週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
9/14 |
Class orientation
新進老師公開演講第一場(11:00-12:00) |
第2週 |
9/21 |
新進老師公開演講第三場(11:00-12:00) |
第3週 |
9/28 |
新進老師公開演講第五場(11:00-12:00) |
第4週 |
10/05 |
徐謙:Insect pheromones: function, form, and discovery
張園:Moths make antioxidants from sugar
賴學濂:Fungal entomopathogens |
第5週 |
10/12 |
寧方俞:Insect pheromones: Application to pest management
曹又仁:The “emergency dance” in honeybees.
林佳蓉:Microsporidian entomopathogens |
第6週 |
10/19 |
陳鳳軒:Approaches to pest management in stored products
舒慶渝:Symbiont mediated RNAi in insects
蔡有方:Bacterial entomopathogens |
第7週 |
10/26 |
莊依奇:Biodiversity of fossils in amber
李威樺:Use DNA tests to identify the host foods of Drosophila suzukii
胡芳瑜:Nematode parasites and entomopathogens |
第8週 |
11/02 |
吳宗學:Impacts of climate change on the future of biodiversity
唐政綱:Evolution of lacewings and allied orders (Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera)
張景雅:Physiology and ecology of host defense against microbial invaders |
第9週 |
11/09 |
期中考週,停課一次 (No class, Midterm week) |
第10週 |
11/16 |
張今耀:Artificial intelligence in pest insect monitoring
陳平:Anti-oviposition activities of used socks on Aedes mosquitoes
李婉萱:Insect immune recognition and suppression |
第11週 |
11/23 |
蔡育峰:Artificial intelligence in pest management
周易萱:Lack of evidence for natural wolbachia in Aedes aegypti
李政勳:Insect viruses |
第12週 |
11/30 |
蘇珊提:Burying beetles and associated microbes
江建宇:Approaches to pest management in museums
鄞智鈞:Using RNA-seq to investigate the stress responses of
German cockroach (Blattella germanica) elicited by illuminance |