課程名稱 |
實證全球衛生政策 Evidence-based Global Health Policies |
開課學期 |
111-2 |
授課對象 |
公共衛生學院 全球衛生碩士學位學程 |
授課教師 |
李柏翰 |
課號 |
MGH7005 |
課程識別碼 |
853EM0050 |
班次 |
學分 |
2.0 |
全/半年 |
半年 |
必/選修 |
必修 |
上課時間 |
星期一3,4(10:20~12:10) |
上課地點 |
公衛209 |
備註 |
本課程以英語授課。雙聯學位學生必修課。與劉凱利、郭年真、賴育宏、林孟璇合授 總人數上限:24人 |
課程簡介影片 |
核心能力關聯 |
核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖 |
課程概述 |
Understanding the processes and actors involved in policy development and relevant decision-making is crucial for public health researchers and practitioners to be effective in any setting, especially in low- and middle-income countries. In this regard, this course:
- Overviews political and theoretical frameworks related to policy development and practical perspectives on their application to global health, with a focus on international institutions and low- and middle-income countries;
- Provides analytical tools to understand the political economy of health policy, namely, how the political environments, national contexts and economies, and planning systems come together to influence the process of health policy development;
- Introduces the main actors, processes, and contextual features that are typical of or relevant to policy development, especially in the context of global and regional health programmes;
- Discusses the different dimensions of health programmes, strategies, and policies, such as health system strengthening, gender inequalities, human rights impacts, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), human resources for health, and so forth; and
- Reflects on the issues, such as national policy and planning frameworks, relationships with aid donors, policy networks (and civil society organisations), policy implementers and their roles in shaping policy development, and mechanisms for global health governance. |
課程目標 |
At the end of the course, the students are expected to:
- Explain the critical importance of evidence in advancing public health knowledge (D17-6);
- Analyse the roles, relationships, and resources of the entities influencing global health (GH-1);
- Apply ethical approaches in global health research and practice (GH-2);
- Apply monitoring and evaluation techniques to global health programs, policies, and outcomes (GH-3);
- Propose sustainable and evidence-based multi-sectoral interventions, considering the social determinants of health specific to the local area (GH-4);
- Design sustainable workforce development strategies for resource-limited settings (GH-5);
- Display critical self-reflection, cultural humility, and ongoing learning in global health (GH-6);
- Design, implement, and evaluate theory-informed and evidence-based research programs in an academia or practice setting (DGH-3). |
課程要求 |
Students are expected to read assigned readings prior to the lectures and watch pre-class videos before the lectures.
The course is assessed through various in-class activities tailored for different sessions, a two-person midterm presentation, and an individual essay on ‘A critical reflection on the application of evidence-informed policy, practice, and advocacy in global health’ (with a chosen area of interest). Students will select an area of policy, programme, and implementation research in global health, and discuss it in relation to the themes of the course. |
預期每週課後學習時數 |
Office Hours |
另約時間 |
指定閱讀 |
Supplementary material will be distributed before or during the class. |
參考書目 |
- Adams, Vincanne (ed., 2016) Metrics: What Counts in Global Health. Duke University Press.
- Biehl, João & Petryna, Adriana (eds., 2013) When People Come First: Critical Studies in Global Health Princeton. University Press.
- Clinton, Chelsea & Sridhar, Devi (2017) Governing Global Health: Who Runs the World and Why? Oxford University Press.
- Kay, Adrian & Williams, Owain D. (eds., 2009) Global Health Governance: Crisis, Institutions and Political Economy. Palgrave Macmillan. |
評量方式 (僅供參考) |
針對學生困難提供學生調整方式 |
上課形式 |
作業繳交方式 |
考試形式 |
其他 |
由師生雙方議定 |
週次 |
日期 |
單元主題 |
Week 1 |
2/20 |
Introduction: The relationships between data, evidence, and policy
(Po-Han Lee)
[Designated Reading]
• Evidence-Based Global Health (Buekens et al., 2004)
• Evidence-based policymaking in global health – the payoffs and pitfalls (Yamey & Feachem, 2011)
• Evidence-Based Global Public Health: Subjects, Profits, Erasures (Adams, 2013) |
Week 2 |
2/27 |
Peace Memorial Day [和平紀念日調整放假] (no class) |
Week 3 |
3/6 |
Health policy analysis
(Ann Lin)
[Designated Reading]
• Agenda setting analysis for maternal mortality reduction: exploring influential factors using Kingdon’s Stream Model (Babaey et al., 2019)
Divide the class into groups (1-2 persons), who are assigned to do a poster on policy analysis or advocacy work of a chosen topic. |
Week 4 |
3/13 |
Global and national policy environments
(Ann Lin)
[Designated Reading]
Health in the sustainable development goals: ready for a paradigm shift? (Buse & Hawkes, 2015) |
Week 5 |
3/20 |
Mechanisms to advocate policies
(Ann Lin) |
Week 6 |
3/27 |
Case study: Global Health Policy Development
(Ann Lin)
Submission: A poster on policy analysis or advocacy work of a chosen topic (due on 10 April) |
Week 7 |
4/3 |
Children’s Day [兒童節調整放假] (no class) |
Week 8 |
4/10 |
Who runs the world? The power dynamics between the states, experts, and funders
(Po-Han Lee)
[Designated Reading]
• Defining the global health system and systematically mapping its network of actors (Hoffman & Cole, 2018)
• Governing Global Health: Who Runs the World and Why? (Clinton & Sridhar, 2017), Chapter 1
• Governing Global Health: Who Runs the World and Why? (Clinton & Sridhar, 2017), Chapters 3
[In-class discussion 1] Who are the actors capable of determining the way in which global health programmes are designed, planned, and operated?
