課程名稱 |
月經:理論、思潮與行動 Period: Theory, Thoughts and Actions |
開課學期 |
110-2 |
授課對象 |
授課教師 |
黃韻如 |
課號 |
Med1002 |
課程識別碼 |
401E11600 |
班次 |
學分 |
2.0 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
上課時間 |
星期三9,10(16:30~18:20) |
上課地點 |
博雅102 |
備註 |
本課程以英語授課。。A58:公民意識與社會分析、生命科學與謝筱玫、詹魁元、張聖琳、蔡沛學合授 總人數上限:145人 |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
月經,一個跨越物種存在的古老生理現象。你聽過它、你經歷過它、你想迴避它、你甚至厭惡它。月經的背後,包含著更多你所知道與不知道的面向,牽動了人類的生存、發展、與進步。本課程重點包括由不同角度解釋或探討女性生殖週期現象與社會文化,為一個牽涉到性別平權,社會(科學教育),法律以及與經濟發展的議題。本課程一個學期共二學分,每週上課二小時,藉由 16 週循序漸進的課程安排及不同專業背景的老師及業界人士,帶領修課同學由生物、醫學、人文及社會的面相了解月經。
1. 本課程為三類加選,請直接上網加選,不會發放授權碼,請勿再寄信詢問加簽方式。
2. 第三階段選課預計開放「5名以內」的同學,達成以下標準後以人工加簽方式例外加簽:
(1) 實體或線上參與前三堂課程(並填寫表單點名)。
(2) 在第二週下課前繳交不超過1頁A4 的選課動機,內容不限。英授課學期,會優先考慮英文動機信。
3. 考量授課品質,除前三週有提供線上同步進行外,第四週開始實體上課,課程暫不開放同學旁聽。
Menstruation, an ancient physiological phenomenon that exists across species. You might have heard about it; you might have experienced it; you might want to avoid it; you might even hate it. Behind the biology of menstruation, there exists diverse context and multiple aspects of period issues, both known and unknown to us, affecting the survival, development, and progress of human beings.
The course “Period: Theory, Thoughts, and Actions” focuses on explaining and exploring the phenomenon of the female reproductive cycle and its humanity impacts on culture, society, law, and economic development. Jointly supported by School of Medicine and D-School @ NTU, this course enlists faculty members from cross-disciplinary backgrounds and collaborates with non-government organizations (NGOs) such as With Red which advocates against period poverty and period stigma.
This course focuses on interdisciplinary learning starting from the biology of female reproductive cycle and the physiologic mechanisms of menstruation, followed by explaining the alteration and diseases associated with menstruation. The course will introduce menstrual products and the industry eco-system. Built upon this foundation of menstruation knowledge, the course will direct to societal and cultural issues related to period. Knowledge on period poverty and period stigma across different cultural context will be learned via various medium such as cinematic work, literature, and drama. Advocacy actions against period poverty and stigma will be shared with real life fieldwork experiences. The course will be conducted through lectures, in-class discussion, and group presentation.
The attendance and the final term report, including group oral presentation and group written report will be major grade evaluation criteria for this course.
Information for course selection
1. This course will go by online course selection ONLY. No authorization code will be given out.
2. This course will open up a maximum of 5 students for petition of instructor's consent. The eligibility for instructor's consent includes the following:
(1) In-Person /Online participation of the first 3 classes and fill in the Google feedback form
Online meeting room link: https://ntumc.webex.com/meet/rubyhuang
(2) Submission of motivation letter (not exceeding one page of A4) before the end of 2nd class. For the EMI semester, priority will be given to the motivation letter written in English.
The selection will be based on the motivation and the diversity of gender and disciplines of the students. The selected student will be notified by e-mail for the manual course selection by the 3rd week.
3. Considering teaching quality, expect that the first 3 classes will offer synchronize online learning, other classes will remain in-person classes. This course is not allowed for audition.
