課程概述 |
This course is intended for further in-depth study of the gastrointestinal physiology. Graduate students in medical-related studies are encouraged to take the course. The course is offered as two credits per school term. The physiology of gastrointestinal tract includes motility, digestion, absorption, secretion and barrier functions. The gastrointestinal tract plays double roles, serving as the first line for nutrient uptake and defense system against microbial pathogens. Recent scientific studies suggest strong interaction among enteric nervous system, immune system and the gastrointestinal mucosa. This course will be in the format of critical discussion of scientific papers in the field of gastrointestinal physiology. Students will be graded by participation in class (10 %), reports (30 %), and presentations (60 %).
1. Introduction of gastrointestinal anatomy and histology
2. Digestive tract motility
3. Control of motility: enteric nervous system
Secretion function:
4. malabsorptive diarrhea
5. secretive diarrhea
6. Pancreatic enzyme activation
7. Epithelial enzyme regulation
8. Glucose transporters
9. ion transporters
Barrier function:
10. Physical barrier function: epithelial tight junction
11. Changes in epithelial permeability
12. Chemical barrier function: defensin and cathelicidin
Epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis
13. Crypt hyperplasia
14. Epithelial cell apoptosis and slough off
Interaction between immune system, nervous system and epithelial mucosa:
15. mast cells and epithelial ion transport
16. intraepithelial lymphocytes
17. enteric nervous transmitters and effect on epithelial functions