課程名稱 |
科技、技術與鄉村社會發展 Science,Technology and Rural Society |
開課學期 |
109-1 |
授課對象 |
生物資源暨農學院 生物產業傳播暨發展學研究所 |
授課教師 |
王驥懋 |
課號 |
BICD7171 |
課程識別碼 |
630 M9140 |
班次 |
學分 |
3.0 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期四2,3,4(9:10~12:10) |
上課地點 |
生傳427室 |
備註 |
總人數上限:30人 |
Ceiba 課程網頁 |
http://ceiba.ntu.edu.tw/1091BICD7171_ |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
2019年底開始的新冠肺炎疫情,改變了全球化下的經濟分工、地緣政治等。追本溯源,此疫情一方面反映出人類和動物的複雜關係,乃是人畜共通疫病反覆爆發的重要因素。例如2009年的豬流感以及高致病性流感H5N1等的流行。此外,當代的新型態科學與技術,對於人類社會及自然的影響,已經造成許多的生態矛盾及危機。如蜂群崩壞崩壞症候群、海洋資源掠奪和惡化的勞動環境以及禽流感和集中化養殖(Concentrated animal feeding operations, CAFO)。本課程聚焦在當代新興科學與技術,對於鄉村社會的影響。從科技與社會的研究取徑出發,課程大致上可以分為四大部份:第一、首先我們從後結構主義的角度切入,討論影響當代科技與社會研究的幾個重要方法論,包含行動者網絡理論(Actor-network theory)以及組裝理論(Assemblage theory);第二,我們將處理從這些角度如何看待人類和自然的複雜關係和科技爭議個案,包含:自然保護區爭議、科學技術和大型化養殖、當代營養學知識論述和飲食。第三、我們將聚焦在新興科技技術和鄉村社會變遷:包含鄉村性別分工、勞動分工、療癒地景和身體等。最後,課程第四部份則聚焦在當代科技知識(包含農葯、永續發展等知識系譜),如何成為治理工具以及科技爭議的所在。 |
課程目標 |
本課程旨在提供學生對於現代科學與技術之反思,讓學生可以從社會以及人文面向,來重新看待科學知識以及現代科技對於鄉村社會之影響。透過自然以及人文跨科際、多面向的討論,以培養學生獨立思考以及形塑「專家公民」的素養為目標。 |
課程要求 |
本課程為研究所專題討論課程,當週都有必讀文獻。每位修課同學都將被分配報告週次。其餘修課同學,請務必於上課前一天將自己一頁的心得摘要,傳給每位修課同學。這些要求會被嚴格執行。 |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
另約時間 備註: 星期一 下午2-4 |
指定閱讀 |
如各週課程說明 |
參考書目 |
如各週課程說明星期一 下午2-4 |
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
課堂參與討論 |
50% |
2. |
出席 |
20% |
3. |
期末報告 |
30% |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
9/17 |
課程導論 |
第2週 |
9/24 |
Law, John. 2009. Actor network theory and material semiotics. In The new Blackwell companion to social theory, ed. Bryan S. Turner, 141-158. Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Murdoch, Jonathan. 2006. Post-structuralist geography: a guide to relational space. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
第3週 |
10/01 |
Müller, Martin, and Carolin Schurr. 2016. Assemblage thinking and actor‐network theory: conjunctions, disjunctions, cross‐fertilisations. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 41 (3):217-229.
Müller, Martin. 2014. A half-hearted romance? A diagnosis and agenda for the relationship between economic geography and actor-network theory (ANT). Progress in Human Geography 39 (1):65-86.
第4週 |
10/08 |
Baker, Tom, and Pauline McGuirk. 2017. Assemblage thinking as methodology: commitments and practices for critical policy research. Territory, Politics, Governance 5 (4):425-442.
McCann, E., and K. Ward. 2012. Assembling urbanism: following policies and 'studying through' the sites and situations of policy making. Environment and Planning A 44 (1):42-51.
第5週 |
10/15 |
現代科技與非人行動者 (一):水生動物及海洋資源
Bear, Christopher. 2013. Assembling the sea: materiality, movement and regulatory practices in the Cardigan Bay scallop fishery. Cultural geographies 20 (1):21-41.