課程目標 |
By delivering integrative cross-disciplinary knowledge concerning menstruation-related topics, this course aims to provide students with comprehensive views toward period issues. Through the final group presentation, instead of a final exam, students are to work as a team and further explore issues they have been assigned to. The course strongly encourages creative forms of presentation. |
課程要求 |
1. 課堂出席狀況(30%): 缺席一次扣期末總成績一分,16次有6次以上不到即fail 。
2. 期末報告(70%):分為分組上台報告(30%)、分組書面報告(30%)與分組報告小組互評(10%)。
3. 加分報告(5%):可自行擇一完成
(1) 期末月經反思(月經PSST表格、身體紀錄、月經書寫、月經用品試用經驗分享),呈現方式不拘。
(2) 月經主題報告: 2000 字內中文或英文書面報告,格式不拘。
(3) 指定閱讀心得報告
4. 課程前測、後測將計入課程期末評分(5%)
1. Attendance (30%) : Regular attendance and active participation in team-based discussion. One point will be deducted from the final term grade for each absence. 6 absences without leave approval will be considered fail.
2. Final Term Report (70%) : Group oral presentation (30%), group written report (30%), in-group peer evaluation (10%)
3. Bonus Report (5%) : optional from the following
(1) Period Reflection (eg. PSST menstrual diary or any other forms of period-related experience sharing)
(2) Written report on any period topics
(3) Reading report of the designated reference
4. Completion of the pre-test, post-test questionnaires. (5%)
* There is zero tolerance on plagiarism.
5. Preview the assigned materials before the lecture.
Final term report:
The topic will be randomly assigned by the TA. The team will be grouped by the TA taking consideration of the gender, disciplines, and year of enrollment.
The format and the topic of the final term report will be announced on the 13th week.
The students are encouraged to conduct self-reflection beyond the scope of the team project to summarize the learning process during this course in retrospect. Any form of reflection in writing, in drawing, or in performance is highly encouraged to be documented for the submission of the bonus report. |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
另約時間 |
指定閱讀 |
Diamant, A., & Berton, M. (2021). Period. End of Sentence.: A New Chapter in the Fight for Menstrual Justice. Scribner.
王允華(譯)(2018)。月經不平等:一段女性身體的覺醒之路(原作者:Élise Thébaut)木馬文化(原著出版年:2017)
Diamant, A., & Berton, M. (2021). Period. End of Sentence.: A New Chapter in the Fight for Menstrual Justice. Scribner.
Thiébaut, É. (2017). Ceci est mon sang (Cahiers libres) (French Edition). LA DECOUVERTE. |
參考書目 |
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
課堂出席狀況 |
30% |
缺席一次扣期末總成績一分,16次有6次以上不到即 fail。(30%) |
2. |
期末報告 |
70% |
分為分組上台報告(30%)、分組書面報告(30%)及分組報告小組互評(10%) |
3. |
其他 |
0% |
期初前測表單、期末後測表單填寫(5%) |
4. |
加分報告 |
0% |
(1) 期末月經反思(月經PSST表格、身體紀錄、月經書寫、月經用品試用經驗分享),呈現方式不拘。
(2) 月經主題報告: 2000 字內中文或英文書面報告,格式不拘。
(3) 指定閱讀心得報告 |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
2/16 |
1. 月經是什麼
本堂課介紹人類月經與其他動物的「類月經」在生殖生理演化上相同與相異的機制,學習月經這個古老的生理現象,在動物界的演化上所代表的意義。本堂課由婦產科醫師黃韻如教授與生殖獸醫師蔡沛學副教授共授,從各自專業的角度切入並結合跨物種的比較。(A8, SDG3, SDG15)
What is Menstruation?