[In-class discussion 2] Compare the WHO, World Bank, GAVI, and the Global Fund, and define the ‘legitimacy’ of governance/governing. |
Week 9 |
4/17 |
Elements and strengthening of health systems
(Raymond Nien-Chen Kuo)
[Designated Reading]
• Health systems frameworks in their political context: framing divergent agendas (van Olmen et al. 2012)
• A framework for assessing the performance of health systems (Murray & Frenk, 2000)
Divide the class into three groups, who are assigned to do a 20-min presentation on designing a project to evaluate the performance of the health system in the second half of the lecture.
• Choose a country other than home country as an example;
• Propose domains of indicators to measure the performance of its health system;
• Explain the rationale behind the choices;
• Describe the source of data and/or the collaborators who can provide the data;
Discuss the challenges and limitations of your methodology. |
Week 10 |
4/24 |
Access to essential drugs: Perspectives and challenges in Asia’s emerging countries
(Allen Yu-Hung Lai)
[Designated Reading]
• Expanding global access to essential medicines (Roth et al., 2018)
[Optional Reading]
• Clinical utility of and access to cancer molecular diagnostics in Asia (Lai & Nairismagi, 2018)
• Accelerating access to essential medicines in the WHO South-East Asia Region (WHO-SEAJPH, 2018)
Also: Watch Navi Radjou’s (2015) TED talk on ‘Creative problem-solving in the face of extreme limits’ (https://youtu.be/cHRZ6OrSvvI) in advance. |
Week 11 |
5/1 |
Frugal innovation in global health: Implications for the developing world
(Allen Yu-Hung Lai)
[Designated Reading]
• Frugal innovation in medicine for low-resource settings (Tran & Ravaud, 2016)
• WHO recommendations on uterotonics for postpartum haemorrhage prevention (Vogel et al., 2019)
[Optional Reading]
• Liquid biopsies and their implications on Asia (Nairismagi & Lai, 2019)
• WHO compendium of innovative health technologies for low-resource settings (WHO, 2018)
• Global Lessons in Frugal Innovation to Improve Health Care Delivery in The United States (Bhatti et al., 2017)
Divide the class into two groups, who are assigned to do a 15-min presentation in the second half of the lecture.
• Team A’s Topic: A frugal innovation in mobile technology;
• Team B’s Topic: A frugal innovation in medical device and diagnostics;
• Major reference: WHO compendium of innovative health technologies for low-resource settings, 2016- 2017;
• Consider what global health challenge the innovation attempts to address and solve, and why/how this innovation impacts its targeted audience/country/environment;
Substantive criteria include: evidence on efficacy and safety, comparative cost-effectiveness, and sustainability. |
Week 12 |
5/8 |
Mid-term presentation
(Po-Han Lee) |
Week 13 |
5/15 |
Roles of M&E in global health
(Kai-Lih Liu)
[Designated Reading]
• Handbook for Monitoring and Evaluation (ICFC, 2002)
Divide the class into three groups, who are responsible for designing one M&E project.
• Project A: HIV/AIDS/STI peer education project for female sex workers
• Project B: Apsara voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) program
• Project C: Religious leaders against HIV/AIDS
Establish 1 Goal, 3 SMART Objectives, 2 monitoring questions, and 2 evaluation questions for the M&E system. |
Week 14 |
5/22 |
Developing M&E activities for global health projects
(Kai-Lih Liu)
[Designated Reading]
• Monitoring and Evaluating the Transition of Large-Scale Programs in Global Health (Bao et al., 2015)
Following the previous week, every group needs to design: 5 monitoring indicators & 2 evaluation indicators, and propose the data collection methods and data sources for each indicator. |
Week 15 |
5/29 |
Practical and ethical issues in M&E for global health projects
(Kai-Lih Liu)
[Designated Reading]
Who Counts Reality? Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation: A Literature Review (Gaventa, 1998) |
Week 16 |
6/5 |
Revision: How to critically approach evidence-based policymaking in global health?
(Po-Han Lee)
[Designated Reading]
• Un(ac)countable no-bodies: The politics of ignorance in global health policymaking (Lee, 2022)
• Human Rights and Gender Equality in Health Sector Strategies: How to Assess Policy Coherence (WHO, 2011)
[In-class discussion] Policy impact on human rights and gender equality: A qualitative assessment |
Week 17 |
6/12 |
Essay deadline: A critical reflection on the application of evidence-informed policy, practice, and advocacy in global health |