Course title |
Cultural Diversity and Social Work |
Semester |
110-1 |
Designated for |
Instructor |
Curriculum Number |
SW7042 |
Curriculum Identity Number |
330EM4000 |
Class |
Credits |
3.0 |
Full/Half Yr. |
Half |
Required/ Elective |
Elective |
Time |
Wednesday 2,3,4(9:10~12:10) |
Remarks |
Restriction: MA students and beyond The upper limit of the number of students: 12. The upper limit of the number of non-majors: 4. |
Ceiba Web Server | |
Course introduction video |
Table of Core Capabilities and Curriculum Planning |
Association has not been established |
Course Syllabus
Please respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not copy any of the course information without permission
Course Description |
100% online course, using platforms including NTU COOL and Microsoft Teams
全線上,使用台大教學平台NTU COOL和Webex.
*We will conduct a synchronous online course via “Cisco Webex" in the first weeks. The conference room,, will be open ten minutes before class. Please log in with your real name so that we can recognize you. Please make sure you have adequate equipment and internet connection for full participation in the class. *
**This course aims to enhance students’ understanding about cultural diversity and practicing culturally appropriately in their professions/fields. It is going to improve cultural competence regarding awareness, skills, and knowledge. However, the exact content and weekly topics will accommodate with students' interests. Proficient capacity of English speaking, listening and reading is required for class discussion; moderate level of writing skills for assignments is recommended. **
** 給本地生及本系生的提醒 **
As identity movements spread and globalization impacts people’s everyday life, the concept of cultural diversity “takes account of its dynamic nature and the challenges of identity associated with the permanence of cultural change” (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2009). Global citizens are encouraged to understand and properly respond to the subtle differences across groups of gender, sexuality, age, ethnicity or/and race, area, and social class and the influence on self and the people. Specifically, social workers are obliged to perform culturally competence practice because the profession is based on core values of human dignity and social justice. So does nursing, medical care and legal professions.
This course aims to prepare cultural competence of students in terms of critical awareness, knowledge acquisition, and skill development. The sessions start with relevant theoretical frameworks, then look into pressing issues of oppressed populations. A number of course design will be in place to enrich students’ cross-culture exposure and sharpen sensitivity toward distinct cultures. (1) International guest speakers are invited to talk about cultural diversity issues in their society. The guest speeches would be performed in ways such as recommendation of reading list, pre-recorded lecture, asynchronous discussion on the teaching platform, and/or live discussion through internet connection in the classroom. (2) Students’ term assignment can be a parallel presentation on the same topic of guest speakers or course instructor, or you can recommend a pressing issue for the course instructor and other student to learn more. (3) As weekly assignment, a hands-on activity or reflective question about personal experience will be posted on the teaching platform one or two week ahead. It aims to initiate the dialogue before meeting in course and relate reading materials to one another. |
Course Objective |
After accomplishing this course, the students shall be equipped to
(1) recognize own and others’ cultural experiences and the underlying assumptions;
(2) respect the dignity and worth of a person with a cultural diversity perspective;
(3) analytically and critically tackle cultural issues in everyday life, professional practice, and/or research. |
Course Requirement |
1. All readings, assignments, and communication of this course are in English. Students are advised to be comfortable in English communicating.
2. Students (individually or two as a group depending on class size) are required to do one oral presentation. You may select one of the weekly topics or introduce your own issue of interest. Please be sure to include (1) academic references or other reliable sources because it is a graduate level course; (2) at least one activity/question to engage course participants in consideration of the diverse background; (3) appropriate visualization such as slides, video clips and crafts that facilitate on-line communication of course participants. The outline and materials of use should be email to the course instructor two weeks ahead; individual on-line meetings would be scheduled if necessary or requested to ensure the insightful dialogue would occur.
3. To facilitate reading and in-class discussion, a reflective question or a hand-on activity will be posted on the teaching platform at least one week ahead. Students are encouraged to relate the assignment to the reading, class dialogue, and own experience. This is a weekly assignment for graduate students to complete posting/uploading in the evening before class. Undergraduate students may post half of the total weeks.
4. Students are expected to complete the assigned reading materials and fully participate in classroom discussion. Individual student is responsible for the learning of self, group members, other students, and (guest) lecturers. Therefore, grading is mostly on a fail/complete base and 10% points each will be added to the best presentation graded by peers and best weekly post by the instructor.
5. Undergraduate and doctoral students are encouraged to take this course as a selective. In such case, requirements and evaluation standards would be individualized for fairness. |
Student Workload (expected study time outside of class per week) |
Office Hours |
Appointment required. Note: Please email for making appointment |
Designated reading |
Please find the updated reading materials on the weekly content of CEIBA/NTU COOL webpage. |
References |
Part 1. Introduction
Week 1: Course introduction: What is culture?
Maggie Hiufu Wong (Aug. 19, 2021). Xinqi? Why kimchi is getting a new Chinese name | CNN Travel
Po-Yi Hung & Yu-Hsiu Lien (2020). Taiwan Tea: Ongoing Struggles over Food Nationalism, Geography Directions.
Tian, RG., Tian, K., Daudan, Z., & Wang, C. H. (2018). Food culture in China: From social political perspectives, Trames, 22(72/67), 4, 245-264.
Week 2: Defining cultural diversity
*Hogan, M. (2007). Chapter 2 Skill one: Understanding culture as multilevel.
UNESCO (2009). Investing in Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue.
Fetehi, K., Priestley, J. L., & Taasoobshirazi, G. (2020). The expanded view of individualism and collectivism, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 20(1) 7–24.
David Robson (19, January, 2017). How East and West think in profoundly different ways, BBC Future,
Week 3: Human rights: Global context and local responses
*UNESCO(2016). Challenging Inequalities.
