洲聯盟的發展(1969-1990)」,蘇宏達主編,《歐洲聯盟的歷史發展與理論辯論》,臺北:國立台灣大學出版中心,頁103-148。
8. 羅至美,2010,〈歐盟統合的多樣性路徑與對兩岸關係的政策意涵〉,《問題與研究》,49卷3期,頁1-28。
9. 曾怡仁、張惠玲,2000,〈區域整合理論的發展〉,《問題與研究》,39卷8期,頁53-60。
10. 盧倩儀,1999,〈從歐盟移民政策決策過程談自由派政府間主義〉,《問題與研究》,38卷3期,頁19-32。
11. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, M. (2006). Introduction: Neo-functionalism and Its Critics. In. M. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (Ed.). Debates on European Integration: A Reader. Plagrave: 2006, pp. 89-104.

3/26  Theories of European Governance
1. *Pierson, P. (2006). The Path to European Integration. In M. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (Ed.). Debates on European Integration: A Reader. Plagrave: 2006, pp. 304-326.
2. *Hall, P. A., & Taylor, R. C. R. (1996). Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms. Political Studies, 44(5), pp. 936-957.
3. *Guy Peters, B. & Pierre, J. (2009). Governance Approaches. In T. Diez & A. Wiener (Eds.). European Integration Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 91-104.
4. *Marks, G. Hooghe, L. & Blank, K. (2006). European Integration from the 1980s: State-Centric vs. Multi-Level Governance. In M. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (Ed.). Debates on European Integration: A Reader. Plagrave: 2006, pp. 357-377.
5. 藍玉春,2005,〈歐盟多層次治理:論點與現象〉,《政治科學論叢》,第24期,頁 49-75。
6. 黃偉峰,2003,〈歐盟政治研究中理論方法之分類與比較〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》,15卷4期,頁 539-594。
7. 黃崇源,2005,〈歐盟治理與研究的新途徑?一個來自奧斯陸的聲音〉,《公共行政學報》,第17期,頁159-167。
8. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, M. (2006). Europe as a Political System: Comparative Politics and Governance Approaches to Integration. In M. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (Ed.). Debates on European Integration: A Reader. Plagrave: 2006, pp. 327-341.
9. Hix, S. (2006). The Study of the European Union II: The ‘New Governance’ Agenda and its Rival. In M. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (Ed.). Debates on European Integration: A Reader. Plagrave: 2006, pp. 342-356.
10. Haas, E. (2006). Does Constructivism Subsume Neofunctionalism? In M. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (Ed.). Debates on European Integration: A Reader. Plagrave: 2006, pp. 437-447.
11. Jachtenfuchs, Markus. (2002). The Governance Approach to European Integration. Journal of Common Market Studies, 39(2), pp. 245-264.
12. Peterson, J. (2009). Policy Networks. In T. Diez & A. Wiener (Eds.). European Integration Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 105-124.
13. Risse, T. (2009). Social Constructivism and European Integration. In T. Diez & A. Wiener (Eds.). European Integration Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 144-160.

4/2 Study Week/溫書假

4/9 EU Politics (1): Institutions
1. *Dinan, Desmond. (2013). EU Governance and Institutions: Stresses above and below the Waterline. Journal of Common Market Studies. 51, pp.89-102.
2. *Thomson, R. & Hosli, M. (2006). Who has Power in the EU? The Commission, Council and Parliament in Legislative Decision Making. Journal of Common Market Studies. 44(2), pp. 391-417.
3. *Broeksteeg, H. & Waele, H. (2012). The Semi-permanent European Council Presidency: Some reflections on the law and early practice. Common Market Law Review. 49(3), pp. 1039-1074.
4. 周旭華,2012,〈歐洲議會的對外貿易職權暨角色〉,《國際關係學報》,第34期,頁13-64。
5. 李貴英,2010,〈從歐盟法探討歐洲監察使支持權範圍及從判例分析其定位〉,《中央警察大學法學論叢》,第19期,頁115-153。
6. 黃偉峰主編,2007,《歐洲聯盟的組織與運作》(第二版),臺北:五南。
7. 黃偉峰,2003,〈剖析歐洲聯盟正在成型的治理體系〉,《歐美研究》,33卷2期,頁291-344。
8. 洪德欽,2007,〈歐盟憲法條約之法理分析〉,《歐美研究》,37卷2期,頁255-321。
9. 張芝颯,辛翠玲,2003,〈歐盟對外貿易談判–從制度面看執委會與理事會之互動〉,《問題與研究》,42卷8期,頁121-138。
10. Borras, S. & Joacobsson, K. (2004). The Open Method of Co-ordination and New Governance Patterns in the EU. Journal of European Public Policy. 11(2), pp. 185-208.
11. Elgstrom, O. & Smith, M. (2000). Introduction: Negotiation and Policy-making in the European Union: processes, system and order. Journal of European Public Policy. 7(5) Special Issue, pp. 673-683.
12. Knodt, M. (2004). International Embeddedness of European Multi-Level Governance. Journal of European Public Policy. 11(4), pp. 701-719.
13. Peterson, J. & Shackleton, M. (Eds.) (2012). The Institutions of the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-40.
14. Princen, S. (2007). Agenda-Setting Strategies in EU Policy Processes. Journal of European Public Policy. 18(7), pp. 927-943.
15. Treib, O., Bahr, H., & Falkner, G. (2007). Modes of Governance: towards a conceptual clarification. Journal of European Public Policy. 14(4), pp. 1-20.