Jason Pei-Shiue Tsai (NTU School of Veterinary)
This class introduces the similarities and differences in reproductive physiology of menstruation and phenomenon between human, primates, and other animals. The learners will learn the meaning of the ancient physiological phenomenon of menstruation in the evolution of the animal kingdom. (A8, SDG3, SDG15)
Online meeting room link: https://ntumc.webex.com/meet/rubyhuang |
第2週 |
2/23 |
2. 月經亂了
黃韻如(台大醫學系教授)/黃雯華 (中研院基因體研究中心助理研究員)
生理時鐘主宰著生物界的許多功能,因著生理時鐘的存在,萬物得以有秩序地運作。月經在每一個月隨著賀爾蒙調控的週期,也會受到內建生理時鐘的影響。本堂課將由一些造成生理時鐘紊亂的現象(例如值夜班、國際旅遊時差),來學習生理時鐘如何影響月經。本堂課由婦產科醫師黃韻如教授與專精生理時鐘研究的黃雯華助理研究員共授。(A8, SDG3)
Menstrual Cycle and Biological Clock
Hwang-Verslues, Wendy W. (Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica)
The biological clock dominates many functions in the biological world and dictates the orderly operation. Menstruation is also affected by the built-in biological clock with the hormonal regulation cycle every month. In this class, we will learn how the circadian clock affects menstruation following the alterations of the biological clock (such as night shifts, international travel jet lag). (A8, SDG3)
Online meeting room link: https://ntumc.webex.com/meet/rubyhuang |
第3週 |
3/2 |
3. 月經會怎樣
月經雖然是個正常的生理現象,但月經也會造成疾病。本堂課由婦產科醫師黃韻如教授從醫學的角度,介紹與月經相關的疾病,小至經痛,大至子宮內膜異位症、不孕症、卵巢癌等等,以及這些疾病對於全球婦女所造成的人文社會衝擊。(A5, A8, SDG3, SDG5)
Menstrual Disorders and Impacts
Ruby Yun-Ju Huang (School of Medicine)
Although menstruation is a normal physiological phenomenon, menstruation can also cause disorders and diseases. In this class, we will introduce menstrual-related diseases from a medical point of view, ranging from menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), to endometriosis, infertility, ovarian cancer, etc., and will explore how these disorders and diseases affect women around the world. (A5, A8, SDG3, SDG5)
Online meeting room link: https://ntumc.webex.com/meet/rubyhuang |
第4週 |
3/9 |
4. 月經用什麼
黃韻如(台大醫學系教授)/林薇 (月經權益/教育非營利組織小紅帽創辦人)
各式各樣的月經用品充斥在市面上,它們在經濟規模上或是對於環境的衝擊上有什麼不同呢? 社會新創業如何在月經用品上發想出商業模式呢? 本堂課邀請到台灣投入月經權益/教育非營利組織小紅帽的創辦人林薇與月經用品的新創業者,來介紹月經用品的新興商業經濟。(A5, SDG8, SDG12)
Menstrual Products
Vivi Lin (With Red)
All kinds of menstrual products are flooding in the market. How have these products evolved? What is the difference between them in terms of economic scale or impact on the environment? How can new social entrepreneurs come up with a business model for menstrual products? This class invites NPO Little Red Hood, and the entrepreneur in menstrual products Dialogue, to introduce the history and emerging business economy of menstrual products. (A5, SDG8, SDG12)
第5週 |
3/16 |
5. 月經用什麼
各式各樣的月經用品充斥在市面上,它們在經濟規模上或是對於環境的衝擊上有什麼不同呢? 社會新創業如何在月經用品上發想出商業模式呢? 本堂課邀請到台灣投入月經用品的新創業者宋建學,來介紹月經用品的新興商業經濟。(A5, SDG8, SDG12)
Industry and Ecosystem of Menstrual Products
Elliott Sung (Dialogue Co.)
