課程概述 |
一、課程名稱: (548M0920)人體動作與力學分析 (Human Movement Analysis)
五、授課時間與地點:週三6, 7, 8堂 基醫503
1. Introduction
2. Kinematic and kinetic measurement techniques
3. EMG
4. Differential kinematics of the human body
5. Inverse and forward dynamics in movement analysis
6. Joint models and joint position representation
7. Muscle models and mechanics
8. Modelling and force analysis of the musculoskeletal system
9. Methods for the determination of internal forces
10. Postural Control
11. Pathomechanics of human movement
12. Clinical Gait Analysis
1. Rose, J. and Gamble, J.G., Human Walking, Williams & Wilkins, 1994.
2. Zatsiorsky, V.M., Kinematics of Human Motion, Human Kinetics, Leeds, 1998.
3. Craik, R.L. and Oatis, C.A., Gait Analysis: Theory and Application, Mosby, 1995.
4. Paul Allard, Aurelio Cappozzo and Arne Lundberg (Editors), Three-Dimensional Analysis of Human Locomotion (International Society Biomechanics Series), John Wiley & Son Ltd, 1998.
5. Winter, D.A., Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Movement, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1990.
6. Perry, J., Gait Analysis: Normal and Pathological Function, SLACK, 1992.
7. Mow, V.C. and Hayes, W.C. Basic Orthopaedic Biomechanics, 2nd Edition, Lippincott-Raven, New York, 1997.
七、評分標準:期中考:30%, 實驗暨期末報告:40%, 小考暨作業:30%