4/16 EU Politics (2): Economic Integration
1. *Hooghe, Liesbet. Marks, Gary. (2004). Does Identity or Economic Rationality Drive Public Opinion on European Integration? Political Science and Politics. 3, pp. 415-420.
2. *Kaelberer, M. (2004). The Euro and European Identity: Symbols, Power and the Politics of European Monetary Union. Review of International Studies, 30(2), pp. 161-178.
3. *Feattherstone, Kevin. (2011). JCMS Annual Lecture: The Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis and EMU: A Failing State in a Skewed Regime. Journal of Commmon Market Studies, 49(2), pp. 193-217.
4. *羅至美,2013,〈歐洲主權債務危機之解析〉,《問題與研究》,52卷1期,頁67-100。
5. 洪德欽主編,2013,《歐債陰影下歐洲聯盟新財經政策》,臺北:國立台灣大學出版中心。
6. 洪德欽,2012,〈歐債危機與歐盟財政規範的改革〉,《中華國際法與超國界法評論》,8卷2期,頁155-195。
7. 洪德欽,2006,〈歐元的國際經濟地位〉,《政治科學論叢》,第29期,頁9-30。
8. 李貴英,2013,〈歐盟主權債務危機與因應〉,《公共治理季刊》,1卷4期,頁61-71。
9. 李貴英主編,2011,《歐洲聯盟經貿政策之新頁》,臺北:國立台灣大學出版中心。
10. 羅至美,李俊毅,2010,〈歐元的歷史:分析層次的觀點〉,《政治科學論叢》,第46期,頁71-110。
11. Howarth, D. & Sedeh, T. (2010). The Ever Incomplete Single Market: Differentiation and the Evolving Frontier of Integration. Journal of European Public Policy, 17(7), pp. 922-935.
12. Jones, E. (2006). Europe’s Market Liberalization is a bad model for a global trade agenda. Journal of European Public Policy. 13(6), pp. 943-957.
13. Meunier, S. & Nicolaidis, K. (2006). The European Union as a conflicted trade power. Journal of European Public Policy. 13(6), pp. 906-925.
14. Young, A. & Peterson, J. (2006). The EU and the new trade politics. Journal of European Public Policy. 13(6), pp. 795-814.

