管理學院  商學研究所  
741 D0150 
限管理學院學生(含輔系、雙修生) 且 限碩士班以上


This course is designed specifically for preparing and assisting the doctoral students undertaking their dissertation research as required by the degree program. The contents of the course are structured in accordance with that of the methodologies of scientific research. Emphasis is placed upon the relations among theory construction, research methods and techniques. 
先修科目: 統計學 
1. Introduce to Social Science Research
Text:Ch 1
B & B (7):Ch 1
Baldridge, D.C., S.W.Floyd and L. Markocry,2004 “ Are Managers from Mars and Academicians from Venus? Toward an Understanding of the Relationship between Academic Quality and Practical Relevance.” Strategic Management Journal, 25, 1063-74.

2. The Meaning of Theory and Its Role in Research
LIN (41):Ch 2

3. Theory Construction & Paradigm
LIN (41):Ch 3
B & B(7):Ch 2
BLA(8):Ch 1
Weick (57)

4. Research Problems and Hypothesis
Text:Ch 2
KR (38):Ch 2
DN (22):Ch 4

5. Constructs, Variables, and Relations
Text: Chs 3,5
KR (38): Ch3

6. Measurement and Scaling Methods
Text:Chs 26,27 &28
B & B (7):Ch 3
LIN (41):Ch 10

7. Research Design (1)
Text: Chs18&19
KR(38): Ch17

8. Research Design (2)
Text:Chs 20&23

9. Qualitative Research
Text:Ch24, pp.588-593
Jack (1979) (34)
Morgan & Smircich (1980) (45)
Strauss & Corbin (1980) (55)

10. Case Study Research
Eisenhardt (1989) (26)
Yin (1984) (61)

11. Survey Research
Text:Ch 25

12. Data Analysis
Text:Ch9, 13-16
Davis, J. A. (1985), The Logic of Causal Order, Newbury Park, CA:Sage (23)
B & B (7):Ch 5
BC (14):Chs 2 & 3

13. Comparative Research
BR(12):Ch 1
Earleys Singh:“ International and Intercultural Management Research:What’s Next?”
AMJ , V.38, N.2 (April 1995),327- 40

14. Research Ethics
Text:Ch 17
Donald Kennedy, Academic Duty, Harvard University Press, 1997

15. Presentation and Style: The Chicago Manual Craft:Chs 11-15
Office Hours
Chava Frankfort-Nachmias, David Nachmias and Jack DeWaard, Research Methods in the Social Sciences, 8th ed. Worth, 2014. 
1. Adler, N. J., R. Doktor, and S. G. Redding, (1988), “From the Atlantic to the Pacific Century:Cross Cultural Management Reviewed. ” in Organizational Science Abroad. by C. A. B. Osigweh, Yg.. N. Y. Plenum Press, 27-54.

2. Baker, T. L. (1994), Doing Social Research 2nd ed, N. Y.:McGraw-Hill.

3. Becker, H. S. (2020), Writing for Social Scientists 3rd ed. Chicago:the University of Chicago Press.

4. Behling, O. (1980), “ The Case for Natural Science Model for Research In Organizational Behavior and Organizational Theory, ” Academy of Management Review, 5, 483-90.

5. Berry, W. D., and M. S. Lewis-Beck, eds. (1986), New Tools for Social Scientists:Advances and Applications in Research Methods. Beverly Hills,CA:Sage.

6. Blalock, A. B. and H. M. Blalock, Jr. (1982), Introduction to Social Research. 2nd ed.. Prentice-Hall.(B & B )

7. Blalock, H. M. Jr., (1964), Causal Inferences in Nonexperiment Research. Prentice-Hall. (BLA)

8. Bohrnstedt, G. W., and E. F. Borgatta, (1991), Social Measurement:Current Issues. Beverly Hills, CA:Sage, (BO)

9. Booth, W. C., G. G. Colomb, and G. M. Williams, (1995), The Craft of Research. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press. (CR)

10. Brislin, R. W., W. J. Lonner , and R. M. Morndike (1973), Cross-Cultural Research Methods. N. Y.:John Wiley&Sons, (BR)

11. Britt, D. W. 1997, A Conceptual Introduction to Modeling:Qualitative and QuantitativePerspectives. Mahwah, N. J. LEA. (BD)

12. Bryman, A., and D. Cramer (1990), Quantitative Data Analysis for Social Scientists. London:Routledge. (BC)

13. The Chicago Manual of Style (2019), 17th ed., Chicago:The University of Chicago Press.

14. Coffey, A. and P. Atkinson (1996), Making Sense of Qualitative Data:Complementary Research Strategies. Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage.

