The topics of speech as follows:
1. Cell Biology: yeast as a model for protein trafficking study
2. 整合式真菌基因體資料庫的建構(Establishing Integrated
Fungal Genomic Databases)
3. 如何應用科學方法解決農業上的問題
4. The identification of host factors involving in the infection of Bamboo mosaic virus
5. 花非花、葉非葉
6. Toll-like receptor signaling in pathogenesis of Streptococcus pyogenes
7. 熱休克蛋白質與植物保護-由水稻小分子量熱休克蛋白質談起
8. Study on a marine oomycetes - Halophytophthora
9. 台灣菇類之發展
11. Image Dielectrophoresis for Cell Separation and Manipulation
12. 植物保護界工作三十餘年之回顧
Evaluation: five reports over 500 words each; pass or non-pass.