Health Care System and Policy 
醫學院  護理學研究所  
張 媚 

Course description : The course is designed to guide students to understand the key issues of health care system in Taiwan, and explore the impacts of health policies on health services and their outcomes. The process of policy development, key skills to enhance effectiveness, and evaluation of nursing policy will also be discussed and scrutinized. Students will be assigned to selected nursing policy issues as policy project for further re-examination and re-work up. At the end of the course, students will be expected to gain insight into the role and responsibility of a contemporary nursing leader in bringing changes to the betterment of health care delivery system in Taiwan. 

Objectives :

1. to build an comprehensive understanding toward the organization, management and outcomes of health care system in Taiwan.
2. to recognize the crucial role of critical thinking, prioritization and decision making in the process of policy formation.
3. to improve understanding and ability in formulating, implementing and evaluating nursing policy.
4. to conduct an in-depth analysis on a selected nursing policy in Taiwan. 
1. Class participation 20%
Students will be evaluated in terms of her/his breadth and depth of understanding and comprehension toward current health care system and the policy making process; and in terms of .her/his strength of making comments/reflection onto the health issues inherent in the real world of health care services in Taiwan and internationally.
2. Class presentation 20%
Students will be evaluated in terms of her/his breadth and depth of the understanding and comprehension toward the presenting topic; in terms of her/his strength in making independent judgment/ideas on the topic presented; and in terms of her/his logical reasoning in analyzing and synthesizing the issues in the presenting topic based on evidences. In addition, students will also be evaluated in terms of her/his ability in connecting the content of the presenting topic to the issues/problem/policy which is nursing-focus, nursing-oriented and sensitive to nurses in general.
3. Written assignments 60 %
Mid-term paper- Policy Analysis Report:
Individual student will select a health care problem/issue in Taiwan, to analyze
the impact of health policy or health problem. Students will be expected to demonstrate their ability in applying the knowledge and skills of the process of making health policy based on the class presentation, discussion and the related literatures
Term paper-
Every student will be expected to complete a written proposal on a nursing
policy based on the health issue/problem used in the Mid-term paper. In this paper,
a comprehensive analysis/scanning of the issue/problem and potential solutions for the problems that include setting the goals of the policy, describing strategies and
resources used in the policy, and the indicators used for evaluation. Students will be
expected to demonstrate her ability to synthesis and application of all concepts and
skills learned in this course.

Office Hours
每週一 10:00~12:00 
A. In English:
1.Health care delivery system and the roles of nurses in Taiwan
Bodenheimer, T.S. & Grumbach, K (2016).Understanding health policy: a clinical approach. New York : McGraw-Hill Education,, Chapter 5. How health care is organized-I http://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/book.aspx?bookid=1790
Wu TY. Majeed A; Kuo KN,(2010). An overview of the healthcare system in
Taiwan. London journal of primary care. 3 (2), 115-9
楊志良等(2021).健康保險 台中市:華格那企業有限公司 第二章 健康照護體系。
2.Strategic thinking in policy making
Shirey, M.R.(2012) Cultivating Strategic Thinking Skills. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 42(6), 311-314
Boyd, A.M. Clark, J.S. Kent, S.S. (2017). Strategic thinking in pharmacy. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 74(14), 1103-1108 https://doi.org/10.2146/ajhp160356
3. Understanding policy
ICN (2005).Health policy Package: A guide for policy development. Geneva, Switzerland Unit 1
Mason, D.J. Gardner, D.B., Outlaw, F.H., O'Grady, E.T., (2021). Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care. St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, Chap 1. A framework for action in policy and politics.
Annesley SH(2019) The implication of health policy for nursing. British Journal of Nursing, 28(8):496-502
4 Participating in policy development
ICN (2005).Health policy Package: A guide for policy development. Geneva, Switzerland Unit 2
Mason, D.J. Gardner, D.B., Outlaw, F.H., O'Grady, E.T., (2021). Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care. St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, Chap 7. The policy process
5 Key skills to enhance effectiveness (I)
ICN (2005).Health policy Package: A guide for policy development. Geneva, Switzerland. Unit 3
Mason, D.J. Gardner, D.B., Outlaw, F.H., O'Grady, E.T., (2021). Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care. St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, Chapter 8 Political analysis and strategies
Pastrana T; Centeno C; De Lima L (2015). Palliative Care in Latin America from the Professional Perspective: A SWOT Analysis. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 18 (5): 429-37
6. Key skills to enhance effectiveness (II)
ICN (2005).Health policy Package: A guide for policy development. Geneva, Switzerland Unit 3
Mason, D.J. Gardner, D.B., Outlaw, F.H., O'Grady, E.T., (2021). Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care. St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, Chapter 9 Communication and conflict management in health policy:
Koehn K.(2020). Triggers for nursing policy action: Getting to the critical point to solving “ordinary problems” in nursing. Nursing Forum. 55:11‐15
7. Monitoring and evaluation
ICN (2005).Health policy Package: A guide for policy development. Geneva, Switzerland. Unit 4 monitoring and evaluation
Steinman LE, Bradford V, Quinn E, Otten JJ, McNamara J, Fisher K, Johnson DB (2017). Examining the Washington State Breastfeeding-Friendly Policy Development Process Using the Advocacy Coalition Framework. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 21(3):659-669
Sheldon MR (2016) Policy-Making Theory as an Analytical Framework in Policy Analysis: Implications for Research Design and Professional Advocacy. Physical Therapy, 96 (1): 101-10
9. Current issues of nursing education in Taiwan
Mason, D.J. Gardner, D.B., Outlaw, F.H., O'Grady, E.T., (2016). Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care. St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, Chapter 60 Political context of advanced practice nursing

B. In Chinese
吳定(2017) 公共政策。台北:五南圖書出版公司
張媚、余玉眉、趙可式(2012) 從民眾健康需要看台灣護理教育的挑戰與對策.
 護理雜誌, 59(5):10-15
國家衛生研究院 (2010).護理人力及專科護理師制度:願景與挑戰 苗栗:財
團法人國家衛生研究院 (委託五南文化廣場及國家書店銷售)
柯莉珊、張媚、胡文郁 (2017).運用SWOT分析預立醫療照護諮商之推行─以某
Week 01
02/14  Introduction to the course 
Week 02
02/21  1.Health care delivery system and the roles of nurses in Taiwan 
Week 03
02/28  Holiday  
Week 04
03/07  2. Strategic thinking in policy making 
Week 05
03/14  3. Understanding policy 
Week 06
03/21  4. Participating in policy development 
Week 07
03/28  5. Key skills to enhance effectiveness (I) 
Week 08
04/04  Holiday  
Week 09
04/11  6. Key skills to enhance effectiveness (II.) 
Week 10
04/18  7. Monitoring and evaluation  
Week 11
04/25  ◎Analyzing one of health care issues relevant to nursing policy 
Week 12
05/02  Presentation and discussion of mid-term paper 
Week 13
05/09  8.☆The power of nurse-practitioner to transform and modernize Taiwan’s healthcare system 
Week 14
05/16  9.☆Current issues of nursing education in Taiwan 
Week 15
05/23  ◎Analyzing one of health care issues relevant to nursing policy 
Week 16
05/30  Presentation and discussion of final term paper
Course evaluation