4/23 Mid-Term Exam

4/30  EU Politics (3): Foreign and Security Integration
1. *Hyde-Price, A. (2007). European Security in the Twenty-first Century. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 94-116.
2. *Haine, Jean-Yves. (2009). The European Crisis of Liberal Internationalism. International Journal, 64(2), pp. 453-479.
3. *Klein, Nadia. & Wessels, Wolfgang. (2013). CFSP Progress or Decline after Lisbon? Innovative Provisions Meet Limited External Pressures. European Foreign Affairs Review, 18(4), pp. 449-470.
4. *Chappell, Laura. & Petrov, Peter. (2014). The European Union’s Crisis Management Operations: Strategic Culture in Action? European Integration Online Papers (Elop), 18(2), pp. 1-24.
5. 沈娟娟,2014,〈從歐盟反恐政策檢視共同外交及外交政策之發展與挑戰〉,《歐洲國際評論》,頁65-102。
6. 沈娟娟,2013,〈「歐盟對外行動署」之發展與組織功能評析〉,《歐洲國際評論》,頁123-165。
7. 郭秋慶主編,2013,《歐洲聯盟實力的柔與剛》,臺北:國際台灣大學出版中心。
8. 林子立,2013,〈The Dilemma of EU Integration: The Divergent National Interests among Member States〉,《國際政治與經濟論叢》,第1期,頁113-148。
9. 吳萬寶,2011,〈論歐盟共同安全暨防衛政策與境外任務〉,《歐洲國際評論》,第7期,頁1-27。
10. 藍玉春,2010,〈歐盟安全暨防衛政策之制度建構與人道救援之行動實踐〉,《全球政治評論》,第32期,頁77-96。
11. 楊三億,2009,〈歐盟新會員國外交政策合作模式分析〉,《法政學報》,第22期,頁143-161。
12. 何泰宇,2005,〈歐盟安全暨防衛政策之研究─以2003年剛果軍事任務為例〉,《遠景基金會季刊》,6卷4期,頁185-238。
13. 施偉仁,2002,〈從歐盟對中國大陸發展合作政策論國際合作的功能〉,《東亞季刊》,33卷4期,頁85-99。
14. 沈玄池,2000,〈歐洲聯盟共同外交暨安全政策體制與運作方式改革之研究〉,《美歐季刊》,14卷3期,頁263-304。
15. Bressand, A. (2011). Between Kant and Machiavelli: EU foreign policy priorities in the 2010s. International Affairs (London), 87(1), 59-85.
16. Dijkstra, H. (2012). The Influence of EU Officials in European Security and Defence. European Security, 21(3), pp. 311.327.
17. Edwards, G. (2006). The New Member States and the Making of EU Foreign Policy. European Foreign Affairs Review, 11, pp. 143-162.
18. Howorth, J. (2011). The 'New Face' of Lisbon: Assessing the Performance of Catherine Ashton and Herman van Rompuy on the Global Stage. European Foreign Affairs Review, 16(3), 303-323.
19. Hynek, N. (2011). EU Crisis Management after the Lisbon Treaty: Civil Military Coordination and the Future of the EU OHQ. European Security, 20(1), 81-102.
20. Musu, C. (2003). European Foreign Policy: A Collective Policy or a Policy of ‘Converging Parallels’? European Foreign Affairs, 8, pp. 35-49.
21. Smith, M. (2004). Institutionalization, Policy Adaptation and European Foreign Policy Cooperation. European Journal of International Relations, 10(1), pp. 95-136.
22. Vanhoonacker, S., & Reslow, N. (2010). The European External Action Sevice: Living Forwards by Understanding Backwards. European Foreign Affairs Review, 15(1), pp. 1-18.

