課程概述 |
Course Description:
The course will introduce the foundation or occupational therapy practice in pediatrics and the broad knowledge base required for this endeavor. Based on this foundation, the assessment and intervention focused on the performance areas of postural control, hand skills, visual perception, sensory integration, psychosocial and emotional development , feeding and oral-motor skills, self-care and adaptation for independent living will be included in this course.
Occupational therapy for children with specific diagnoses will also be introduced from a development perspective: including early intervention, preschool and school programs, and the transition from school to adult life.
Prerequisite:Human Development
General Objectives:After finishing this course, the students will
1)know the foundation and the knowledge base of pediatric occupational therapy practice.
2)be able to do the assessment and intervention of the performance areas of postural control, and skills. Visual perception, sensory integration, psychosocial and emotional development, feeding an oral-motor skills, self-care and adaptation for independent living.
3)be able to provide basic occupational therapy evaluation and treatment programs for children with developmental disabilities and/or occupational performance problems.
Course Schedule:
日期 時 間 內 容 授課老師
1 9/22 1:20-3:00 An overview of occupational therapy for children 羅鈞令
3:30-5:10 Working with families-Practice 羅鈞令
2 9/29 1:20-3:00 Occupational therapy Evaluation in pediatric 羅鈞令
3:30-5:10 Occupational therapy Evaluation in pediatric practice-Practice 羅鈞令
3 10/6 1:20-3:00 Frames of reference for pediatric Occupational therapy 曾美惠
3:30-5:10 Frames of reference for pediatric Occupational therapy-Practice 曾美惠
4 10/15
(六) 9:00-12:00 Diagnostic problems in pediatrics: Neuromuscular disorders 楊國德
1:00-4:00 Diagnostic problems in pediatrics: Neuromuscular disorders-Practice 楊國德
5 10/20 1:20-3:00 Management of feeding disorder and oral-motor dysfunction 黃惠聲
3:30-5:10 Management of feeding disorder and oral-motor dysfunction-Practice 黃惠聲
6 10/29
(六) 9:00-12:00 Diagnostic problems in pediatrics: Development disabilities 楊國德
1:00-4:00 Diagnostic problems in pediatrics: Development disabilities-Practice 楊國德
7 11/3 1:20-3:00 Planning and implementing services 羅鈞令
3:30-5:10 Postural control: Evaluation and Intervention 羅鈞令
8 11/10 1:30-2:30 Mid-term Exam 羅鈞令
2:30-5:00 Practice 羅鈞令
9 11/17 1:20-3:00 Hand skills: Evaluation and Intervention 曾美惠
3:30-5:10 Hand skills: Evaluation and Intervention-Practice 曾美惠
10 11/24 1:20-3:00 Sensory integration 羅鈞令
3:30-5:10 Sensory integration-Practice 羅鈞令
11 12/1 1:20-3:00 Visual perception: Evaluation and Intervention 黃惠聲
3:30-5:10 Visual perception: Evaluation and Intervention-Practice 黃惠聲
12 12/8 1:20-3:00 Psychosocial and emotional domains of behavior 羅鈞令
3:30-5:10 Behavior modification techniques-Practice 羅鈞令
13 12/15 1:20-3:00 Assistive Technology and adaptation for independent living 黃惠聲
3:30-5:10 Assistive Technology and adaptation for independent living-Practice 黃惠聲
14 12/22 1:20-3:00 OT for children with ADHD 羅鈞令
3:30-5:10 OT for children with ADHD-Practice 羅鈞令
15 12/29 1:20-3:00 OT in NICU 邱資皇
3:30-5:10 OT in NICU 邱資皇
16 1/5 1:20-3:00 School based occupational therapy 羅鈞令
3:30-5:10 OT for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders 羅鈞令
17 1/12 1:30-2:30 Final Exam 羅鈞令
2;30-5;00 Final Exam-Practice 授課老師
Lecture:Midterm exam 50% Final exam 50%
Practice:The average of the ratings of practice performance and examinations.
1. Case-Smith J. (ed.)(2005). Occupational therapy for children. (5th ed.).St Louis: Mosby.
2. Kramer, P. & Hinojosa, J. (1999). Frames of reference for pediatric occupational therapy(2nd ed.).
3. Case-Smith J. (ed.)(1998). Pediatric occupational therapy and early intervention(2nd ed.).
4. Ayres, A.J. (1980). Sensory integration and the child. Los Angles, CA: Western Psychological Service.
5. 羅鈞令(1998). 感覺整合與兒童發展。台北:心理出版社。