課程概述 |
1. 建築性能模擬概論Introduction on building performance simulation
2. 氣候與日照Climate and Solar Radiation
3. 建築的熱過程Building thermal process
室內熱取得要素 Elements of indoor heat gain
建築材料的影響 Thermal properties of building materials
建築熱負荷計算 Building cooling load calculation
空氣調節過程 Building heat extraction
4. 室內熱舒適與空調耗能Relationships between indoor thermal comfort and HVAC energy use
5. 建築能源消耗計算Building energy consumption calculation
6. 建築能源計算與分析Tools for building energy calculation and analysis
建築能源動態模擬概念 Concepts of building energy simulation
能源分析軟體操作演練(DOE-2, eQuest, EcoTect, Energy Plus) Building energy simulation tools
建築能源分析及其應用 Building energy analysis and its application
7. 由能源模擬進行建築節能設計Implementing design strategies from simulation results
8. 建築性能整體評估Overall building performance evaluation
9. 建築生命週期評估概論Introduction on building life cycle assessment
10. 建築節能的效益評估方法Assessing building energy-saving benefits
註:上課內容有隨時調整之可能 ps. Contents of the course may subject to change.