5/7 EU Politics (4): Enlargement
1. *Moravcsik, Andrew. & Vochudova, Milada Anna. National Interests, State Power, and EU Enlargement. (2002/2003). Perspectives, 19, pp. 21-31.
2. *Pridham, Geoffery. (2002). EU Enlargement and Consolidating Democracy in Post-Communist States─Formality and Reality. Journal of Common Market Studies, 40(5), pp. 953-973.
3. *Schimmelfenning, Frank. (2008). EU Political Accession Conditionality after 2004 Enlargement: Consistency and Effectiveness. Journal of European Public Policy, 15(6), pp. 918-937.
4. 王群洋,2012,〈歐洲認同與歐盟東擴之互動發展〉,《全球政治評論》,第37期,頁31-60。
5. 洪德欽,2010,〈歐盟東擴對歐元區與新會員國的意涵與影響〉,《歐美研究》,40卷1期,頁133-200。
6. 朱景鵬,2008,〈土耳其加入歐洲聯盟之進程與爭辯〉,《問題與研究》,47卷3期,頁75-103。
7. 盧倩儀,2007,〈發展中的「人類安全」概念及其在歐盟非法移民問題上之適用〉,46卷4期,頁27-51。
8. 葉國俊,2007,〈歐盟東歐成員國加入貨幣同盟的策略與得失:經濟文獻回顧與模擬預測〉,《問題與研究》,46卷2期,頁83-115。
9. 王啟明,2006,〈條約法制化與國家學習─以新加入歐盟的十個會員國為例〉,《中華國際法與超國界法評論》,2卷1期,頁27-60。
10. 沈玄池,2005,〈歐洲聯盟第五次擴大對其共同外交暨安全政策影響之研究〉,《全球政治評論》,第9期,頁1-21。
11. 楊三億,2005,〈歐盟東擴及其對波蘭衝擊:政治經濟面向之分析〉,《全球政治評論》,第11期,頁79-110。
12. 蘇宏達,2005,〈The Dynamics of Widening on the Deepening of the European Union - The Constitutionalisation of Enhanced Cooperation〉,《歐美研究》,35卷3期,頁501-545。
13. Anonymous. (2002). The Politics of European Enlargement: NATO, the EU and the New U.S. European Relationship. World Affairs, 164(4), pp. 178-197.
14. Brest, S. (2011). Prospects and Limits of Democratic Governance in the EU. European Law Journal, 17(1), pp. 35-65.
15. Dimitrova, A. (2011). Speeding up or Slowing down? Lessons from the Last Enlargement on the Dynamics of Enlargement-Driven Reform. South European Society & Politics, 16(2), pp. 221-233.
16. Favell, Adrian. & Hansen, Randall. (2002). Markets against Politics: Migration, EU Enlargement and the Idea of Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 28(4), pp. 581-601.
17. Mattli, W. & Plumper, T. (2002). The Demand-side Politics of EU Enlargement: democracy and the application for EU membership. Journal of European Public Policy, 9(4), pp. 550-574.
18. Robin, H. & Leuffen, D. (2011). Too big to run? Analysing the impact of enlargement on the speed of EU decision-making. European Union Politics, 12(2), 193-215.
19. Schimmelfennig, F. (2008). EU Political Accession Conditionality after the 2004 Enlargement: Consistency and effectiveness. Journal of European Public Policy, 15(6), pp. 918-937.

5/14 EU in the World (1): Great Power Politics
1. *Howorth, J. (2010). The EU as a Global Actor: Grand Strategy for a Global Grand Bargain? Journal of Common Market Studies, 48(3), pp. 455-474.
2. *Kagan, Robert. (2003). Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
3. *Casarini, Nicola. (2008). What Role for the European Union in Asia? An Analysis of the UE’s Asia Strategy and the Growing Significance of EU-China Relations. Current Politics and Economics of Asia, 17(1), pp. 59-82.
4. *Light, Margot. (2008). Keynote Article: Russia and the EU: Strategic Partners or Strategic Rivals? Journal of Common Market Studies, 46 (Annual Review), pp. 7-27.
5. 陳蔚芳,2014,〈歐盟的中國政策:戰略夥伴關係的實踐〉,《問題與研究》,53卷1期,頁69-98。
6. 楊三億,2014,〈烏克蘭危機與美歐戰略布局〉,《全球政治評論》,46期,頁7-12。
7. 譚偉恩,2014,〈權力、利益或觀念?以歐中關於武器禁運與市場經濟地位之爭議為例〉,《全球政治評論》,第48期,頁63-94。
8. 劉復國,2012,〈歐債危機對美中歐盟關係變化之涵義〉,《全球政治評論》,37期,頁19-24。
9. 巨克毅,李玫憲,2011,〈當前美國對歐洲戰略思維之分析〉,《全球政治評論》,33期,頁35-72。
10. 張亞中,2006,〈歐洲聯盟中國政策的戰略分析〉,《問題與研究》,45卷4期,頁31-62。
11. 郭秋慶,2005,〈歐洲聯盟中國政策的形成與雙方存在的爭端〉,《臺灣國際研究季刊》,1卷4期,頁123-145。
12. 吳志中,2005,〈二十一世紀歐盟與中國─外交關係之地緣政治展望〉,《臺灣國際研究季刊》,1卷4期,頁91-122。
13. Bretherton, C. & Vogler, J. (2006). The European Union as a Global Actor. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 1-61.
14. Calleo, David P. (2003). Transatlantic Folly: NATO vs. the EU. World Policy Journal, 20(3), pp. 17-24.
15. Fox, John. & Godement, Francois. (2009). A Power Audit of EU-China Relations. European Council on Foreign Relations Published.
16. Keukeleire, S. (2003). The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor: Internal, Traditional, and Structural Diplomacy. Diplomacy & Statecraft, 14(3), pp. 31-56.
17. Mahncke, D. & Gstohl, S. (Eds.)(2012). European Union Diplomacy: Coherence, Unity and Effectiveness. Brussels: Peter Lang, pp. 15-62.
18. Peterson, J. & Sjursen, H. (Eds.)(1998). A Common Foreign Policy for Europe? Competing Visions of the CFSP. London: Routledge, pp. 18-38.
19. Richardson, J. (Ed.)(2005). The European Union: Power and Policy-Making. London: Routledge, pp. 289-310.
20. Smith, Michael E. (2011). A Liberal Grand Strategy in a Realist World? Power, Purpose and the EU’s Changing Global Role. Journal of European Public Policy, 18(2), pp. 144-163.
21. Toje, Asle. (2008). America, the EU and Strategic Culture: Renegotiating the Transatlantic Bargain. New York: Routledge.