United Nations (1948). Universal declaration of Human Rights.
Week 4: Social Justice, when it comes to resources
*Van Soest, Dorothy (2011). Human rights and social and economic justice, in Lum, D. (ed.), Culturally Competent Practice: A Framework for Understanding Diverse Groups and Justice. Pacific Grove, CA, USA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, p.83-120.
Lena Dominelli (2013). Environmental justice at the heart of social work practice: Greening the profession, International Journal of Social Welfare, 22, 431–439.
Lena Dominelli (2016). The challenges of realising social justice in the 21st century social work, International Social Work, 59(6) 693–696.
Week 5: Cultural competence in social work and other professions
Barrett, J. A. (2011). Multicultural social justice and human rights: strategic professional development for social work and counseling practitioners. Journal for Social Action in Counseling & Psychology, 3(1), 117-123.
Brydon, K. (2012). Promoting diversity or confirming hegemony? In search of new insights for social work. International Social Work, 55(2), 155-167. doi: 10.1177/0020872811425807
Leininger, M. (2002). Culture care theory: a major contribution to advance transcultural nursing knowledge and practices. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(3), 189-192.
Christoph Barmeyer, Madeleine Bausch and Daniel Moncayo (2019). Cross-cultural management research: Topics, paradigms, and methods—A journal based longitudinal analysis between 2001 and 2018. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 19(2) 218–244
*** The following information including weekly topics and guest speakers will be updated according to actual course members. ***
Part 2. Global Issues and Local Response
Week 6: Disparity and dis-proportionality of ethnicities in American children
Guest Speaker: Mary McCarthy, Ph.D., LMSW, Co-PI of National Child Welfare Workforce Institute, USA
*Webinar to watch before class meeting!
*Ortega, R. M. & Faller, K. C. (2012). Training child welfare workers from an
intersectional cultural humility perspective: A paradigm shift. Child Welfare,
90(5), 27-49.
Barth (n.d.). Race and Child Welfare.
Week 7: Gender-based violence in Indonesia
Guest Speaker: Binahayati Rusyidi (Titi), Associate Professor, Universitas
Padjadjaran. Java, Indonesia.
Binahayati Rusydi (2017). Definition of violence against wives among
Indonesian social work college students, Journal Sampurasun:
Interdisciplinary Studies for Cultural Heritage, 3(1), 13-22.
Week 8: Marriage migration and their family
Cheng, I. (2013). Making foreign women the mother of our nation: the exclusion and assimilation of immigrant women in Taiwan. Asian Ethnicity, 14(2), 157-
179. doi:10.1080/14631369.2012.759749
(Other readings to be selected and recommended from students' presentation references)
Week 9: Migrant workers and globalization
*Isaksen, L., Devi, S., & Hochschild, A. (2008). Global Care Crisis. American
Behavioral Scientist, 52, 3, 405-425.
Lan, Pei-Chia (2014). Deferential surrogates and professional others:
recruitment and training of migrant care workers in taiwan and japan, Positions,
4, pp531-549
Week 10: Refugee and international aid
*Rodon, J., Serrano, J. F. M., & Gimenez, C. (2012). Managing cultural conflicts
for effective humanitarian aid. International Journal of Production Economics,
139(2), 366-376.
Bhawuk, D., & Brislin, R. (2000). Cross‐cultural training: a review. Applied
Psychology, 49(1), 162-191.
Week 11: Challenges and supports for Indigenous family in urban Australia
Guest Speaker: Lynne Keevers, Associate Professor, University of Wollongong,
Week 12: To be proposed by the students
Week 13: To be proposed by the students
Week 14: Culture of Poverty and the homeless people
*Oscar Lewis(1966). The culture of poverty. Scientific American, 215(4), 19- 25.
Duneier, M. & Back, L. (2006). Voices from the sidewalk: Ethnography and writing
race. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 29:3, 543-565, DOI: 10.1080/01419870600598113
Wu, L., & Zhang, H. (2016). Health-related quality of life of low-class
populations in urban China. Health and Social Work, 41(4), 219-227.
Part 3. Development in practice and research
Week 15 Cultural competent research: Measurement and methodology
*Rubin, A. & Babbie, E. (2010). Culturally competent research, in Research
Methods for Social Work (7th ed.), pp106-129. California: Brooks/Cole Thomson
Chen, S. & Shao, J. (2011). “Have you had your bowl of rice?” A qualitative
study of eating patterns in older Taiwanese adults. Journal of Clinical Nursing,
22, 2-10.
Tian et Al. (2018). Food culture in china: From social political perspectives.
Trames, 22(72/67), 4, 345–364
Krentzman, A. R., & Townsend, A. L. (2008). Review of multidisciplinary measures
of cultural competence for use in social work education. Journal of
Social Work Education, 44(2), 7-31.
Week 16 Cultural competent practice: Skills and techniques; Course wrap-up
Garran, A. M., & Werkmeister Rozas, L. (2013). Cultural Competence Revisited.
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 22(2), 97-111. doi:
Warde, B. (2012). The cultural genogram: Enhancing the cultural competency of
social work students. Social Work Education, 31(5), 570-586. doi:
Week 17 Week for autonomous learning, meeting to be scheduled by request
Week 18 Exam week, no class. Please submit all assignments
Grading |
No. |
Item |
% |
Explanations for the conditions |
1. |
Weekly Post |
50% |
10 times for graduate students; reflection about the readings, weekly topic, or assigned question/activity |
2. |
Oral Presentation |
40% |
indivudially or two as group depending on class size; topic matched with the weekly topic, 50 minutes; Using appropriate references or reading materials, including at least one discussion question or engagement activity |
3. |
Class Participation |
10% |
participation in readings, discussion before/within/after class. Ten points each will be added to the best presentation graded by peers and best weekly post by the instructor. |