課程概述 |
課程編號:601 20020;上課時間:星期一: 3,4節, 星期四:5節
上課教室:考種館; Office Hours;星期一: 1,2節: 劉仁沛老師研究室
科目名稱 統計學 (Introductory Statistics) 授課老師 劉仁沛
教學目標 To provide the fundamental statistical methods for biology and agriculture with applications
開課班級 農業化學系農業化學系 必選修 必農業化學系農業化學系
學分數 3 先修科目
week of 2/21/05: Introduction and Descriptive Statistics (1,2,3)
Week of 2/28/05: Descriptive Statistics (3)
Week of 3/07/05: Descriptive Statistics (3)
Week of 3/14/05: Probability (4)
Week of 3/21/05: Discrete Random Variables (4)
Week of 3/28/05: Continuous Random Variables and Normal Distribution (5)
Week of 4/04/05: Sampling Distribution and Point Estimation (5,6)
Week of 4/11/05: Interval Estimation (6)
Week of 4/18/05: Midterm (4/18/05) Hypothesis Testing (7)
Week of 4/25/05: Hypothesis Testing (8)
Week of 5/02/05: Hypothesis Tesitng and and Chi-square Test for Comparing Proportions (8,9)
Week of 5/09/05: Comparison of Proportions (Continued,9)
Week of 5/16/05: Analysis of Variance (10)
Week of 5/23/05: Correlation and Simple Linear Regression (11)
Week of 5/30/05: Introduction to Nonparametric Statistics*
Week of 6/06/05: Introduction to Statistical Quality Control and Quality
Assurance for Biological Products*
Week of 6/13/05: Introduction to Sampling Methods*
6/20/05: Final Examination
The numbers are chaper number in the textbook and *: If time permits;
講授方式 課堂講授 □分組討論 □參觀實習 □其他
教材課本 沈明來(2001) 生物統計學入門,九州圖書文物有限公司
(含成績考核方式作業篇數等) Attendance: 10%; Homework: 30%; Midterm: 25%: Final: 35%
The tests for midterm and final examinations will be given in English.