Quantitative Research Methodology 
醫學院  護理學研究所  
Ceiba 課程網頁

This class is to prepare doctoral students to develop advanced knowledge, logical thinking and practical abilities in designing, conducting and implementing quantitative research. Students are expected to train themselves through massive reading, interactive discussion, original research paper critique and research project design and presentation. Knowledge and skills related to quantitative research, including measurements, data collection and scientific writing, etc. will be discussed in this class. Critical and logical thinking and problem-solving abilities in developing quantitative research are expected after finishing this class.  

At completion of the course, the students are prepared to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of various designs and methods in quantitative research.
2. Identify methodological issues pertinent to quantitative research.
3. Demonstrate the skills in data collection, analysis, and reporting techniques in
quantitative research.
4. Apply principles of instrument development to current measurement problems.
5. Evaluate the quality and relevance of quantitative research.
★ Submit questions for discussion: Please email at least 1 question to all class members by midnight prior to the day of class.
★ Distribute 1 reference article to class members one week prior to the presentation.
Office Hours
Jadad, A. R., & Enkin, M. W. (2007). Randomized controlled trials: Questions, answer
answers, and musings (2nd ed.). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Behling, O., & Law, K. S. (2000). Translating questionnaires and other research instr
instruments: Problems and solutions. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Brink, P. J., & Wood, M. J. (1998). Advanced design in nursing research (2nd ed.)
ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Burns, N. & Grove, S. K. (2013). The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, syn
synthesis, and generation of evidence (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Sau
Menard, S. W. (2002). Longitudinal research (2 nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2011). Nursing Research: Generating and assessing e
evidence for nursing practice (9th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott William & W
Sidani, S., & Braden, C. J. (1998). Outcomes-related factor. In Souraya Sidani
(Ed.), Evaluating nursing interventions: A theory driven approach (pp. 138-160). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Streiner, D. L., & Norman, G. R. (2008). Health measurement scales: A practical guide to their development and use. (4 th ed.). Oxford: Oxford Medical Publications.
Vogt, W. P. (2011). Dictionary of statistics and methodology: a nontechnical guide for the social science (4 th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Waltz, C. F., Strickland, O. L., & Lenz, E. R. (2010). Measurement in nursing and health research (4 rd ed.). New York: Springer.

160). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Streiner, D. L., & Norman, G. R. (2008). Health measurement scales: A practical gui
guide to their development and use. (4 th ed.). Oxford: Oxford Medical Pub
Vogt, W. P. (2011). Dictionary of statistics and methodology: a nontechnical gu
guide for the social science (4 th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Waltz, C. F., Strickland, O. L., & Lenz, E. R. (2010). Measurement in nursing a
and health research (4 rd ed.). New York: Springer.
國家衛生研究院論壇生命暨醫療倫理委員會•(2004)•知情同意:常見問答集Q & A•台北:

Linkage from Theory to Research and Practice
Avant, K. C. (1991). The theory-research dialectic: A different approach. N
Nursing Science Quarterly, 4(1), 2.
Benner, P. (2000). Links between philosophy, theory, practice, and research.
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 32(2), 7-13.
Burns, N. & Grove, S. K. (2008). The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, S
Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: W.B. S
Chen, C. C-H. (2005). A framework for studying the nutritional health of
community-dwelling elders. Nursing Research, 54, 13-21.
Dulock, H. L., & Holzemer, W. L. (1991). Substruction: Improving the linkage
from theory to method. Nursing Science Quarterly, 4(2), 83-87.
McQuiston, C. M., & Campbell, J. C. (1997). Theoretical substruction: A guide
for theory testing research. Nursing Science Quarterly, 10(3), 117-123.
Radwin, L., & Fawcett, J. (2002). A conceptual model-based programme of nursing
research: Retrospective and prospective applications. Journal of Advanced
Nursing, 40, 355-360.
Im, E. O., & Chang, S. J. (2012). Current trends in nursing theories. Journal
of Nursing Scholarship, 44(2), 156-164.