All kinds of menstrual products are flooding in the market. How have these products evolved? What is the difference between them in terms of economic scale or impact on the environment? How can new social entrepreneurs come up with a business model for menstrual products? This class invites NPO Little Red Hood, and the entrepreneur in menstrual products Dialogue, to introduce the history and emerging business economy of menstrual products. (A5, SDG8, SDG12) |
第6週 |
3/23 |
6. 月經貧窮與月經歧視
在亞洲的許多偏遠鄉村,處於月經期的婦女被迫每月一次流放簡陋的小屋,禁止接觸食物,宗教偶像,牲畜和男人。這些婦女被迫與社會隔離,甚至失去受教育的機會。本堂課透過爬梳歷年來的新聞報導,從人類歷史與世界不同文明的發展脈絡,探討在21世紀的人類社會中為何仍然有著此類的歧視。(A2, A3, A4, A5,SDG1, SDG4, SDG5, SDG10, SDG16)
Period Poverty and Period Shaming
Ruby Yun-Ju Huang (School of Medicine)
Vivi Lin (Little Red Hood)
In many remote villages in Asia, menstruating women are forced to exile in humble huts once a month, barred from touching food, religious idols, livestock, and men. These women are forced to isolate themselves from society and even lose education opportunities. This class explores why there is still such discrimination in the human society in the 21st century by combing through the news reports on real-world incidences over the years and discusses about the perspective of different civilizations in the world. (A2, A3, A4, A5,SDG1, SDG4, SDG5, SDG10, SDG16) |
第7週 |
3/30 |
NTU Midterm Exam |
第8週 |
4/6 |
8.月經貧窮/月經歧視電影欣賞 (Pad Man 電影欣賞)
Movie: Pad Man
Ruby Yun-Ju Huang (NTU School of Medicine)
Hsiao-Mei Hsieh (NTU Department of Drama & Theatre)
Shenglin E. Chang (NTU Graduate Inst. of Building and Planning)
Kuei-Yuan Chan (NTU Department of Mechanical Engineering)
America has Superman, Batman. India has Padman! The man who brought the revolution to the sanitary pad supply in India. This is a film based on a true story. It tells the story of a husband who invented the manufacturing process of affordable sanitary pads for his wife, fearless of social taboos and gossips. This class explores how to break through social innovation, to fight against menstrual poverty and discrimination, and to revitalize the local community by viewing an Bollywood film "The Padman" adapted from a true story. This class is divided into film viewing and panel discussion. (A1, A3, A4, A5,SDG1, SDG3, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8, SDG10, SDG11) |
第9週 |
4/13 |
美國有超人、蝙蝠俠,印度有護墊俠!為印度女性護墊帶來革命的男人。真人真事改編的傳記電影,講述一名老公為了老婆能擁有真正衛生健康的月事,無畏社會禁忌與流言蜚語,發明出平價棉生棉的傳奇事蹟。本堂課透過欣賞一部由真人真事改編的印度電影「護墊俠」,來探討如何透過打破社會創新事業,打破月經貧窮與歧視,更促進地方創生。本堂課分為一堂電影欣賞與一堂與談方式進行。(A1, A3, A4, A5,SDG1, SDG3, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8, SDG10, SDG11)
Panel Discussion- Movie: Pad Man
Ruby Yun-Ju Huang (NTU School of Medicine)
Hsiao-Mei Hsieh (NTU Department of Drama & Theatre)
Shenglin E. Chang (NTU Graduate Inst. of Building and Planning)
Kuei-Yuan Chan (NTU Department of Mechanical Engineering)
America has Superman, Batman. India has Padman! The man who brought the revolution to the sanitary pad supply in India. This is a film based on a true story. It tells the story of a husband who invented the manufacturing process of affordable sanitary pads for his wife, fearless of social taboos and gossips. This class explores how to break through social innovation, to fight against menstrual poverty and discrimination, and to revitalize the local community by viewing an Bollywood film "The Padman" adapted from a true story. This class is divided into film viewing and panel discussion. (A1, A3, A4, A5,SDG1, SDG3, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8, SDG10, SDG11) |
第10週 |
4/20 |
