課程概述 |
課名:材料科學概論 課號:524 U1200 學分:3
Materials Science and Engineering
一、 內容
1. Introduction 材料科學簡介
(a) Current and Future Needs for Materials Science and Engineering
2. Crystal Structure and Crystal Geometry 結晶構造及形態
(a) Space Lattice and Unit Cells
(b) Crystal Systems and Bravais Lattices
(c) Atom Position, Line Direction, and Crystallographic Plane
(d) Crystal Structure Analysis: X-ray Diffraction
3. Crysatlline Imperfection and Microscopic Analysis 結晶缺陷
(a) Dislocation
(b) Interfacial and Volume Defects
(c) Atomic Vibration
(d) Microscopic Analysis
4. Diffusion 擴散
(a) Diffusion Mechanism
(b) Steady-State Diffusion
(c) Nonsteady-state Diffusion
5. Mechanical Properties of Metals 材料機械特性
(a) Stress and Strain
(b) Elastic Deformation
(c) Plastic Deformation
(d) Hardness
6. Failure 材料破壞
(a) Ductile and Brittle Fracture
(b) Crack Behavior
(c) Creep Behavior
7. Ceramic Materials 陶瓷材料與特性
(a) Ceramic Structure and Phase Diagram
(b) Mechanical Properties of Ceramics
(c) Electric and Magnetic Properties of Ceramics
二、 教科書 “Materials Science and Engineering” William D. Callister, John Willey & Sons.
三、 成績評量方式 期中考、期末考、作業。