課程名稱 |
公共衛生:觀點與展望 Public Health : Perspective and Prospect |
開課學期 |
110-1 |
授課對象 |
公共衛生學院 流行病學與預防醫學研究所 |
授課教師 |
林菀俞 |
課號 |
MPH7009 |
課程識別碼 |
847 M0080 |
班次 |
學分 |
2.0 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
必修 |
上課時間 |
星期二5(12:20~13:10) |
上課地點 |
公衛101 |
備註 |
全院碩/博班共同必修課程。與葉明叡、李柏翰、林青青、馮嬿臻、王彥雯、曾翎威、張慶國、黃柏堯、羅宇軒、陳佳、林靜君合授 總人數上限:200人 |
Ceiba 課程網頁 |
http://ceiba.ntu.edu.tw/1101MPH7009_PH |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
/* 欲加簽同學請將您的 NTU email address 寄給助教 ( r09849008@ntu.edu.tw ) */
/* 因應本校發佈 110-1 學期之防疫規則,本學期為「非同步遠距教學」,只有 10/19 張聖琳教授演講為「同步遠距」,但同學可視自身情形自由選擇「同步參與線上演講」或是「課後至 NTU COOL 觀看演講 video」 */
1.Core functions and essential services of public health
2.Globalization and global burden of diseases
3.Public health history, philosophy, and values
4.Prevention science in population health
5.Biological and genetic factors and population health
6.Quantitative methods and sciences in public health
7.Evidence-based public health
8.Environmental factors and population health
9.Major causes and trends of morbidity and mortality in Taiwan
10.Behavioral and psychological factors and population health (including
qualitative methods in assessment)
11.Social, political and economic determinants of population health and
health inequities
12.Ecological system and health: Planet Health
課程目標 |
/* 欲加簽同學請將您的 NTU email address 寄給助教 ( r09849008@ntu.edu.tw ) */
/* 因應本校發佈 110-1 學期之防疫規則,本學期為「非同步遠距教學」,只有 10/19 張聖琳教授演講為「同步遠距」,但同學可視自身情形自由選擇「同步參與線上演講」或是「課後至 NTU COOL 觀看演講 video」 */
Profession & Science of Public Health
1. Explain public health history, philosophy and values
2. Identify the core functions of public health and the 10 Essential Services listed by US CDC
3. Explain the role of quantitative methods and sciences in describing and assessing a population’s health
4. List major causes and trends of morbidity and mortality in Taiwan
5. Discuss the science of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in population health, including health promotion, screening, etc.
6. Explain the critical importance of evidence in advancing public health knowledge
Factors Related to Human Health
7. Explain effects of environmental factors on a population’s health
8. Explain biological and genetic factors that affect a population’s health
9. Explain behavioral and psychological factors that affect a population’s health, as well as the role of quantitative methods and sciences in describing and assessing a population’s health
10. Explain the social, political and economic determinants of health and how they contribute to population health and health inequities
11. Explain how globalization affects global burdens of disease
12. Explain an ecological perspective on the connections among human health, animal health and ecosystem health (e.g., One Health) |
課程要求 |
/* 欲加簽同學請將您的 NTU email address 寄給助教 ( r09849008@ntu.edu.tw ) */
/* 因應本校發佈 110-1 學期之防疫規則,本學期為「非同步遠距教學」,只有 10/19 張聖琳教授演講為「同步遠距」,但同學可視自身情形自由選擇「同步參與線上演講」或是「課後至 NTU COOL 觀看演講 video」 */
1. 每週觀看去年課堂影片並於十分鐘內完成線上測驗
2. 每週觀看今年課堂影片
3. 期末分組報告
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
指定閱讀 |
1.Ministry of Health and Warfare, Taiwan. 2017 Taiwan Health and Welfare
Report. MOHW 2017-11. https://www.mohw.gov.tw/cp-137-40301-2.html
2.Perdiguero E et al.: History of health, a valuable tool in public health. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2001; 55: 667–673.
3.Ensign K.: The value of public health. Journal of Public Health Management
and Practice 2017; 23; 195–197.
4.Weed DL: Towards a philosophy of public health. J Epidemiol Community
Health. 1999; 53: 99–104.
5.詹長權 (2003)。台灣公共衛生的百年成就。台灣醫學,7 (1): 90–94。 |
參考書目 |
待補 |
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
No. |
項目 |
百分比 |
說明 |
1. |
每週隨堂測驗 |
40% |
每週觀看去年課堂影片並於十分鐘內完成線上測驗 (期末時,本項成績會根據全班同學的成績分布進行標準化) |
2. |
期末分組報告 |
60% |
每週觀看今年課堂影片,並選定週次主題來完成期末分組報告,每組繳交一份「簡報檔」與「書面檔」。請於 2022/01/22 (週六) 中午 12:00 前繳交至 COOL 作業區,以組為單位繳交。
•逾時繳交請寄給助教,逾時一小時內,該組成員報告成績皆以95折計•逾時一小時到兩小時,該組成員報告成績皆以9折計•逾時兩小時到三小時,該組成員報告成績皆以85折計•以此類推• |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
第1週 |
9/28 |
課程概述 / 公共衛生的核心功能與服務 (林菀俞 老師) |
第2週 |
10/05 |
Globalisation, health inequalities, and the normative response (李柏翰 老師) |
第3週 |
10/12 |
Public Health, Ethics, and Democracy (葉明叡 老師) |
第4週 |
10/19 |
公衛論壇 I --- 『新常態 新田野:進入與經營的虛實挑戰』 (台大建築與城鄉研究所 張聖琳 教授) |
第5週 |
10/26 |
社區精神疾病預防醫學 (張慶國 老師) |
第6週 |
11/02 |
公衛論壇 II --- 『由臺灣過去防疫成敗經驗談因應新冠病毒變異株的最佳策略』(台大流預所 金傳春 教授) |
第7週 |
11/09 |
Advances in public health and precision medicine in the era of genomics (馮嬿臻 老師) |
第8週 |
11/16 |
期中考週 (決定各組主題分配) (林菀俞 老師) |
第9週 |
11/23 |
Text mining techniques and its application in long-term care (王彥雯 老師) |
第10週 |
11/30 |
公衛論壇 III --- 『公共衛生的政治經濟學---從食品安全到 COVID-19』 (國立中興大學國際政治研究所 譚偉恩 老師) |
第11週 |
12/07 |
Evidence-based public health nutrition (曾翎威 老師) |
第12週 |
12/14 |
Effects of environmental factors on a population's health (陳佳堃 老師) |
第13週 |
12/21 |
Major causes and trends of morbidity and mortality in Taiwan (林靜君 老師) |
第14週 |
12/28 |
Behavioral and Psychological factors associated with population’s health: the case study of sexualized drug use and harm reduction (黃柏堯 老師) |
第15週 |
2022/01/04 |
COVID-19 與健康不平等 (林青青 老師) |
第16週 |
2022/01/11 |
Ecological perspective on the connections among human health, animal health and ecosystem health - One Health System (羅宇軒 老師) |