課程概述 |
家畜生殖生理學特論(一) 為畜產學研究所博士班學生之選修課程,為上學期、三學分之課程。其內容以「Biology of Fertilization」一書為主。係以交互討論之方式,選出較具代表性之章節,進行深入之討論。
1. Gametogenesis:General Considerations.
2. Synthesis, Accumulation, and Utilization of Maternal
Macromolecules during Oogenesis and Oocyte Maturation.
3. Meiotic Arrest in Animal Oocytes.
4. The Control of Meiotic Maturation in Mammals.
5. The Proliferative and Meiotic History of Mammalian Female
Germ Cells.
6. Ionic Regulation of Oocyte Maturation.