Experimental & Quasi-Experimental Designs
Bench, S., Day, T., & Metcalfe, A. (2013). Randomised controlled trials: an
introduction for nurse researchers. Nurse Researcher, 20(5), 38-44.
Brown, S. J. (2002). Nursing intervention studies: A descriptive analysis of
issues important to clinicians. Research in Nursing & Health, 25(4), 317-327.
Conn, V. S., Rantz, M. J., Wipke-Tevis, D. D., & Maas, M. L. (2001). Designing e
nursing interventions. Research in Nursing & Health, 24(5), 433-442.
Downs, S.H., & Black, N. (1998). The feasibility of creating a checklist for t
the assessment of
the methodological quality both of randomized and non-randomized studies of
health care interventions. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 52,
Fogg, L., & Gross, D. (2000). Threats to validity in randomized clinical
trials. Research in Nursing & Health, 23(1), 79-87.
Gross, D, & Fogg, L. (2001). Clinical trials in the 21st century: The case for
participant-centered research. Research in Nursing & Health, 24, 530-539.
Lindsay, B. (2004). Randomized controlled trials of socially complex nursing
interventions: Creating bias and unreliability. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45
(1), 84-94.
Polit, D. F., Gillespie, & B. M. (2010). Intention-to-treat in randomized
controlled trials: recommendations for a total trial strategy. Research in
Nursing & Health, 33(4), 355-368.
Schumacher, K. L., Koresawa, S., West, C., Dodd, M., Paul, S. M., Tripathy, D.,
et al. (2005). Qualitative research contribution to a randomized clinical
trial. Research in Nursing & Health, 28, 268-280.
Siebens, H., Aronow, H., Edwards, D., & Gbasemi, Z. (2000). A randomized
controlled trial of exercise to improve outcomes of acute hospitalization in
older adults. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 48, 1545-1552.

Issues in Quantitative Design and Measurement

Azuero, A., Pisu, M., McNees, P., Burkhardt, J., Benz, R., & Meneses, K. (
(2010). An
application of longitudinal analysis with skewed outcomes. Nursing Research,
59, 301-307.
Banerjee, M., & Fielding, J. (1997). Interpreting Kappa values for two-observer n
diagnosis data. Research in Nursing & Health, 20, 465-470.
Bernal, H., Wooley, S., & Schensul, J. J. (1997). The challenge of using Likert-type scales with low
type scales with low-literate ethnic population. Nursing Research, 46(3), 179-181.
Goodwin, L. D. (1996). Determining cut
Goodwin, L. D. (1996). Determining cut-off scores. Research in Nursing &
Health, 19, 249-256.
Goodwin, L. D., & Goodwin, W. L. (1991). Estimating construct validity. R
Research in
Nursing & Health, 14, 235-243.
Hinds, P. S., Schum, L. & Srivastava, D. K. (2002). Is clinical relevance s
sometimes lost in
summative scores. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 24, 345-353.
Higgins, P. A., & Daly, B. J. (1999). Research methodology issues related to i
interviewing the
mechanically ventilated patient. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 21, 773-784.
Hulley, S. B., Cummings, S. R., & Bowner, W. S. (2001). Implementing the study: Pretesting,
quality control, and protocol revisions. Designing Clinical Research. (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 259
Hulley, S. B., Cummings, S. R., & Bowner, W. S. (2001). Implementing the study: P
quality control, and protocol revisions. Designing Clinical Research. (2nd
ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 259-273. (e-book, 2007)
Hughes, L. C., & Preski, S. (1997). Using key informant methods in
organizational survey research: Assessing for informant bias. Research in
Nursing & Health, 20, 81-92.
Jones, E. G., & Kay, M. (1992). Instrumentation in cross-cultural research. N
Nursing Research,
41(3), 186-188.
King, K. M. (2003). Is there a “representative” sample? Western Journal of
Nursing Research, 25(1), 5-7.
Knapp, T. R., & Brown, J. K. (1995). Ten measurement commandments that often
should be broken. Research in Nursing & Health, 18, 465-469.
Knapp, T. R. (1991). Coefficient alpha: Conceptualizations and anomalies.
Research in Nursing & Health, 14, 457-460.
Kneipp, S. M., & Yarandi, H. N. (2002). Complex sampling designs and s
statistical issues in
secondary analysis. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 24(5), 552-566.
Krause, M. R., Serlin, R. C., Ward, S. E., Rony, Y. Z, Ezenwa, M. O., & Naab, F
F. (2010).
Testing Mediation in Nursing Research: Beyond Baron and Kenny. Nursing
Research, 59, 288-294
Lee, J. W., Jones, P. S., Mineyama, Y., & Zhang, X. E. (2002). Cultural
differences in responses to a Likert scale. Research in Nursing & Health, 25
(1), 295-306.
Lobo, M. L. (1993). Code books: A critical link in the research process.
Western Journal of Nursing Research, 15(3), 377-385.
Lorig, K., Gonzalez, V. M., Ritter, P., & Brey, V. N. D. (1997). Comparison of
three methods of data collection in an urban Spanish-speaking population.
Nursing Research, 46(6), 230-234.
Lynn, M. R. (1986). Determination and quantification of content validity.
Nursing Research, 35(6), 382-385.
McKinley, S., Coote, K., & Stein-Parbury, J. (2003). Development and testing of
a face scale for the assessment of anxiety in critically ill patients. Journal
of Advanced Nursing, 41(1), 73-99.
Patrician, P. A. (2002). Multiple imputation for missing data. Research in
Nursing & Health, 25 (1), 76-84.
Phillips, L. R., de Hernandez, I. L., & de Ardon, E. T. (1994). Focus on
psychometrics: Strategies for achieving cultural equivalence. Research in
Nursing & Health, 17, 149-154.
Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2010). Generalization in quantitative and
qualitative research: Myths and strategies. International Journal of Nursing
Studies, 47, 1451-1458.
Stewart, B. J., & Archbold, P. G. (1992). Nursing intervention studies require
outcome measures that are sensitive to change: Part one: Research in Nursing &
Health, 15, 477-481.
Stewart, B. J., & Archbold, P. G. (1993). Nursing intervention studies require
outcome measures that are sensitive to change: Part two: Research in Nursing &
Health, 16, 77-81.
Weinstein, J. N., & Deyo, R. A. (2000). Clinical research issues in data
collection. Spine, 25(24), 3104-3109.
Wynd, C. A., Schmidt, B., & Schaefer, M. A. (2003). Two quantitative approaches
for estimating content validity. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 25(5),
Youngblut, J. M., & Casper, G. R. (1993). Single-item indications in nursing
research. Research in Nursing & Health, 16, 459-465.
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盧成皆、林京芬(1998)•關於Cronbach's Alpha 的使用與闡釋•護理研究,6(1),82-88

