課程名稱 |
開課學期 |
95-1 |
授課對象 |
管理學院 會計學研究所 |
授課教師 |
吳琮璠 |
課號 |
Acc |
課程識別碼 |
722 D3000 |
班次 |
學分 |
3 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期二6,7,8(13:20~16:20) |
上課地點 |
管貳研11 |
備註 |
總人數上限:10人 |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
本課程尚未建立核心能力關連 |
課程概述 |
All students are expected to come to the class fully prepared to discuss the assigned
papers, and raising questions for the session leader. Your grade for the course will be
determined in part based on class participation. You should submit (at the beginning of
each class) a one-page summary of each assigned paper as a component of your class
課程目標 |
The primary objective of this course is to develop the skills necessary to conduct
inter-disciplinary problem-oriented research in accounting and information management.
Each student is expected to identify a problem area and the research literature relevant for
advancing knowledge to support the analysis and resolution of that problem area.
課程要求 |
When you read or present a paper, you should structure your analysis as follows:
1. Motivate the research question and evaluate the arguments used to support it. Why is
the question interesting?
2. What is the study’s research design? Explain the analytical model or the empirical
hypotheses and tests developed in the paper.
3. How well is the research design linked to the research question? To what extent is the
design capable of answering the research question?
4. What methodology is used to answer the research question? Is the methodology
appropriate? Are there alternative approaches that might be used?
5. What are the paper’s major results? What insights do they provide about the research
question? How generalizable or applicable are these results?
6. What new research questions are raised by the paper’s results? What unresolved
research questions related to the paper remain to be investigated? How would you
address them?
7. How does the paper help formulate and conduct research in the selected problem
Pay considerable attention in the above analysis to exactly how the research was
conducted -- to such an extent that you would be able to replicate the study if required.
You are responsible for writing a publishable research paper that is about 20 double-spaced pages in length. The paper should detail the problem area you have selected, and explain why the problem area is important to managers or policy makers. It should describe how you identified the relevant literature, and how the papers you selected help address the problem of interest to you.
Your final grade in the course will be determined based on:
Class participation 30
Assigned presentation 30
Research Paper 40
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
指定閱讀 |
參考書目 |
評量方式 (僅供參考) |