課程名稱 |
開課學期 |
98-2 |
授課對象 |
工學院 材料科學與工程學研究所 |
授課教師 |
薛景中 |
課號 |
MSE7015 |
課程識別碼 |
527 M1270 |
班次 |
學分 |
3 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期五2,3,4(9:10~12:10) |
上課地點 |
工綜215 |
備註 |
總人數上限:50人 |
Ceiba 課程網頁 |
http://ceiba.ntu.edu.tw/982shyue |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
Homework will be due in class at the second class meeting after it is assigned. Late homework will be subject to a penalty of10% per day unless an extension has been arranged with the instructor prior to the due date. No late homework will be accepted after a solution set has been made available. Each student’s lowest homework score will be omitted from his or her point total.
Homework must be legible, with questions answered in numerical order, and stapled if more than one page long. Please: no spiral-bound paper, or pages connected by folding the corners. Students may consult with one another on the homework, but what is handed in must be each student's original, individual work. Homework assignments (or portions thereof) from different students that appear to have been copied or that otherwise appear to be identical may be returned to all the submitters with zero credit.
The purpose of the homework is to illustrate, apply, and reinforce key topics, not to serve as dry runs for the tests.
課程目標 |
Students may bring pencils or pens, erasers, and straight edges to the tests. The tests and final exam will be closed-book,closed-notes. No formula sheets or any other forms of stored information are permitted. Each test will cover the lectures and reading assignments from the preceding third of the course. The final exam will cover material from throughout the course.
Some of the test questions will be similar to the homework problems in style (i.e., short-answer; calculations; explanations of concepts), but some questions will require the student to apply previous material to new situations.
課程要求 |
Lecture topics, readings, and dates of homework assignments are subject to change. Tests will cover the lecture content and the reading assignments. |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
指定閱讀 |
參考書目 |
評量方式 (僅供參考) |