5/21 EU in the World (2): EU’s Development and Cooperation Policy
1. *Hout, W. (2010). Between Development and Security: the European Union, Governance, and Fragile States. Third World Quarterly, 31(1), pp. 141-157.
2. *Kelley, Judith. (2006). New Wine in Old Wineskins: Promoting Political Reforms through the New European Neighbourhood Policy. Journal of Common Market Studies, 44(1), pp. 29-55.
3. *Dearden, Stephen J. H. (2008). Introduction: European Union Development Aid Policy─the Challenges of Implementation. Journal of International Development, 20(2), pp. 205-217.
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9. Bretherton, C. & Vogler, J. (2006). The European Union as a Global Actor. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 62-214.
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13. Orbie, J. (Ed.) (2009). Europe’s Global Role: External Policies of the European Union. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Limited, pp. 67-90.

5/28 EU in the World (3): Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance
1. *Biondo, Karen Del. (2011). Democracy Promotion Meets Development Cooperation: The EU as a Promoter of Democratic Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa. European Foreign Affairs Review, 16, p. 659-672.
2. *Brest, S. (2011). Prospects and Limits of Democratic Governance in the EU. European Law Journal, 17(1), pp. 35-65.
3. *Douglas-Scott, S. (2011). The European Union and Human Rights after the Treaty of Lisbon. Human Rights Law Review, 11(4), pp. 645-682.
4. 林子倫,2010,〈全球氣候政治與歐盟角色初探─歐盟為何扮演領導之角色?〉,《應用倫理評論》,48期,頁71-84。
5. 王啟明,李玫憲,2014,〈歐盟氣候治理中的責任分享問題─利益與規範的整合性分析〉,《國家發展研究》,13卷2期,頁77-113。
6. 吳建輝,2013,〈歐盟作為全球環境行為者:以其在氣候變化綱要公約之參與為例〉,《歐美研究》,43卷1期,頁27-87。
7. 陳勁,2002,〈人權理念在歐盟對外關係中之角色〉,《全球政治評論》,第1期,頁 33-57。
8. 廖福特,2004,〈從人權宣言邁向人權法典─「歐洲聯盟基本權利憲章」之實踐〉,《歐美研究》,34卷,1期,頁 9-49。
9. 洪德欽,2004,〈歐盟對外貿易與發展規定之人權條款─規定與實踐〉,《歐美研究》,34卷1期,頁143-202。
10. Balducci, G. (2010). The Limits of Normative Power Europe in Asia: The Case of Human Rights in China. East Asia: An International Quarterly, 27(1), pp. 35-55.
11. Douglas-Scott, S. (2011). The European Union and Human Rights after the Treaty of Lisbon. Human Rights Law Review, 11(4), 645-682.
12. Kaldor, M., Martin, M. & Selchow, S. (2007). Human Security: A New Strategic Narrative for Europe. International Affairs, 83(2), 273-288.
13. Lerch, M. & Schwellnus, G. (2006). Normative by nature? The role of coherence in justifying the EU’s external human rights policy. Journal of European Public Policy, 13(2), pp. 304-321.
14. Schreurs, M. A. (2007). Multi-Level Reinforcement: Explaining European Union Leadership in Climate Change Mitigation. Global Environmental Politics, 7(4), pp. 19-46.
15. Smith, K. E. (2010). The European Union at the Human Rights Council: speaking with one voice but having little influence. Journal of European Public Policy, 17(2), pp. 224-241.
16. Van Schaik, L. & Schunz, S. (2012). Explaing EU Activism and Impact in Global Politics: Is the Union a Norm- or Interest-Driven Actor? Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(1), pp. 169-186.