15. Cohen, M. R., and E. Nagel, (1934), An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method. London:Routledge & Kegan.

16. Crabtree, B. F., and W. L. Miller, eds. (1992), Doing Qualitative Research. London:Sage.

17. Davis, J. A.,(1985), The Logic of Causal Order. Newbury Park, CA:Sage.

18. Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989), “Building Theories form Case Study Research,” Academy of Management Review, 14, 532-50.

19. Feldman, S. P. (1986), “Management in Context:An Essay on the Relevance of Culture to the Understanding of Organizational Change,” Journal of Management Studies, 23, 6.

20. Fielding, N. G., and R. M. Lee, eds. (1992), Using Computers in Qualitative Research. London:Sage.

21. Girden, Ellen R. (1996), Evaluating Research Articles:From Start to Finish. Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage.

22. Greer, S. (1969), The Logic of Social Inquiry. Aldine. (GR)

23. Hacking, I. (1965), Logic of Statistical Inference. Cambridge University Press, (HKG)

24. Hantrais, L. and S. Mangen, eds. (1996), Cross-National Research Methods in the Social Sciences. London:Pinter.

25. Joropensen, Danny L.(1989), Participant Observation: A Methdology for Human Studies. Newbury Park, CA: Sage

26. Judd, C. M., E. R. Smith, and L. H. Kidder, (1991), Research Methods in Social Relations, 6th ed.. Fort Worth:Harcourt Brace Jovanovith.

27. Kaplan, Abraham (1968), The Conduct of Inquiry. N. T.:Harper & Row

28. Kerlinger, F. N. (1999), Foundations of Behavioral Research, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

29. Kuhn, T. S.(1970), The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago:University of Chicago Press.

30. Lakatos, I. (1978), The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

31. Lin, N. (1976), Foundations of Social Research. McGraw-Hill. (LIN)

32. Lonner, W., and J. Berry, (1986), eds., Field Methods in Cross-Culture Research. Beverly Hills,CA:Sage.

33. Maxwell, J. A. (1996), Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach. Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage.

34. Mitroff, I.M.(1974), The Subjective Side of Science. N.Y.:Elsevice

35. Morgan, G., and L. Smircich, (1980) “The Case for Qualitative Research,” Academy of Management Review, 5, 491-500.

36. Neuman, W. L. (2009), Social Research Methods:Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 7rd ed., Pearson.

37. Newton-Smith, W. H., (1981), The Rationality of Science. Boston:Routledge & Kegan.

38. Nunnally, Jr., J. C., (1970), Introduction to Psychological Measurement. McGraw-Hill. (NU)

39. O’ Connor, D. J., and B. Carr, (1982), Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge. Brighton, Sussex:The Harvestu. (OC)

40. Rea, L. M., and R. A. Parker, (1992), Designing and Conducting Survey Research:A Comprehensive Guide. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass.

41. Smircich, L. (1983), “Concepts of Culture and Organizational Analysis,” Administrative Science Quarterly, 28, 339-58.
42. Steward, D.&P. Shovemdasani(1990),Focus Group: Theory and Practice. Newburry CA:Sage

43. Strauss, A. L. (1987), Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.

44. Corbin, J. and A, Strauss, (2014), Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory . SAGE.

45. Weick, K. E. (1989), “Theory Construction as Disciplined Imagination,” Academy of Management Review, 14, 516-31.

46. Whitley, R. (1990), “East Asian Enterprise Structures and the Comparative Analysis of Forms of Business Organization, ” Organization Studies, 11 (1).

47. Wilkins, A., and G. Dyer, Jr., (1989), “Toward Culturally Sensitive Theories of Culture Change, ” Academy of Management Review, 13 (4)

48. Williams, J. M. (1990), Style:Toward Clarity and Grace. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press.

49. Yin, R. (1984), Case Study Research:Design and Methods. Beverly Hills, CA:Sage.

50. Zaltman, G., K. Lemasters, and M. Heffring, (1982), Theory Construction in Marketing. N. Y. :John Wiley & Sons.

51. 蕭瑞麟(2017) <不用數字的研究 :質性研究的思辯脈絡>五南 