High-Tech Facility Construction Management 
工學院  營建工程與管理組  
521 U3870 

The purpose of this course is to provide basic knowledge needed for managing high-tech facility constructed project. High-Tech includes, not limited to, the advanced technologies applied in the fields of microelectronics, optoelectronics, precision equipment, telecommunication, nanotech, pharmaceutics, biotech, medical devices, animal experiment, and Aerospace. The construction processes undertaken in high-tech manufacturing plants require special clean-build protocols with extremely tight schedule, stringent quality and safety control as well as effective communication for integrating all the participants.

The focus of this course is on managing the construction of high tech fabrication plant (fab) and engineering its facilities for life-cycle operation. Students will gain methodologies needed to meet ever-changing challenge of delivering an ultra pure and fast moving semiconductor and related Fabs such as wafer, LED, TFT, and/or Photovoltaic. Moreover, this course will strengthen student’s understanding and background in managing high-tech fab engineering project and integrating its interdisciplinary nature.

This course will be taught in Chinese under English friendly environment. Course syllabus, homework assignments, final exam papers and description of semester project will be mainly in English. All three instructors spent many years in the US and frequently deal with international business. They all speak fluent English and Chinese. To enhance student's learning and to facilitate the communication, students are free to use either English or Chinese for asking questions and submitting homework, final exam, field trip report, and semester project report.

This course mainly aims to foster these students who are interested at getting into High-Tech Semiconductor Fabrication Facility professional field either pursuing for academic or industrial career. These students include, not limited to, sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students in engineering, science, agriculture, pharmacy, life science, business, management, medical and law school, public health and social science. The students will be exposed to fundamental theories and their applications in managing high tech fabrication/manufacturing plant (fab.) Academic faculty will teach basic theories and principles. Professional industrial experts will be invited to reinforce the application of theories and principles in the real world practices. The contents will include lectures, home works, and group field trip report, a semester team project with an oral presentation and a written report, and a final examination. Mandatory Field trips to learn from high-tech plants and research labs, and cleanroom will be arranged.

In addition, this course is one of NTU specialization programs designated as “High-Tech Facility” (高科技廠房設施領域專長.) In this program, there are 10 courses offered. Based on the student’s interest, the student could select any course among the 10 courses. Each course counts 3 credit hours. Any student registers in this specialization program and satisfactorily completes this course of “High-Tech Facility Management” will get 3 credit hours (3學分.) If the student satisfactorily completes 6 courses among the offered 10 courses, the student will be granted an official certificate from NTU that certifies the student’s specialized area is in High-Tech Facility in addition to the BS, MS or PhD degree obtained from NTU. Please zip on the following webpages for detail:




The course will enable the students to:

1. Define High-Tech Facility & Project Management
2. Explain the Interdisciplinary Nature of High Tech Fab Construction
3. Gain Practical Experience on Fab Construction and Intelligent Green Building
4. Use the Basic Theories and Principles to Control Fab Design/Build Schedule and Perform Time-Cost Trade-Off.
5. Manage Floats and Allocate Recourses Effectively
6. Apply Software to Project Planning & Scheduling
7. Measure Construction Productivity
8. Address the Issues of Quality, Security and Emergency Response.
9. Use 3D models to generate 4D Schedule for Managing & Controlling a constructed fab project & facilitating communication among all the stakeholders.
10. Analyze and Mitigate the Risks involved in a Constructed Project  
There will be approximate 5~6 home works in fall 2022. Homework counts 15% of “Total Grade.” Students will have to preview class-reading assignments. The homework is to answer the questions derived from the reading assignments, lectures, cleanroom verification experiments, and/or field trips.

There is one (1) group semester project. The group project will focus on 4D (3D CAD + 1D Time) scheduling. The group project tests the student's understanding of the principal managerial concepts on 3D CAD and CPM scheduling that will be covered in the course within the context of a comprehensive “real-world” problem. It also provides an opportunity to develop skills for working in a project team context and communication skills. The semester project counts 50% of the final grade.

