課程概述 |
1. Methods of least Squares and Signal analysis: Fourier series, power spectra, correlation functions, Fourier transform, etc.
2. Images: Convolution, reconstruction by Fourier transform and filtered back projection.
3. Atoms and Light: Energy levels, spect5ra of liquids and solids, black-body radiation, radiative heat loss, biological effects of radiation, photometry.
4. Interaction of Photons and Charged Particles with Matter: Photon interactions, Compton scattering, coherent scattering, energy transfer, radiation yield, etc.
5. Medical Use of X Rays: Production of X rays, doses and exposure, diagnostic radiology, image detection, tomography, biological effects of radiation, radiation therapy, etc.
6. Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Medicine: Nuclear systematics, decay and internal conversion, absorption, etc.
7. Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Magnetic moment, magnetization, relaxation times, pulse sequences, imaging, chemical shift, flow effects, etc.
8. Ultrasound: Wave equation, Acoustic impedance, scattering and attenuation, Ultrasound transducer, Pulsed-echo techniques, Doppler effect, etc.