Instrument Translation and Testing
Chang, A. M., Chau, J. P. C., & Holroyd, E. (1999). Translation of
questionnaires and issues of equivalence. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 29, 316-322.
DeVellis, F. R. (2012). Scale development : Theory and applications (3rd Ed). Thousand Oaks.Sage, Carlifornia
Yu, D. S. F., Lee, D. T. F., & Woo, J. (2004). Issues and challenges of instrument translation. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 26, 307
DeVellis, F. R. (2012). Scale development : Theory and applications (3rd Ed). T
Thousand Oaks.Sage, Carlifornia
Yu, D. S. F., Lee, D. T. F., & Woo, J. (2004). Issues and challenges of
instrument translation. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 26, 307-320.
葉美玲、陳興夏•(1998)•測量工具翻譯與效度•長庚護理, 9(1), 64-68。

Academic Writing
Becker, P. T. (2004). What happens to my manuscript when I send it to Research
in Nursing & Health. Research in Nursing & Health, 27, 379-381.
Broome, M. E. (2003). Scientific integrity: The cornerstone of knowledge.
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 35(1), 56-59.
Dallas, C. M., Norr, K., Dancy, B. L., Kavanaugh, K., & Cassata, L. (2005). An
example of a successful research proposal: Part I. Western Journal of Nursing
Research, 27(1), 50-72.
Dallas, C. M., Norr, K., Dancy, B. L., Kavanaugh, K., & Cassata, L. (2005). An
example of a successful research proposal: Part II. Western Journal of Nursing
Research, 27(2), 210-231.
Froman, R. D. (2004). Numbers, numbers everywhere. Research in Nursing &
Health, 27, 145-147.
Higdon, J. & Topp, R. (2004). How to develop a budget for a research proposal.
Western Journal of Nursing Research, 26, 922-929.
Locher, J. L., Robinson, C. O., Roth, D. L., Ritchie, C. S., & Burgio, K. L.
The effect of presence of others on caloric intake in homebound older adults.
Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 60A, 1475-1478.
Lusk, S. L. (2004). Developing an outstanding grant application. Western
Journal of Nursing Research, 26, 367-373.
Ness, V., Duffy, K., McCallum, J., & Price, L. (2014). Getting published:
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Owen, S. V. (2005). The significance of significance. Research in Nursing &
Health, 28, 281-282.
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Week 2
9/19  Linkage Among Theory, Research & Practice 
Week 3
9/26  Survey Design – Cross-sectional Design 
Week 4
10/03  Longitudinal Design 
Week 5
10/10  Holiday 
Week 6
10/17  Designing Intervention Studies 
Week 7
10/24  Assessing Quality of Intervention Research  
Week 8
10/31  Outcome research 
Week 9
11/07  Measurement Theory: Reliability & Validity 
Week 10
11/14  Instrument Development & Translation  
Week 11
11/21  Sampling & Sample Size 
Week 12
11/28  Measuring Bio-Indicators in Nursing Research 
Week 13
12/05  Academic Writing 
Week 14
12/12  Article Critique Presentation (I) 
Week 15
12/19  Article Critique Presentation (II) 
Week 16
12/26  Final Presentation (I) 
Week 17
1/02  Holiday 
Week 18
1/9  Final Presentation (II) & Course Evaluation