課程概述 |
Statistical Methods for Social Research
(630 M1770)
Instructor: Prof. Yeu-Sheng Hsieh Feb. 21, 2000
Date Subject
2-21 Introduction to Class
2-28 Holiday, No Class
3-06 Factor Analysis
3-13 Factor Analysis
3-20 Factor Analysis
3-27 Factor Analysis
4-03 Structural Equation Model
4-10 Structural Equation Model
4-17 Covariance Structure Model
4-24 Covariance Structure Model
5-01 Covariance Structure Model
5-08 Covariance Structure Model
5-15 Log-linear Model
5-22 Log-linear Model
5-29 Log-linear Model
6-05 Log-linear Model
6-? Final Exam
Readings I:
Factor Analysis
1. Deshpande, Robit
1982 `The Organization Context of Market Research Use.`
Journal of Marketing 46:91-101.
2. Barber, Brian K., Bruce A. Chadwick and Rolf Oerther
1992 `Parental Behavior and Adolescent Self-Esteem in the
United States and Germany.` Journal of Marriage and
the Family 54:128-141.
3. Windle, Michael and Carol Miller-Tutzauer
1992 `Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Concurrent Validity
of the Perceived Social Support- Family Measure Among
Adolescents.` Journal of Marriage and the Family
Structural Equation Models
4. McLeod, Jane D. and M.J. shanahan
1993 `Poverty, Parenting, and Children`s Mental Health.`
ASR 58:351-366.
5. Lin, Nan and W.M. Ensel
1989 `Life Stress and Health: Stressors and Resources.`
ASR 54:382-399.
Covariance Structure Models
6. Hughes, M.A., R. L. Price and D.W. Marrs
1986 `Linking Theory Construction and Theory Testing:
Models with Multiple Indicators of Latent Variable.`
Academy of Management Review 11:128-144.
7. Entwisle, B.
1989 `Measuring Components of Family Planning Program
Effort.` Demography 26:53-76.
8. Kilbourne, B.S., F. Howell, and P. England
1990 `A Measurement Model for Subjective Marital Solidarity:
Social Science Research 19:62-81.
Log-linear Models
9. Wilson, John and Marc Musick
1997 `Who Cares? Toward an Integrated Theory of Volunteer
work.` ASR 62:694-713.
10. Hsieh, Yeu-Sheng
1988 `The Impact of Labor Market Outcome on Job Dissatis-
faction.` 人文及社會科學集刊 1:41-75.
11. Ishida, H., J.H. Goldthope, and R. Erikson
1991 `Intergenerational Class Mobility in Postwar Japan.`
AJS 96:954-992.
Readings II:
1. Dunteman, G.H.
1989 Principle Components Analysis. Beverly Hills.
CA: Sage ( Series No. 69 )
2. Hair, J.F., Jr., R.E. Anderson, R.L.Tatham, and W.C. Black
1995 Multivariate Data Analysis with Readings. 4th ed.
Ch. 7. Pp. 364-406.
3. Kim, Jae-on and C.W. Mueller
1978 Introduction to Factor Analysis: What It Is and How
to Do It. Beverly Hills. CA: Sage ( Series No. 13 ).
4. Kim, Jae-on and C.W. Mueller
1978 Factor Analysis: Statistical Methods and Practice Issues.
Beverly Hills. CA: Sage ( Series No. 14 ).
5. Kenny, D.A.
1979 Correlation and Causality. New York: John Wiley &Sons.
6. Duncan, O.D.
1975 Introduction to Structural Equation Models. New York:
Academic Press.
7. Hair, J.F., Jr., R.E. Anderson, R.L.Tatham, and W.C. Black
1995 Multivariate Data Analysis with Readings. 4th ed.
Ch. 11. Pp. 616-693.
8. Dillon, W.R. and M.Goldstein
1984 Multivariate Analysis: Methods and Applications.
New York: John Wiley &Sons. Ch. 12 Pp. 430-489.
9. Long, J.S.
1983 Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Beverly Hills. CA: Sage
( Series No. 33 ).
10. Long, J.S.
1983 Covariance Structure Models: An Introduction to LISREL.
Beverly Hills. CA: Sage ( Series No. 34 ).
11. Bollen, Kenneth A.
1989 Structural Equations with Latent Variables. New York:
John Wiley &Sons.
12. Hayduk, Leslie A.
1987 Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL. The John
Hopkins University Press.
13. Joreskog, K.G. and D. Sorbom
1993 LIEREL 8: Structural Equation Modeling with the SIMPLIS
Command Language. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Association
14. Knoke, D. and P.J. Burke
1980 Log-linear Models. Beverly Hills. CA: Sage ( Series No.
20 ).
15. Fienberg, S.E.
1980 The Analysis of Cross-Classified Categorical Data.
2nd ed. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
16. Dillon, W.R. and M. Goldstein
1984 Multivariate Analysis: Methods and Applications.
New York: John Wiley &Sons. Ch. 8. Pp.302-336.
17. Agresti, Alan
1990 Categorical Data Analysis. New York: John Wiley &Sons.