課程名稱 |
健康與社會福利制度 Health and Social Welfare Systems |
開課學期 |
110-2 |
授課對象 |
學程 人口學程 |
授課教師 |
葉明叡 |
課號 |
PH0009 |
課程識別碼 |
801 00070 |
班次 |
學分 |
2.0 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
選修 |
上課時間 |
星期三8,9(15:30~17:20) |
上課地點 |
公衛210 |
備註 |
[人口學程]選修領域(三)保險與福利。與陳雅美、張弘潔合授 總人數上限:25人 |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
1. 第一部分為基本分析架構,介紹衛生福利體系的基本概念、起源與發展歷史,並介紹制度背後的社會文化價值選擇與倫理意義,以及政策設計上治理與管制結構、財源籌措、服務提供、環境與人力資源等層面。
2. 第二部分運用此分析架構,探討各個健康與福利制度部門,包括全民健保、貧窮、老年經濟安全、幼兒照顧與兒童健康、高齡者長期照顧、障礙者福利等相關政策議題。
This course aims to introduce the health and welfare system in Taiwan. The issues covered in the course are primarily under the administrative structure of the Ministry of Health and Welfare; however, some of them are also related with other government sectors. The course is divided into two sections:
1. The first section offers an analytic framework of health and welfare systems in general, which contains the basic concepts, origins and development of modern welfare systems, the ethical values and cultural norms underpin the systems, as well as the governance and regulatory structure, finance, service provision, environment and human resources of the systems.
2. The second part probes into different sectors of the health and welfare system in Taiwan, including healthcare, poverty, old-age economic security, childcare, child and youth health, people with disabilities and welfare, and senior citizens and long-term care services.
課程目標 |
1. 描述台灣當前主要社會問題與相應衛生福利體系發展歷程,以及其背景之社會文化與倫理價值脈絡
2. 運用基本架構分析一個特定社會問題,並評估衛生福利體系處理該問題的現行政策作為成效
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
1. Describe the major social problems and how the health and welfare system has addressed (or not addressed) these problems, and the underpinned ethical values and socio-cultural norms.
2. Utilize the analytic framework of health and welfare system to analyze a specific social problem and evaluate the performance of the current health and welfare policies addressing this problem.
課程要求 |
Students should read the assigned readings, attend course sessions, actively participate in class discussion, finished take-home assignments, and participate in exams.
Students should notify the instructor of their absence in advance. Students will not pass the course with three times of absence without proper justifications.
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
另約時間 |
指定閱讀 |
Please see the week schedule below.
參考書目 |
1. 林萬億,臺灣的社會福利:歷史與制度的分析,五南,2012。
2. 蕭新煌、官有垣、王舒芸(編),臺灣社會福利運動與政策效應:2000-2018年,巨流,2018。
3. 蕭新煌、林國明(編),台灣的社會福利運動,巨流,2000。
4. Greve, Bent (ed). The Routledge Handbook of the Welfare State. London: Routledge. 2012.
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
課堂參與 Class Participation |
10% |
Attendance and in class discussion |
2. |
小作業 Take-home assignments |
30% |
Ten assignments |
3. |
期中考 Midterm Exam |
30% |
True and false, multiple choices, short descriptions, short essays questions |
4. |
期末考 Final Exam |
30% |
True and false, multiple choices, short descriptions, short essays questions |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
02/16 |
課程介紹 Course overview
定義與範疇:健康與社會福利制度的目的 Definition and scope: The purposes of health and welfare systems |
第2週 |
02/23 |
第一部分:分析架構 PART I: Analytic Framework
福利國家的社會與政治起源 The social and political origins of welfare states |
第3週 |
03/02 |
台灣衛生福利體系、民主化與社會運動 The health and welfare system, democratization, and social movements in Taiwan |
第4週 |
03/09 |
政策制定與治理 Policymaking and governance |
第5週 |
03/16 |
服務提供與財源籌措 Provision and funding |
第6週 |
03/23 |
衛生福利體系中的價值與倫理 Values and ethics in health and welfare systems |
第7週 |
03/30 |
第二部分:部門與議題 PART II: Sectors and Issues
全民健康保險 National Health Insurance
第8週 |
04/06 |
期中考 Midterm Exam |
第9週 |
04/13 |
貧窮 Poverty |
第10週 |
04/20 |
年金保險與老年經濟安全 Pensions and old-age economic security |
第11週 |
04/27 |
社會福利與新生兒健康 Social welfare and newborn health(張弘潔) |
第12週 |
05/04 |
兒童及青少年健康 Child and youth health(張弘潔) |
第13週 |
05/11 |
身心障礙福利 People with disabilities and welfare(陳雅美) |
第14週 |
05/18 |
高齡者長期照顧 Senior citizens and long-term care services (陳雅美) |
第15週 |
05/25 |
高齡者長期照顧 Senior citizens and long-term care services(陳雅美) |
第16週 |
06/01 |
期末考 Final Exam |