課程名稱 |
開課學期 |
95-1 |
授課對象 |
機械工程學系 |
授課教師 |
劉正良 |
課號 |
ME3004 |
課程識別碼 |
502 34210 |
班次 |
01 |
學分 |
3 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
必修 |
上課時間 |
星期四6,7,8(13:20~16:20) |
上課地點 |
工綜211 |
備註 |
限本系所學生(含輔系、雙修生) 總人數上限:65人 |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
Outline of mechanical design
C. L. LIU 2006.6.9
1. Text book: Robert L. Mott, Machine Elements in Mechanical Design, international 4th edition, Pearson Education International 2004
2. Credit: 3 compulsory
3. Schedule and weighting of the course
(a) Week 1-4: Principles of design and stress analysis, Chapter 1-6 (260 p)
Week 5: Midterm examination (I), open book, 5 hrs, 20%
(b) Week 6-11: Design of mechanical drive, Chapter 7-14 (400 p)
Week 12: Midterm examination (II), open book, 5 hrs, 30%
(c) Week 13, 15: Design details and other machine elements, Chapter 16-23 and appendices (260 p)
Week 18: Final examination, open book, 3 hrs, 20%
(d) Design competition project: 30%
Week 14: design draft handed in and oral presentation, 5%
Week 16: manufactured parts and pre-test presentation, 5%
Week 17: Project final competition, 15%
Week 19: Project final report handed in, 5%
4. Design competition project:
(a) A small windmill with rotating diameter 600mm and rotating axis 1000mm elevated from ground surface is required to be designed and manufactured by 3- student team.
(b) Blades, hub, and frame should be disassembled in separate parts.
(c) The test site provides 3 pieces of M12x30L bolt and nut equally spaced in a 400mm pitch circle that can fix the windmill frame securely.
(d) A 148 Dia x 15L steel flywheel with a 12.5 Dia. central hole weighs 2kg will be fixed at the shaft tail of the windmill by a nut for test run.
(e) The shaft tail will provide: 12 Dia x 35L with shoulder; M12 x1.75p x 25L.
(f) The competition will be marked in four items with equal weighting factor:
Light weighted
Revolutions in one minute free from flywheel
Revolutions in one minute with flywheel
(g) Each team will be marked in a ranking number for each competition item.
(h) The least total of the ranking numbers of the four items is the best team and vise versa.
(i) An electrically powered fan of 300W and 600 mm rotating diameter blows horizontally. The height of the flow axis is 1000mm above ground. The windmill will be placed 1500mm apart from the electric fan.
(j) All materials and standard parts can be used. But a well-made product or semi-finished product can not be used such as a fan blade or transmission assembly.
課程目標 |
1. mechanics of materials
2. mechanical standard parts
3. design environments |
課程要求 |
從第一週第一堂到最後一週最後一堂 |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
另約時間 |
指定閱讀 |
參考書目 |
1. Text book: Robert L. Mott, Machine Elements in Mechanical Design, international 4th edition, Pearson Education International 2004
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
Midterm examination (I) |
20% |
(a) Week 1-4: Principles of design and stress analysis, Chapter 1-6 (260 p)
Week 5: Midterm examination (I), open book, 5 hrs, 20% |
2. |
Midterm examination (II) |
30% |
(b) Week 6-11: Design of mechanical drive, Chapter 7-14 (400 p)
Week 12: Midterm examination (II), open book, 5 hrs, 30% |
3. |
Final examination |
20% |
(c) Week 13, 15: Design details and other machine elements, Chapter 16-23 and appendices (260 p)
Week 18: Final examination, open book, 3 hrs, 20% |
4. |
Design project competition |
30% |
(d) Design competition project: 30%
Week 14: design draft handed in and oral presentation, 5%
Week 16: manufactured parts and pre-test presentation, 5%
Week 17: Project final competition, 15%
Week 18: Project final report handed in, 5% |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
9/21 |
introduction |
第2週 |
9/28 |
ch. 1, 2 |
第3週 |
10/05 |
ch. 3, 4 |
第4週 |
10/12 |
ch. 5, 6 |
第5週 |
10/19 |
midtern examination (I) |
第6週 |
10/26 |
ch. 7, 8 |
第7週 |
11/02 |
ch. 9, 10 |
第8週 |
11/09 |
midtern examination (II.a) |
第9週 |
11/16 |
ch. 11, 12 |
第10週 |
11/23 |
ch. 13, 14 |
第11週 |
11/30 |
ch. 15, 16 |
第12週 |
12/07 |
midtern examination (II.b) |
第13週 |
12/14 |
project discussion |
第14週 |
12/21 |
ch. 17, 18 |
第15週 |
12/28 |
ch. 19, 20 |
第16週 |
1/04 |
ch. 21, 22, 23 |
第17週 |
1/11 |
project final competition
14 Dec 2006, C L LIU
9:00~12:00 & 14:00~17:00; every Wed & Fri, bring your materials, apron and vernier caliper. Abide by all regulations.
9am~16pm; Wed 3rd, Fri 5th, Wed 10th Jan 2007, 工綜大樓B15室.
比賽時段 : Thursday 11th January 2007
9:00am~ 工綜大樓B15~B21走廊展示場開始就位
14:20走廊展示場就位完畢, 進場, 比賽開始
1. 叫號準備, 風車拆成N支葉片&支架&轉軸 ( 2 min)
2. 叫號進入B15室, 所有零組件稱重 ( 2 min)
3. 稱重完畢, 組裝回完整之風車 ( 2 min)
4. 將風車之三定位孔, 螺入空載測試架, 並調整完畢 ( 2 min)
5. 空載測轉數1min ( 2 min)
6. 將風車拆下, 並轉螺入有載測試架, 並調整完畢 ( 2 min)
7. 有載(2kg flywheel)測轉數1min ( 2 min)
8. 拆下風車, 並送回走廊展示場 ( 2 min)
9. 造型評分與秤重於16:30結束, 測轉數則依序比賽至最後一組結束
比賽程序結束後得辦理補賽程序; 凡遲到或臨賽出狀況者, 皆打入補賽程序, 成績乘以(1±30%), 且一旦報名參加補賽程序, 原成績即予註銷
Thursday 25th January 2007 at Room 633 Engineering Building
第18週 |
1/18 |
final examination |
第19週 |
C. L. LIU, 14 Dec 2006
1. 封面(名稱、組別、學號、姓名、日期)
2. 風車設計及製作緣由
3. 設計條件及競賽方式
4. 設計理念及競賽策略(概念設計、示意圖、….)
5. 設計規格及草圖(材質、主要尺寸、….)
6. 工作圖與組合圖及註記等
7. 製作程序書面規劃
8. 製作過程紀錄
9. 競賽過程紀錄與結果
10. 缺點檢討及建議事項
11. 設計製作心得與感想