課程名稱 |
高等流體力學 Advanced Fluid Dynamics |
開課學期 |
110-1 |
授課對象 |
永續化學科技國際研究生博士學位學程 |
授課教師 |
林立強 |
課號 |
ChemE7007 |
課程識別碼 |
524EM1210 |
班次 |
02 |
學分 |
3.0 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期二3,4(10:20~12:10)星期五2(9:10~10:00) |
上課地點 |
綜503綜503 |
備註 |
本課程以英語授課。核心課程 限碩士班以上 總人數上限:70人 |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
The transport of momentum, energy and mass is essential to the function of all non-living and living systems. This course has a particular focus on the momentum part, and is designed to extend the student’s understanding of transport processes beyond the level normally associated with undergraduate education or other introductions to the subject. While acting in some sense as a review of basic concepts, this class delves into advanced materials concerned with various subjects (multi-variable systems and nonlinear problems) and tools (differential balances; boundary layer theory; solution of ordinary and partial differential equations).
Several topics will be covered, some are listed below:
1. Introduction
2. Review of vectors and tensors
3. Mechanisms of momentum transport
4. Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid
5. Microscopic momentum balances and velocity distributions
6. Equation of motions
7. Velocity distributions of systems with only one independent variable, e.g., Flow on a flat/inclined plat or in parallel plates and Hagen-Poiseuille flow
8. Dimensional analysis
9. Velocity distributions of systems with more than one independent variables, e.g., Cone-and-plate viscometer and its Rheology, Stokes flow and Stokes law, Flow to a rotating disk, A flat plate in an infinite fluid impulsively set into motion, Periodic oscillation of a flat plate, and Startup of plane Couette flow
10. Boundary layer theory
11. Macroscopic momentum balances
課程目標 |
This class is aimed, while also acting as a review of basic concepts, to discuss fluid dynamics at an advanced level. Students will be equipped with methods and tools to approach multi-variable and nonlinear systems. |
課程要求 |
The class assumes students have had one prior undergraduate class in the area of fluid mechanics. |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
每週四 12:30~14:00 每週二 12:30~14:00 備註: This is the instructor's office hour for this course. More details can be found in the syllabus document(a document in "Files - Syllabus). |
指定閱讀 |
R. Byron Bird, Warren E. Stewart and Edwin N. Lightfoot, “Transport Phenomena”, Wiley & Sons (2007), Revised 2nd Ed.
* 2nd Ed. of the text book can be also used. |
參考書目 |
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
Homework Assignments |
25% |
Homework will be typically assigned on a weekly basis or biweekly basis and must be submitted electronically (in pdf) by 5:00 PM on the due date. Homework that is turned in late will NOT be accepted (i.e., no credits). A total of approximately 10 assignments are planned for the semester. *Make sure your submitted homework is clear and easy to read* |
2. |
Midterm Exam |
35% |
The exam time will be 2 hours. The exam will be held on Tuesday (Nov. 16) from 10:10am (10 mins before the class starts) to 12:10am. This exam is closed book and closed note. |
3. |
Final Exam |
40% |
This is a cumulative exam; The exam time will be 2 hours. The exam will be held on Tuesday (Jan. 11) from 10:10am (10 mins before the class starts) to 12:10am. This exam is cumulative, and is closed book and closed note. |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
9/24 |
*Lectures and office hour sessions will be held virtually this week*
**For those who would like to enroll in this class but have not yet done so, please register at NTU Cool (or email me directly at lclin@ntu.edu.tw) by Sep. 20 noon for your intent to join us (late requests might not be considered). This class can in principle accommodate up to 70 students (first come first serves). As long as this class has not yet reached the maximum enrollment number, I would, in principle, send you the enrollment code to sign up for this class. Please do note though, I may decline your request if I think your background may not fit to this class. Please feel free to send me emails at lclin@ntu.edu.tw for questions.**
Syllabus and Introduction (on-line live lecture; a Webex link can be found in syllabus (Files -> Syllabus)
第2週 |
9/28,10/01 |
*Lectures and office hour sessions will be held virtually this week*
Vectors and Tensors (on-line live lecture; a Webex link can be found in syllabus (Files -> Syllabus) |
第3週 |
10/05,10/08 |
*Lectures and office hour sessions will be held virtually this week*
Vectors and Tensors; microscopic mass balance; momentum transport mechanism; viscosity; Fluid types (Newtonian vs. non-Newtonian) (on-line live lecture; a Webex link can be found in syllabus (Files -> Syllabus) |
第4週 |
10/12,10/15 |
*In person lectures and office hour sessions will be held starting from this week, if permitted*
Details will be provided later. |