A Final Exam is required on December 22, 2022. The Final Exam will be comprehensive and counted as 15% of “Total Grade.”, Group Field Trip Reports (10%), and another 10% is for class participation.
6-12 hours/week 
Office Hours
1. Van Zant, Peter, Microchip Fabrication: A Practical Guide to
Semiconductor Processing, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 2000.
2. Whyte. W., Cleanroom Technology: Fundamentals of Design, Testing, and Operation, 2nd edition, John Wiley, New York, 2010.
3. ISO/DIS 14644-3 Test methods for measuring the performance of an installation, a cleanroom, or an associated controlled environment.
4. Chang, L.M., Maged, G. E., and Zhang, Lei, Engineering Productivity Measurement, Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, December 2001.
5.【土木水利學會】46卷 6期 (108/12):"高科技廠房工程專輯."
The above reading materials can be accessed and downloaded from NTU Library Website. Since only a few chapters will be assigned from each textbook, students are not required to purchase them. ISO/DIS’s will be handed out in class.
1. Chang, L.M., Maged, G. E., and Zhang, Lei, Engineering Productivity Measurement, Construction Industry Institute,
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, December 2001.
2. Clifford J. Schexnayder and Richard E. Construction Management Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2003.
3. Deming W. Edwards, Out of the Crisis, MIT, Center for Advanced Engineering Study, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1986.
4. Goodfellow, Ian, Benyio Yoshua, and Courville, Aaron, Deep Learning, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2016
5. Hinze, J.W., Construction Planning and Scheduling, International Edition, Pearson, 2012.
6. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST), planning of nanoscale science and technology facilities: guidelines for design, construction, and start-up / Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, 2017.
7. Kerzner, Harold R., Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, Wiley, 2017.
8. Luthans, Fred, Organizational Behavior, McGraw-Hill, Inc. Twelfth Edition, New York, 2011.
9. Oglesby, Clarkson, Parker Henry and Howell Gregory, Productivity Improvement in Construction, MaGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1898
10. PMI, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Sixth Edition Paperback, 2017.
11. The Associated General Contractors of America, Construction Planning & Scheduling, Washington, D.C., 1994.
12. Thomas, H. R., Principles of Labor Productivity Measurement and Processing. PTI Report No. 2K14, Penna. Transp. Inst., University Park, PennState, 1999.
13. Tucker, R. L. and Scarlett, B. R., Evaluation of Design Effectiveness, CII Source Document 16, July 1986.
14. Whyte, W., Cleanroom Design, John Wiley, 2nd ed., New York 1999
15. 高科技廠務,顏登通,全華科技(2008)
16. 陳昇瑋, 溫怡玲,人工智慧在台灣:產業轉型的契機與挑戰, 天下雜誌, 台灣台北市, 2019
延後期末考試日期(時間), 考試取代書面(口頭)報告
9/8  Course Introduction, Fundamentals of CPM Scheduling, ADM, PDM, Floats Management, Bar Chart, Bar-Net and Time-Cost Integration, 
9/15  CPM Scheduling Thru Microsoft Project and Application of 4D 
9/22  Project Schedule Shortening and Updating, and Computer Visualization 
9/26  Introduction of Group Semester Project, Each Facility System , 5D Modeling Demonstration and Hands-on Application 
10/6  Nanotechnology & Semiconductor Fabrication Plant Construction Management 
10/13  Introduction of NTU Beyond 2nm Research Lab Constructed Project and Group Semester Project 
10/20  Construction Quality, Cost and Schedule Management at High-Tech Industry 
10/27  No Mid-Semester Exam, but substitute with Mandatory Field Trips on 12/3, Saturday and 12/4, Sunday  
11/3  Progress Review on Preliminary Planning of Group Semester Project 
11/10  Management of Vibration Impacts on Fab Structure & Other Facilities 
11/17  Cleanroom and MEP Construction Management 
11/24  High Purity Facility Systems Construction Management 
12/1  Time-Cost Trade-Off & Application of Resource Leveling 
12/8  Tour TSMC Fab 18 P7 & Reclaimed Water Plant Construction sites at Tainan is planned on 12/3-4. Field Trip Report and Group Semester Project Progress Briefing on 4D Integration  
12/15  Total Quality & Risk Management 
12/22  Final Exam 
12/29  Final Semester Group Project Presentation
& Course Summary