課程概述 |
Introduction to the Finite Element Method
課號:522 M 2570
有限元素法係結合各種基礎理論,例如:Solid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Electromagnetism 等,將一個無法獲得解析解,或形狀及功能複雜之題目,分割成有限數目之小元素,先將各元素之特性求出,再全部整合起來,配合邊界條件解出該題目之近似解。因此,只要可以用數學模式描述之物理現象,均可配合數值分析理論以轉換成電腦程式,再利用電腦計算出結果,以解各種性質之問題,充分達到學術實用化之目的。在理論上,有限元素法提供學術研究一個專門領域;而在實務上,則提供了研究與工程應用的一套工具。
本課程除理論介紹外,亦將要求學生上機操作有限元素法軟體,因此,上課作業包括理論計算,以及軟體操作之練習與應用。除此之外,本課程亦將要求學生做Term Project,亦即自行選定簡易之研究題目,然後利用有限元素法軟體從事基礎之研究,並撰寫研究報告,於期末時繳交,同時做口頭報告(oral presentation)。
J.N. Reddy, An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1993
Course Contents:
1. Introduction (Class Notes)
1.1 Continuous and Discrete Systems
1.2 Procedure of the Finite Element Method
2. The Mathematical Approaches (Chapter 2)
2.1 The Weighted-Integral Form
2.2 The Variational Methods
2.3 Weak Formulation
2.4 The Rayleigh-Ritz Method
2.5 The Method of Weighted Residuals
3. One-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis (Linear, Statics) (Chapter 3 )
3.1 1-D 2nd-order Boundary-Value Problems
3.2 Interpolation Functions
3.3 Formulation of Element Equations
3.4 Assembly of Global Equations
3.5 Radially Symmetric Problems
3.6 Applications
3.6.1 Heat Transfer
3.6.2 Solid Mechanics
4. Bending of Beams (Chapter 4)
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Euler-Bernoulli Beam Element
4.3 The Timoshenko Beam Element
5. Two-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis (Single-Variable, Statics) (Chapter 8 )
5.1 Finite Element Discretization
5.2 2-D 2nd-order Boundary-Value Problems
5.3 Interpolation Functions
5.4 Formulation of Element Equations
5.5 Assembly of Global Equations
5.6 Numerical Integration
5.7 Applications
6. Numerical Integration (Chapters 7 & 9)
6.1 Natural Coordinates
6.2 Isoparametric Elements
6.3 Jacobian of the Coordinate Transformation
6.4 Numerical Integration Methods
6.5 Zero-Energy |