6/4  EU in the World (5): The EU: A Normative Power?
1. 張亞中,2012,〈歐盟的全球政治角色:目標與限制〉,《歐洲研究》,2012年第3期 。
2. *Sjursen, Helene. (2006). What kind of Power? European Foreign Policy in Perspective. Journal of European Public Policy, 13(2), pp. 169-181.
3. *Hyde-Price, Adrian. (2006). ‘Normative’ Power Europe: A Realist Critique. Journal of European Public Policy, 13(2), pp. 217-234.
4. *Manners, Ian. (2006). Normative Power Europe Reconsidered: beyond the Crossroads. Journal of European Public Policy, 13(2), pp. 182-199.
5. 陳勁,2008,〈歐盟特性研究:歐盟作為一種文事力量、軍事力量和規範性力量〉,《全球政治評論》,23期,頁101-136。
6. Balducci, G. (2010). The Limits of Normative Power Europe in Asia: The Case of Human Rights in China. East Asia: An International Quarterly, 27(1), pp. 35-55.
7. Manners, Ian. (2002). Normative Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms? Journal of Common Market Studies, 40(2), pp. 235-258.
8. Orbie, J. (Ed.) (2009). Europe’s Global Role: External Policies of the European Union. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Limited, pp. 1-34, 157-180, 239-258.
9. Smith, K. E. (2000). The End of Civilian Power EU: A Welcome Demise or Cause for Concern? International Spectator, 35(2), pp. 11-28.
10. Smith, K. E. (2005). Beyond the Civilian Power Debate. Politique Europeénne, 1(17), pp. 63-82.
11. *Wagnsson, C. (2010). Divided Power Europe: Normative Divergences among the EU 'Big Three'. Journal of European Public Policy, 17(8), pp.1089-1105.
12. Sonia, Lucarelli. & Manners, Ian. (Eds.). (2006). Values and Principles in European Union Foreign Policy. New York: Routledge.

6/11 The Future of European Integration: Ever Closer Union?
1. *Armingeon, Klaus & Guthmann, Kai. (2014). Democracy in Crisis? The Declining Support for National Democracy in European Countries, 2007-2011. European Journal of Political Research, 52(3), pp.423-442.
2. *Hooghe, Liesbet. & Marks, Gary. (2009). A Postfunctionalist Theory of European Integration: From Permissive Consensus to Constraining Dissensus. British Journal of Political Science, 39(1), pp. 1-23.
3. *Steenbergen, Marco R. & Edwards, Erica E. (2007). Who’s Cueing Whom? Mass-Elite Linkages and the Future of European Integration. European Union Politics, 8(1), pp. 13-35.
4. Chryssochoou, D. N., Tsinisizelis, M. J., Stavridis, S. & K. Ifantis, (2003). Theory and Reform in the European Union. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 196-223.
5. Dimitrova, A. (2011). Speeding up or Slowing down? Lessons from the Last Enlargement on the Dynamics of Enlargement-Driven Reform. South European Society & Politics, 16(2), pp. 221-233.
6. Hansen, Lene. & Williams, Michael C. (2002). The Myth of Europe: Legitimacy, Community and the Crisis of the EU. Journal of Common Market Studies, 37(2), pp.233-249.
7. Hill, C. & Smith, M. (Eds.)(2005). Internatioanl Relations and the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 388-406.
8. Mclaren, Larsen M. (2006). Identity, Interests and Attitudes to European Integration. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

6/18 Conclusion
2/26  Seminar Introduction 
3/5    Historical process of European integration 
3/12   Theories of European Integration (1): Pre-theories 
3/19    Theories of European Integration (2): Debates between Supranationalism and Intergovernmentalism 
3/26    Theories of European Governance 
4/2   Study Week/溫書假 
4/9   EU Politics (1): Institutions 
4/16   EU Politics (2): Economic Integration 
4/23   Mid-Term Exam 
4/30    EU Politics (3): Foreign and Security Integration 
5/14   EU in the World (1): Great Power Politics 
5/21   EU in the World (2): EU’s Development and Cooperation Policy 
5/28   EU in the World (3): Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance 
6/4    EU in the World (5): The EU: A Normative Power? 
6/11   The Future of European Integration: Ever Closer Union? 
6/18   Conclusion 
6/25  Term Exam