課程概述 |
量性科學為開授給流預所生物統計組在職專班學生課程。課程內容自基礎微積分、機率論、線性代數與其他進階議題如微分方程等開始,並講授如何應用數學理論與統計學之估計,其包含正交特性與獨立、一階微分與score function、概似函數與最大概似函數估計值、泰勒展開式於變異數估計之應用、辛普森規則於存活分析樣本數估計等。其他相關實例將於課程中詳述與練習。
(Quantitative science is a basic course for master students who have been admitted to division of biostatistics, institute of epidemiology through part-time-based track. This course is particularly useful for those who are lacking of statistical or mathematical background before they are entertained by formal statistics. The course starts from the review of basic calculus, probability theory, linear matrix algebra, and other advanced topics such as differential equation. A series of lectures on the application of several important mathematical theorem to statistical estimation and will be given. These include the linkage between orthogonal property and independence, the illumination of score function in relation to first derivative, the likelihood function and maximum likelihood estimate, Taylor series for variance estimation, and Simpson rules for sample size estimation in survival studies. Practical examples on these topics will be designed and practiced by students during the course.) |