黃韻如(台大醫學系教授)/謝筱玫 (台大戲劇系副教授)
在文學與戲劇的表現上,月經是怎麼被描述的呢? 月經的故事是如何被傳講的呢? 本堂課邀請到台灣大學戲劇系謝筱玫教授,從月經在不同表演藝術被呈現的手法,來看月經在文化脈絡上的意義。(A1, A2)
Period in Drama
Hsiao-Mei Hsieh (NTU Department of Drama & Theatre)
In performing art of literature and drama, how is menstruation being described? How is the story of menstruation being told? This class will discuss the ways in which menstruation is presented in theater plays such as The Vagina Monologue. (A1, A2) |
第11週 |
4/27 |
洛杉磯奧克伍德高中的學生在一次校外教學中,得知高達3分之1的印度女孩因為買不起衛生棉、學校沒有獨立女廁可更換衛生棉等因素,在月經來潮期間只能待在家中,許多和她們年齡相仿的女孩,更再也沒能回到學校,使這群菁英高中的學生深受震撼。在教師的鼓勵下,她們在網路上發起「衛生棉計畫」,募集資金把「護墊俠」研發的衛生棉製造機,送到印度北方的農村,還找來紀錄片導演,為學生們的行動留下紀錄,《月事革命》,在2019年奧斯卡獎得到最佳紀錄短片獎。面對月經貧窮/月經歧視,台灣年輕的一代能做些什麼? 本堂課邀請到台灣投入月經權益/教育非營利組織小紅帽的創辦人林薇現身說法,看看台灣的月經行動的現況。(A5,SDG4, SDG5, SDG10, SDG17)
Period Actions in Taiwan
Vivi Lin (With Red)
Students at Oakwood High School in Los Angeles learned in an off-campus teaching that up to 1 in 3 Indian girls can only stay in during menstrual periods because they cannot afford sanitary pads and the school does not have a separate women's toilet for them to replace sanitary pads. Many girls of their age have never been able to go back to school, which shocked the students of this elite high school. With the encouragement of teachers, they launched the "Pad Project" and raised funds to send the sanitary pad manufacturing machine developed by "Padman" to the rural areas of Northern India. A documentary film "Period. End of Sentence" to document the entire action won the Best Documentary Short Film Award at the 2019 Academy Awards. In the face of menstrual poverty/menstrual discrimination, what can the younger generation in Taiwan do? In this class, Vivi Lin, the founder of Little Red Hood, a non-profit organization devoted to menstruation rights/education in Taiwan, will share the current situation of menstrual action in Taiwan. |
第12週 |
5/4 |
洛杉磯奧克伍德高中的學生在一次校外教學中,得知高達3分之1的印度女孩因為買不起衛生棉、學校沒有獨立女廁可更換衛生棉等因素,在月經來潮期間只能待在家中,許多和她們年齡相仿的女孩,更再也沒能回到學校,使這群菁英高中的學生深受震撼。在教師的鼓勵下,她們在網路上發起「衛生棉計畫」,募集資金把「護墊俠」研發的衛生棉製造機,送到印度北方的農村,還找來紀錄片導演,為學生們的行動留下紀錄,《月事革命》,在2019年奧斯卡獎得到最佳紀錄短片獎。面對月經貧窮/月經歧視,台灣年輕的一代能做些什麼? 本堂課邀請到台灣非營利組織愛女孩現身說法,看看在烏干達的月經行動的現況。(A5,SDG4, SDG5, SDG10, SDG17)
Period Actions in Uganda
Elle Yang (Love・Binti)
Students at Oakwood High School in Los Angeles learned in an off-campus teaching that up to 1 in 3 Indian girls can only stay in during menstrual periods because they cannot afford sanitary pads and the school does not have a separate women's toilet for them to replace sanitary pads. Many girls of their age have never been able to go back to school, which shocked the students of this elite high school. With the encouragement of teachers, they launched the "Pad Project" and raised funds to send the sanitary pad manufacturing machine developed by "Padman" to the rural areas of Northern India. A documentary film "Period. End of Sentence" to document the entire action won the Best Documentary Short Film Award at the 2019 Academy Awards. In the face of menstrual poverty/menstrual discrimination, what can the younger generation in Taiwan do? In this class, Elle Yang, the founder of Love・Binti, a non-profit organization devoted to female empowerment in Africa, will share the current situation of menstrual action in Uganda.
第13週 |
5/11 |
13.設計月經-1 期末報告
Period Design - Group Presentation |
第14週 |
5/18 |
14.設計月經-2 期末報告
Period Design - Group Presentation |
第15週 |
5/25 |
15.設計月經-3 期末報告
Period Design - Group Presentation |
第16週 |
6/1 |
16. 特別演講 包皮包住了什麼?
Special Lecture: Circumcision and taboos
Allen Lai (NTU College of Public Health) |