Peters, K. 2020. The territories of governance: unpacking the ontologies and geophilosophies of fixed to flexible ocean management, and beyond. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 375(1814), 20190458. |
第6週 |
10/22 |
Marston, Andrea. 2019. Vertical farming: tin mining and agro-mineros in Bolivia. The Journal of Peasant Studies:1-21.
Marston, Andrea. 2019. Strata of the state: Resource nationalism and vertical territory in Bolivia. Political Geography 74:102040.
第7週 |
10/29 |
Hinchliffe, S., M. B. Kearnes, M. Degen, and S. Whatmore. 2005. Urban wild things: a cosmopolitical experiment. Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 23 (5):643-658.
Barua, M. 2021. Infrastructure and non-human life: A wider ontology. Progress in Human Geography, 0309132521991220. |
第8週 |
11/05 |
Lorimer, J. 2017. Parasites, ghosts and mutualists: a relational geography of microbes for global health. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 42 (4):544-558.
Lorimer, J., T. Hodgetts, R. Grenyer, B. Greenhough, C. McLeod, and A. Dwyer. 2019. Making the microbiome public: Participatory experiments with DNA sequencing in domestic kitchens. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 44 (3):524-541.
Lorimer, J. 2019. Hookworms Make Us Human: The Microbiome, Eco-immunology, and a Probiotic Turn in Western Health Care. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 33 (1):60-79.
第9週 |
11/12 |
Holloway, Lewis, Christopher Bear, and Katy Wilkinson. 2014. Robotic milking technologies and renegotiating situated ethical relationships on UK dairy farms. Agriculture and Human Values 31 (2):185-199.
Holloway, Lewis, Christopher Bear, and Katy Wilkinson. 2014. Re-capturing bovine life: Robot–cow relationships, freedom and control in dairy farming. Journal of Rural Studies 33:131-140.
第10週 |
11/19 |
Rotz, Sarah, Emily Duncan, Matthew Small, Janos Botschner, Rozita Dara, Ian Mosby, Mark Reed, and Evan D. G. Fraser. 2019. The Politics of Digital Agricultural Technologies: A Preliminary Review. Sociologia Ruralis 59 (2):203-229.
Carolan, Michael. 2019. Automated agrifood futures: robotics, labor and the distributive politics of digital agriculture. The Journal of Peasant Studies:1-24.
第11週 |
11/26 |
Bear, Christopher, and Lewis Holloway. 2015. Country Life: Agricultural Technologies and the Emergence of New Rural Subjectivities. Geography Compass 9 (6):303-315.
第12週 |
12/03 |
現代科技、馴化政治與跨物種:魚、豬與人 (一)
Lien, M. E., 2015. Becoming salmon : aquaculture and the domestication of a fish. Oakland, Calif.: University of California Press. (Ch1-2) |
第13週 |
12/10 |
現代科技、馴化政治與跨物種:魚、豬與人 (二)
Blanchette, A. 2015. HERDING SPECIES: Biosecurity, Posthuman Labor, and the American Industrial Pig. Cultural Anthropology, 30(4), 640-669.
Blanchette, A., 2020. Porkopolis : American animality, standardized life, and the factory farm. Durham: Duke University Press (Ch1-2).
第14週 |
12/17 |
現代科技、馴化政治與跨物種:魚、豬與人 (三)
Campling, L. 2012. The Tuna ‘Commodity Frontier’: Business Strategies and Environment in the Industrial Tuna Fisheries of the Western Indian Ocean. Journal of Agrarian Change, 12(2-3), 252-278.
Havice, E. and Campling, L. 2013. Articulating upgrading: island developing states and canned tuna production. Environment and Planning A, 45(11), 2610-2627.
第15週 |
12/24 |
Ponte, S., 2019. Business, power and sustainability in a world of global value chains. 1st ed. London: Zed Books. (Ch2-3)
第16週 |
12/31 |
Guthman, J. and S. Brown. 2016. Whose life counts: Biopolitics and the “bright line” of chloropicrin mitigation in California’s strawberry industry. Science, Technology and Human Values 41 (3).
Guthman, J. 2015. Binging and purging: Agro-food capitalism and the body as socio-ecological fix. Environment and Planning A: 47 (12).
第17週 |
1/07 |
繳交期末報告 |